@article{CTT100755340, author = {木村祥裕 and 後藤天志郎 and 的場萌子 and 田村修次}, title = {遠心載荷実験装置を用いた上屋・杭基礎-地盤系における液状化地盤下の鋼管杭の動的メカニズムと終局耐力}, journal = {日本建築学会構造系論文集}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100712003, author = {田村 修次 and 林 和宏 and 時松 孝次}, title = {極大地震動における直接基礎建物の応答と極限支持力}, journal = {日本地震工学会論文集}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100711026, author = {Khosravi, M. and Boulanger, R.W. and Shuji TAMURA and Wilson, D.W. and Guney Olgun, C. and Wang, Y.}, title = {Dynamic centrifuge tests of soft clay reinforced by soil-cement grids}, journal = {Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering}, year = 2016, } @misc{CTT100766021, author = {田村修次}, title = {基礎・地盤の実挙動とモデル化 (特集 構造デザインと数値解析ツール) -- (実挙動のモデル化と解析手法)}, year = 2016, }