@article{CTT100861398, author = {Honami Sato and Akira Ishikawa and Tetsuji Onoue and Yuki Tomimatsu and Manuel Rigo}, title = {Sedimentary record of Upper Triassic impact in the Lagonegro Basin, southern Italy: Insights from highly siderophile elements and Re-Os isotope stratigraphy across the Norian/Rhaetian boundary}, journal = {Chemical Geology}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100864594, author = {Norikatsu Akizawa and Asuka Yamaguchi and Kenichiro Tani and Akira Ishikawa and Ryo Fujita and Sung Hi Choi}, title = {Highly refractory dunite formation at Gibbs Island and Bruce Bank, and its role in the evolution of the circum-Antarctic continent}, journal = {The Canadian Mineralogist}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100860031, author = {Chiaki Toyama and Hirochika Sumino and Nobuaki Okabe and Akira Ishikawa and Junji Yamamoto and Ichiro Kaneoka and Yasuyuki Muramatsu}, title = {Halogen heterogeneity in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle revealed by I/Br ratios in kimberlites and their mantle xenoliths from South Africa, Greenland, China, Siberia, Canada, and Brazil}, journal = {American Mineralogist}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100860032, author = {佐野 貴司 and テハダ マリア ルイザ and 中西 正男 and 羽生 毅 and 三浦 誠一 and 末次 大輔 and 利根川 貴志 and 石川 晃 and 清水 健二 and 淸水 祥伽}, title = {超オントンジャワ仮説の検証 ─地球最大の超巨大火山─}, journal = {地学雑誌}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100849430, author = {Takehi Isse and Daisuke Suetsugu and Akira Ishikawa and Hajime Shiobara and Hiroko Sugioka and Aki Ito and Yuki Kawano and Kazunori Yoshizawa and Yasushi Ishihara and Satoru Tanaka and Masayuki Obayashi and Takashi Tonegawa and Junko Yoshimitsu}, title = {Seismic evidence for a thermochemical mantle plume underplating the lithosphere of the Ontong Java Plateau}, journal = {COMMUNICATIONS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100848054, author = {Steven Goderis and Honami Sato and Ludovic Ferrière and Birger Schmitz and David Burney and Pim Kaskes and Johan Vellekoop and Axel Wittmann and Toni Schulz and Stepan Chernonozhkin and Philippe Claeys and Sietze J. de Graaff and Thomas Déhais and Niels J. de Winter and Mikael Elfman and Jean-Guillaume Feignon and Akira Ishikawa and Christian Koeberl and Per Kristiansson and Clive R. Neal and Jeremy D. Owens and Martin Schmieder and Matthias Sinnesael and Frank Vanhaecke and Stijn J. M. Van Malderen and Timothy J. Bralower and Sean P. S. Gulick and David A. Kring and Christopher M. Lowery and Joanna V. Morgan and Jan Smit and Michael T. Whalen and IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Scientists}, title = {Globally distributed iridium layer preserved within the Chicxulub impact structure}, journal = {Science Advances}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100838626, author = {Hikaru Sawada and Yusuke Sawaki and Shuhei Sakata and Akira Ishikawa and Brian Muteta and Yukio Isozaki and Shigenori Maruyama}, title = {New geochronological constraints on the middle Archean Shurugwi greenstone belt toward an understanding of the crustal evolution of the Zimbabwe Craton}, journal = {Journal of African Earth Sciences}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100860035, author = {Yusuke Kubota and Fumihiro Matsu'ura and Kenji Shimizu and 石川 晃 and 上野 雄一郎}, title = {Missing negative Δ33S reservoir in mantle inferred from 2.7 Ga komatiite}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100860037, author = {Maria Luisa Garcia Tejada and Takashi Sano and Takeshi Hanyu and Anthony Koppers and Masao Nakanishi and Akira Ishikawa and Takashi Miyazaki and Kenichiro Tani and Shoka Shimizu and Qing Chang and Bogdan Vaglarov}, title = {Sampling source heterogeneities that bind the Ontong Java Nui puzzle together}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100860036, author = {Shun Nakano and Akira Ishikawa and Yuichiro Ueno and Tetsuya Yokoyama}, title = {Highly siderophile elements behavior in the Paleoarchean Camel Creek komatiites from East Pilbara Terrane, Western Australia}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100860033, author = {Akira Ishikawa and Natsuki Nakamura and Tetsuya Yokoyama}, title = {Highly siderophile element mobility during serpentinization of mantle wedge peridotite}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100860039, author = {黒田 潤一郎 and 後藤 孝介 and 石川 晃 and 黒柳 あずみ}, title = {海洋リソスフェアと地球表層環境 ~海洋プレート生成史が地球表層環境に与えた影響~}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100860038, author = {小木曽 哲 and 石川 晃 and 秋澤 紀克}, title = {パイロライトモデルを応用した始源的マントルの強親鉄元素存在度の推定}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100860044, author = {秋澤 紀克 and 山口 飛鳥 and 大嶋 ちひろ and 谷 健一郎 and 石川 晃 and 藤田 遼 and CHOI SUNG HI}, title = {Highly refractory dunite formation in Gibbs Island and Bruce Bank, and its role in the evolution of the circum-Antarctic continent}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100860046, author = {西澤 達治 and 三ツ出 唯利 and 中村 仁美 and Churikova Tatiana and Gordeychik Boris and 石川 晃 and 岩森 光}, title = {高-Mg安山岩及び玄武岩中の強親鉄性元素の特徴とカムチャッカ前弧域における第四紀島弧火成活動の成因}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100860047, author = {小澤 恭弘 and 石川 晃 and 羽生 毅 and 清水 健二 and 牛久保 孝行 and 浜田 盛久 and 岩森 光}, title = {Hydrogen isotope of the mantle source in Pitcairn Island}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100860048, author = {Maria Luisa Tejada and Takashi Sano and Takeshi Hanyu and Anthony A. P. Koppers and Masao Nakanishi and Akira Ishikawa and Takashi Miyazaki and Kenichiro Tani and Shoka Shimizu and Qing Chang and Bogdan Stefanov Vaglarov}, title = {Volcanism along the eastern margin of the Ontong Java Plateau: More reasons to test the Ontong Java Nui hypothesis by scientific ocean drilling}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100860040, author = {石川 晃 and 越田 渓子 and 鈴木 勝彦 and 横山 哲也 and 小宮 剛}, title = {Highly siderophile elements in Earth's oldest rocks from Acasta Gniess Complex, Canada: an impact melt origin or not?}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100860041, author = {下田 玄 and 小木曽 哲 and 鈴木 勝彦 and 石川 晃 and 秋澤 紀克}, title = {Role of fluid rock reaction for the production of FOZO isotopic composition}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100860045, author = {三ツ出 唯利 and 西澤 達治 and 中村 仁美 and Churikova Tatiana and Gordeychik Boris and 石川 晃 and 岩森 光}, title = {強親鉄性元素及びRe-Os同位体系から探るSredinny Range北部(カムチャッカ)のマグマ生成プロセス}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, }