@article{CTT100793884, author = {Tomohiro TANAKA and Hidekazu YOSHIOKA and Sokly Siev and Hideto FUJII and Sarann LY and Chihiro Yoshimura}, title = {Performance comparison of the three numerical methods to discretize the local inertial equation for stable shallow water computation.}, journal = {Communications in Communications in Computer and Information Science}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100776555, author = {Kana Hashimoto and Tomohiro TANAKA and Hidekazu YOSHIOKA and Sokly Siev and Khanal Rajendra and Chihiro Yoshimura}, title = {A One-Way Coupling of Local Inertial and Advection-Diffusion Equations for Computing Phophorous Transport in Tonle Sap Lake}, booktitle = {Proceedings of The 3rd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes}, year = 2018, }