@book{CTT100798162, author = {山下幸彦 and 田中聡久 and 鷲沢嘉一}, title = {工学のための 「フーリエ解析」}, publisher = {数理工学社}, year = 2016, } @book{CTT100678092, author = {山下幸彦}, title = {線形システム論}, publisher = {朝倉書店}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100909686, author = {Worameth CHINCHUTHAKUN and David WINDERL and Alvin C.G. VARQUEZ and Yukihiko YAMASHITA and Manabu KANDA}, title = {ANNUAL PAST-PRESENT LAND COVER CLASSIFICATION FROM LANDSAT USING DEEP LEARNING FOR URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS}, journal = {Journal of JSCE}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100854979, author = {山下幸彦 and 若原 徹}, title = {画像領域マッチングのための目標領域特徴量による初期位置探索法}, journal = {電子情報通信学会論文誌D}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100854977, author = {Carlo Ochotorena and YUKIHIKO YAMASHITA}, title = {Anisotropic guided filtering}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Image Processing}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100738756, author = {土方基由 and 稲垣厚至 and 神田学 and 山下幸彦}, title = {熱画像地表面風速場推定法の航空機観測への応用}, journal = {土木学会論文集B1(水工学)}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100742378, author = {Yukihiko Yamashita and Toru Wakahara}, title = {Affine-transformation and 2D-projection invariant k-NN classification of handwritten characters via a new matching measure}, journal = {Pattern Recognition}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100812121, author = {Yokota, T. and Zdunek, R. and Cichocki, A. and YUKIHIKO YAMASHITA}, title = {Smooth nonnegative matrix and tensor factorizations for robust multi-way data analysis}, journal = {Signal Processing}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100678084, author = {Yoshikazu Washizawa and Tatsuya Yokota and Yukihiko Yamashit}, title = {Multiple kernel learning for quadratically constrained MAP classification}, journal = {IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems (letter)}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100678085, author = {Toru Wakahara and Yukihiko Yamashita}, title = {k-NN classification of handwritten characters via accelerated GAT correlation}, journal = {Pattern Recognition}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100666728, author = {Tatsuya Yokota and YUKIHIKO YAMASHITA}, title = {A Quadratically Constrained Maximum A Posteriori Classifier Using the Mixture of Gaussians Models as a Weight Function}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100619226, author = {Hirokazu Yoshino and Chen Dong and Yoshikazu Washizawa and Yukihiko Yamashita}, title = {Kernel Wiener Filter and its Application to Pattern Recognition}, journal = {IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100619225, author = {Yoshikazu Washizawa and Yukihiko Yamashita and Toshihisa Tanaka and Andrzej Cichocki}, title = {Blind extraction of Global Signal form Multi-Channel Noisy Observations}, journal = {IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100619223, author = {Nasharuddin Zainal and Toshihisa Tanaka and YUKIHIKO YAMASHITA}, title = {Moving picture coding by lapped transform and edge adaptive deblocking filter with zero pruning SPIHT}, journal = {IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100619224, author = {Joken Son and Naoya Inoue and YUKIHIKO YAMASHITA}, title = {Geometrically local isotropic independence and numerical analysis of the Mahalanobis metric in vector space}, journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100523220, author = {Yoshikazu Washizawa and Yukihiko Yamashita}, title = {Kernel Projection Classifiers with Suppressing Features of ther Classes}, journal = {Neural Computation}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100523214, author = {Toshihisa Tanaka and Yasutaka Hirasawa and Yukihiko Yamashita}, title = {Variable-length lapped transform with combination of multiple synthesis filter banks for image coding}, journal = {IEEE Trans. on Image Processing}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100506145, author = {Yoshikazu Washizawa and Kenji Hikida and Toshihisa Tanaka and Yukihiko Yamashita}, title = {Kernel relative component analysis for pattern recognition}, journal = {Structural, Syntactic and Statistical Pattern Recognition}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100506144, author = {T. Tanaka and Y. Yamashita}, title = {The generalized lapped pseudo-biorthogonal transform: Oversampled linear-phase perfect reconstruction filter banks with lattice structures}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Signal Processing}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100504012, author = {Yoshikazu Washizawa and Yukihiko Yamashita}, title = {Kernel Sample Space Projection Classifier for Pattern Recognition}, journal = {Proc. of 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100453302, author = {山下幸彦 and 小川英光}, title = {画像空間の位相と最適画像復元フィルタ}, journal = {電子情報通信学会論文誌}, year = 1992, } @inproceedings{CTT100904265, author = {加藤由香里 and 山下幸彦 and 畠山久}, title = {正課外学習支援システム(T2GATE)による教育コンテンツ開発と配信}, booktitle = {第29回日本高専学会 年会講演会 講演論文集}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100904263, author = {加藤由香里 and 山下幸彦 and 畠山久 and 大石敏也}, title = {理系大学におけるFDセミナー改善に向けた異分野教員 チームの構築}, booktitle = {教育システム情報学会研究報告}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100904262, author = {加藤由香里 and 山下幸彦 and 畠山久 and 大石 敏也}, title = {理系大学における英語講義法FD研修の実施 ―研修内容の選択と伝達―}, booktitle = {日本教育メディア学会研究会論集第54号}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100901265, author = {畠山久 and 山下幸彦 and 加藤由香里}, title = {LTIによる学習管理システムと授業評価アンケートシステムの連携の試み}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100854980, author = {YUKIHIKO YAMASHITA and Toru Wakahara}, title = {Stabilized Calculation of Gaussian Smoothing and Its Differentials Using Attenuated Sliding Fourier Transform}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100798161, author = {Toru Wakahara and Yukihiko Yamashita}, title = {Image Registration Using 2D Projection Transformation Invariant GPT Correlation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Joint 2019 International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology & International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100813074, author = {Zhang, Shizhi and Wakahara, Tom and YUKIHIKO YAMASHITA}, title = {Image Matching Using GPT Correlation Associated with Simplified HOG Patterns}, booktitle = {PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2017 SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE PROCESSING THEORY, TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS (IPTA 2017)}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100812506, author = {Ochotorena, C.N. and YUKIHIKO YAMASHITA}, title = {Multi-scale Structure-Preserving image filtering}, booktitle = {2017 IEEE 19th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, MMSP 2017}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100742377, author = {Shizhi Zhang and Toru Wakahara and YUKIHIKO YAMASHITA}, title = {Theoretical Criterion for Image Matching Using GPT Correlation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100742376, author = {Toru Wakahara and Yukihiko Yamashita}, title = {Enhanced GPT correlation for 2D projection transformation invariant template matching}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 37th German Conference on Pattern Recognition}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100678087, author = {YUKIHIKO YAMASHITA and Toru Wakahara}, title = {k-NN Classification of handwritten characters using a new distortion-tolerant matching measure}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100812558, author = {Pang, J. and Au, O.C. and YUKIHIKO YAMASHITA and Ling, Y. and Guo, Y. and Zeng, J.}, title = {Self-similarity-based image colorization}, booktitle = {2014 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2014}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100678089, author = {Toru Wakahara and Yukihiko Yamashita}, title = {GPT correlation for 2D projection transformation invariant template matching}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100668641, author = {若原徹 and 山下幸彦}, title = {GPT相関法による2D射影変換に不変な画像マッチング}, booktitle = {電子情報通信学会技術研究報告}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100666732, author = {横田達也 and アンジェイチホツキ and 山下幸彦}, title = {運動想起型BCIのための被験者間共通空間パターンフィルタ}, booktitle = {信学技報}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100666735, author = {鷲沢嘉一 and 横田達也 and 山下幸彦}, title = {多カーネルを用いた二次制約MAPによるパラメータレスの識別器の実現}, booktitle = {In Proceedings of 28th Signal processing symposium}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100666729, author = {Tatsuya Yokota and Toru Wakahara and Yukihiko Yamashita}, title = {Heteroscedastic Gaussian based Correction term for Fisher Discriminant Analysis and Its Kernel Extension}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IJCNN 2013}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100668640, author = {Kiung Park and YUKIHIKO YAMASHITA}, title = {Image compression by using vector quantization and vector-embedded Karhunen-Loeve Transform}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 28th International Technical Conference on Circuit/Systems, Computers and Communications}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100666731, author = {横田達也 and 若原徹 and 坂野鋭 and 山下幸彦}, title = {正規分布に基づくFisher判別分析の補正項}, booktitle = {信学技報}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100644273, author = {Tatsuya Yokota and Andrzej Cichocki and YUKIHIKO YAMASHITA}, title = {Linked PARAFAC/CP Tensor Decomposition and Its Fast Implementation for Multi-block Tensor Analysis}, booktitle = {LNCS}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100668642, author = {金柱源 and 山下幸彦}, title = {ハミング距離を用いたクラスタリングによる画像分類の高速化}, booktitle = {第15回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム論文集}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100813053, author = {Nopriadi and YUKIHIKO YAMASHITA}, title = {Extended Maximum a Posteriori-based Kernel Classification Trained by Linear Programming (MAPLP) with Adjustment Parameter (MAPLP-P) and Difference-type Objective Function (MAPLP-D)}, booktitle = {2012 INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON NEURAL NETWORKS (IJCNN)}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100812268, author = {Wakahara, T. and YUKIHIKO YAMASHITA}, title = {κ-NN classification of handwritten characters via accelerated GAT correlation}, booktitle = {Proceedings - International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, IWFHR}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100812378, author = {Inoue, N. and YUKIHIKO YAMASHITA}, title = {Simultaneous learning of localized multiple kernels and classifier with weighted regularization}, booktitle = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100812563, author = {Wakahara, T. and YUKIHIKO YAMASHITA}, title = {Acceleration of GAT correlation for distortion-tolerant image matching}, booktitle = {Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100631531, author = {Tatsuya Yokota and Yukihiko Yamashita}, title = {Support Vector Machine with Weighted Regularization}, booktitle = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100629461, author = {Tatsuya Yokota and Yukihiko Yamashita}, title = {Quadratically Constrained Maximum A Posteriori Estimation for Binary Classifier}, booktitle = {LNCS}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100812089, author = {Zainal, N. and YUKIHIKO YAMASHITA}, title = {Removal of blocking distortions using subband transforms in moving picture coding}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition, IPCV 2011}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100812430, author = {Wakahara, T. and YUKIHIKO YAMASHITA}, title = {Affine-invariant recognition of handwritten characters via accelerated KL divergence minimization}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, ICDAR}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100619232, author = {井之上直矢 and 山下幸彦}, title = {標本点ごとにカーネルパラメータを学習するサポートベクターマシン}, booktitle = {信学技報}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100619233, author = {横田達也 and 山下幸彦}, title = {2クラス識別のためのMAP推定に基づく二次制約評価基準}, booktitle = {信学技報}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100619229, author = {Yukihiko Yamashita and Toru Wakahara}, title = {Subspace methods with globally/locally weighted correlation matrix,}, booktitle = {Proc. of 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100619228, author = {Toru Wakahara and Yukihiko Yamashita}, title = {Multi-template GAT/PAT correlation for character recognition with a limited quantity of data}, booktitle = {Proc. of 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100619227, author = {Nopriadi and Yukihiko Yamashita}, title = {Maximum a posteriori based kernel classifier trained by linear programming}, booktitle = {Structural, Syntactic and Statistical Pattern Recognition}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100619231, author = {李佳平 and 若原徹 and 山下幸彦}, title = {スケール不変特徴点を用いた画像の局所的アフィン変換に頑健な対応点探索法}, booktitle = {第13回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム論文集}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100619230, author = {若原徹 and 山下幸彦}, title = {KLダイバージェンス最小化によるアフィン不変画像マッチング}, booktitle = {第13回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム論文集,}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100599320, author = {井之上直矢 and 山下幸彦}, title = {`部分空間SVMのための交差部分空間学}, booktitle = {情報論的学習理論テクニカルレポート2009}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100599317, author = {Yoshikazu Washizawa and Yukihiko Yamashita and Andrzej Cichocki}, title = {Blind source extraction using spatio-temporal inverse filter}, booktitle = {Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2009}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100599315, author = {Nasharuddin Zainal and Yukihiko Yamashita}, title = {Moving picture coding by subband transformation and edge adaptive deblocking filter}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 2009 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100603708, author = {Nasharuddin Zainal and Yukihiko Yamashita}, title = {Subband image coding for still and moving images}, booktitle = {Proc. of 2009 International Symposium on Multimedia and Communication Technology}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100583454, author = {Son Joken and Naoya Inoue and Yukihiko Yamashita}, title = {Numerical analysis of Mahalanobis metric in vector space}, booktitle = {Proc. of 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100583451, author = {鷲沢 嘉一 and Toshihisa Tanaka and Andrzej Cichocki and 山下 幸彦}, title = {Blind global source extraction from noisy observations}, booktitle = {Proc. of 2008 RISP international workshop on nonlinear circuits and signal processing}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100583449, author = {吉野紘和 and 山下幸彦}, title = {Pattern recognition by kernel wiener filter}, booktitle = {Proc. of Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100554690, author = {孫汝軒 and 井之上直矢 and 山下幸彦}, title = {ベクトル空間上のMahalanobis計量のNewton-Raphson法による数値解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100554691, author = {吉野紘和 and 山下幸彦}, title = {カーネルウィーナフィルタによるパターン認識}, booktitle = {第10回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100554688, author = {Yoshikazu Washizawa and Yukihiko Yamashita and Toshihisa Tanaka and Andrzej Cichocki}, title = {Extraction of steady state visually evoked potential signal and estimation of distribution map from EEG data}, booktitle = {Proc. of 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Lyon, France}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100554689, author = {Nasharuddine Zainal and Takashi Ohta and Yukihiko Yamashita}, title = {Moving picture coding by wavelet transform and edge adaptive deblocking filter}, booktitle = {Proc. of the 2007 International Conference on Image Processing Computer Vision, & Pattern Recognition,}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100523243, author = {Naoya Koide and Yukihiko Yamashita}, title = {Asymmetric kernel method and its application to Fisher's discriminant}, booktitle = {Proc. of 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100523236, author = {Yoshikazu Washizawa and Yukihiko Yamashita}, title = {Non-linear Wiener filter in reproducing kernel Hilbert space}, booktitle = {Proc. of 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100532335, author = {Yukihiko Yamashita and Mariko Numakami and Naoya Inoue}, title = {Maxwell normal distribution in a Manifold and Mahalanobis metric}, booktitle = {IAPR}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100812138, author = {Tanaka, T. and YUKIHIKO YAMASHITA}, title = {On perfect reconstruction with lost channel data in lapped pseudo-orthogonal transform}, booktitle = {European Signal Processing Conference}, year = 2004, } @misc{CTT100812613, author = {山下幸彦}, title = {画像符号化のための線形変換}, year = 2013, } @misc{CTT100812649, author = {山下幸彦}, title = {算術符号化}, year = 2012, } @misc{CTT100594302, author = {山下幸彦}, title = {最適画像復元に関する理論的研究}, year = 1993, } @misc{CTT100595230, author = {YUKIHIKO YAMASHITA}, title = {ディジタル画像復元に関する研究}, year = 1985, } @phdthesis{CTT100594302, author = {山下幸彦}, title = {最適画像復元に関する理論的研究}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 1993, } @mastersthesis{CTT100595230, author = {YUKIHIKO YAMASHITA}, title = {ディジタル画像復元に関する研究}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 1985, }