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Hall and Philip S. Crosier and Gembu Abe and Koichi Kawakami and Akira Kudo and Atsushi Kawakami}, title = {Transient inflammatory response mediated by interleukin-1β is required for proper regeneration in zebrafish fin fold.}, journal = {eLife}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100708527, author = {Kazunori Okada and Keiji Inohaya and Takeshi Mise and Akira Kudo and Shinji Takada and Hiroshi Wada}, title = {Reiterative expression of pax1 directs pharyngeal pouch segmentation in medaka}, journal = {Development}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100708528, author = {Kazuhiro Takeyama and Masahiro Chatani and Keiji Inohaya and Akira Kudo}, title = {TGFβ-2 signaling is essential for osteoblast migration and differentiation during fracture healing in medaka fish}, journal = {Bone}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100708529, author = {Akiko Mantoku and Masahiro Chatani and Kazushi Aono and Keiji Inohaya and Akira Kudo}, title = {Osteoblast and osteoclast behaviors in the turnover of attachment bones during medaka tooth replacement}, journal = {Developmental Biology}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100708530, author = {Yuji Ishikawa and Keiji Inohaya and Naoyuki Yamamoto and Kouichi Maruyama and Masami Yoshimoto and Masayuki Iigo and Tadashi Oishi and Akira Kudo and Hironobu Ito}, title = {The Parapineal Is Incorporated into the Habenula during Ontogenesis in the Medaka Fish}, journal = {Brain Behavior and Evolution}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100680856, author = {Yuuki Iida and Kenta Hibiya and Keiji Inohaya and Akira Kudo}, title = {Eda/Edar signaling guides fin ray formation with preceding osteoblast differentiation, as revealed by analyses of the medaka all-fin less mutant afl.}, journal = {}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100680853, author = {Kohei Ito and Mai Morioka and shun Kimura and Mai Tasaki and Keiji Inohaya and AKIRA KUDO}, title = {Differential reparative phenotypes between zebrafish and medaka after cardiac injury}, journal = {Developmental Dynamics}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100712619, author = {Yoshinari, N. and Ando, K. and Kudo, A. and Kinoshita, M. and *Kawakami, A.}, title = {Colored medaka and zebrafish: Transgenics with ubiquitous and strong transgene expression driven by the medaka b-actin promoter.}, journal = {Development, Growth and Differentiation}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100712625, author = {Fujita, M. and Mitsuhashi, H. and Isogai, S. and Nakata, T. and Kawakami, A. and Nonaka, I. and Noguchi, S. and Hayashi, Y. 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