@article{CTT100685307, author = {Shinya Hattori and Masayuki Hara and Hiroyuki Nabae and Donghyun Hwang and Toshiro Higuchi}, title = {Design of an impact drive actuator using a shape memory alloy wire}, journal = {Sensors and Actuators A: Physical}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100685306, author = {Masayuki Hara and Roy Salomon and Wietske van der Zwaag and Tobias Kober and Giulio Rognini and Hiroyuki Nabae and Akio Yamamoto and Olaf Blanke and Toshiro Higuchi}, title = {A novel manipulation method of human body ownership using an fMRI-compatible master–slave system}, journal = {Journal of Neuroscience Methods}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100695123, author = {Yumi Iwago and Masayuki Hara and Hiroyuki Nabae and Toshiro Higuchi}, title = {Study on Downsizing of Impact Drive Mechanism Actuator Using a Shape Memory Alloy Wire}, booktitle = {Conference Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on New Actuators}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100695122, author = {Hiroyuki Nabae and Noritoshi Nakanishi and Toshiro Higuchi}, title = {A New Type of Electromagnetic Actuator Using Displacement Amplification Mechanism}, booktitle = {Conference Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on New Actuators}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100695129, author = {原正之 and 難波江裕之 and 山本晃生 and 樋口俊郎}, title = {ヒトの身体所有感操作時における体温変化についての検討}, booktitle = {ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2013講演論文集}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100695127, author = {難波江裕之 and 中西規敏 and 樋口俊郎}, title = {変位拡大機構一体型電磁アクチュエータを用いたインチワーム型移動機構}, booktitle = {2014年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会講演論文集}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100695128, author = {岩郷佑美 and 難波江裕之 and 原正之 and 樋口俊郎}, title = {形状記憶合金ワイヤを用いたIDMアクチュエータの小型化に関する研究}, booktitle = {2014年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会講演論文集}, year = 2014, }