@article{CTT100780590, author = {Taichi Sugawara and Fumi Kano and Masayuki Murata}, title = {Rab2A is a pivotal switch protein that promotes either secretion or ER-associated degradation of (pro)insulin in insulin-secreting cells}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100773134, author = {Daiki Nakatsu and Fumi Kano and Yuki Taguchi and Taichi Sugawara and Takashi Nishizono and Kiyotaka Nishikawa and Yukako Oda and Mikio Furuse and Masayuki Murata}, title = {JNK1/2-dependent phosphorylation of angulin-1/LSR is required for the exclusive localization of angulin-1/LSR and tricellulin at tricellular contacts in EpH4 epithelial sheet.}, journal = {Genes to Cells}, year = 2014, } @misc{CTT100780838, author = {加納ふみ and 村田昌之}, title = {細胞内生命現象の再構成:病態モデル細胞構築への応用}, year = 2014, } @misc{CTT100781083, author = {加納ふみ and 村田昌之}, title = {細胞内生命現象の再構成:病態モデル細胞構築への応用}, year = 2014, } @misc{CTT100780842, author = {村田昌之 and 野口誉之 and 堀内雄太 and 堀井咲耶 and 加納ふみ}, title = {セミインタクト細胞リシール法を用いた細胞内イベントの可視化解析―「一細胞生物学」の細胞側ツールとして―}, year = 2014, }