@book{CTT100758790, author = {Minoru Nakayama and Kouichi Mutsuura and Hiroh Yamamoto}, title = {Note Taking Activity and its assessment in a Blended Learning Environment}, publisher = {International Ambient Media Association (iAMEA)}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100758773, author = {Minoru NAKAYAMA and Katuaki Suzuki and Chiharu Kogo and Maomi Ueno}, title = {Curriculum development for Educational Technology based on comparisons of course syllabi resources using lexical analysis}, journal = {EAI Endorsed Transactions on e-Learning}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100759204, author = {Minoru Nakayama and Kouichi Mutsuura and Hiroh Yamamoto}, title = {Effectiveness of Student's Note-Taking Activities and Characteristics of Their Learning Performance in Two Types of Online Learning}, journal = {International Journal of Distance Education Technologies}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100749062, author = {Minoru Nakayama and Kouichi Mutsuura and Hiroh Yamamoto}, title = {How Note-Taking Instruction changes Student’s Reflections upon their Learning Activity during a Blended Learning Course}, journal = {The Electronic Journal of e-Learning}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100749052, author = {足立真乙 and 中山実 and 梶井芳明}, title = {有用なハンドアウト作成の評価観点に関する検討}, journal = {日本教育工学会論文誌}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100749051, author = {Minoru Nakayama and Kouichi Mutsuura and Hiroh Yamamoto}, title = {The possibility of predicting learning performance using features of note taking activities and instructions in a blended learning environment}, journal = {International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100749050, author = {中山実 and 六浦光一 and 山本洋雄}, title = {フルオンライン学習で音声情報が及ぼす効果に関する一検討}, journal = {日本教育工学会論文誌}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100758630, author = {寺西顕子 and 中山実 and Theodor Wyeld and Aid A. Mohamad}, title = {ゲームプログラミングの協同作業におけるオンライン討議に関する一検討}, booktitle = {電子情報通信学会技術研究報告}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100758772, author = {Minoru Nakayama}, title = {Changes in student’s reflections on their learning activity due to note-taking skill instructions given during a blended learning course}, booktitle = {Conference abstracts of ICETC/ICDLE2017}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100757569, author = {篠田瑞生 and 中山 実 and 伊藤 泉}, title = {サッカーの試合映像への注視パターンの分析に関する検討}, booktitle = {信学技報}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100758626, author = {白石泰二郎 and 中山実}, title = {HMD装着時の頭部運動による眼球運動や知覚印象の変化}, booktitle = {信学技報}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100758629, author = {中山実}, title = {感情刺激画像に対する瞳孔反応に関する一検討}, booktitle = {信学技報}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100758788, author = {中山実 and 六浦光一 and 山本洋雄}, title = {フルオンライン学習における学習者特性と内省活動との関係}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100758786, author = {Minoru Nakayama and Kouichi Mutsuura and Hiroh Yamamoto}, title = {Analysis of Learner’s Reflections during a fully online course}, booktitle = {Abstract of European Conference on e-Learning 2017}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100758785, author = {Minoru Nakayama and Kouichi Mutsuura and Hiroh Yamamoto}, title = {Relationship between student’s Note taking activity and their reflections during a blended learning course}, booktitle = {Proc. of European Conference on e-Learning 2017}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100758774, author = {Minoru Nakayama}, title = {Chronological analysis of pupil change and eye movement responses during the viewing of emotion-evoking images}, booktitle = {The abstract book of 32nd International Pupil Colloquium}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100758631, author = {Takashi Yamazaki and Minoru Nakayama}, title = {Extracting Acoustic Features of Japanese Speech to Classify Emotions}, booktitle = {Proc. of Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2017}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100758783, author = {Wioletta Nowak and Minoru NAKAYAMA and Martyna Pieniazek and Andrzej Hachol}, title = {Extracting features of pupil light reflex to detect Alzheimer’s disease and aging using chromatic stimuli}, booktitle = {The abstract of 32nd International Pupil Colloquium}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100749058, author = {Akiko Teranishi and Minoru Nakayama and Theodor Wyeld and Eid A. Mohamad}, title = {Effectiveness of Social Media Communication in Game Development Study using Team-based Learning}, booktitle = {Proceedings fo ECSM 2017}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100749059, author = {中山実 and 六浦光一 and 山本洋雄}, title = {ブレンディッド学習におけるノート記録活動が学習者の内省活動に及ぼす効果}, booktitle = {電子情報通信学会技術研究報告}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100749060, author = {Akiko Teranishi and Minoru Nakayama and Theodor Wyeld and Eid A. Mohamad}, title = {Analysis of Game Development Activity using Team-Based Learning}, booktitle = {Proc. of IV2017: 21st International Conference Information Visualisation}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100749061, author = {Minoru Nakayama and Kouichi Mutsuura and Hiroh Yamamoto}, title = {Changes in Student’s Reflection Activity during a Fully Online course in comparison with a Blended Learning Course}, booktitle = {Proc. of IV2017: 21st International Conference Information Visualisation}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100758627, author = {Wioletta Nowak and 中山実 and Martyna Pieniazek and Andrzej Hachol}, title = {瞳孔対光反射の特徴におけるアルツハイマー病や加齢の影響に関する一検討}, booktitle = {電子情報通信学会技術研究報告}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100749057, author = {寺西顕子 and 中山実 and Theodor Wyeld and Eid A. Mohamad}, title = {ゲームプログラミングの協同作業における参加者の活動評価と内省との関係}, booktitle = {電子情報通信学会技術研究報告}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100749056, author = {山崎貴史 and 中山実}, title = {感情音声の音響的特徴量の抽出と感情表現に関する検討}, booktitle = {電子情報通信学会技術研究報告}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100749055, author = {Tetsuya Furuta and Minoru Nakayama}, title = {Changes in Small Eye Movements in Response to Impressions of Emotion-Evoking Pictures}, booktitle = {Proc of ACHI2017: The Tenth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100749054, author = {Wioletta Nowak and 中山実 and Martyna Pieniazek and Andrzej Hachol}, title = {アルツハイマー病による瞳孔対光応答の波形特徴への影響に関する一検討}, booktitle = {電子情報通信学会技術研究報告}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100749053, author = {寺西顕子 and 中山実 and Theodor Wyeld and Aid A. Mohamad}, title = {協同作業におけるSNSコミュニケーションの分析}, booktitle = {電子情報通信学会技術研究報告}, year = 2017, }