This page shows information of the selected researcher. This page consists of two tabs; Detailed Profile and Research Achievements.
- Researcher Information tab
- This tab shows Researcher's Detailed Profile such as Title, Affiliation, Area of Supervision, Research Bases, Research Field, and so on. And this tab also contains links to the Researcher's related web pages.
- Family Name
- Researcher's family name.
- First Name
- Researcher's first name.
- Organization
- Affiliation of the Researcher.
- Title
- Title of the Researcher.
- ResearcherID
- Researcher's Web of Science ResearchID. ID is linked to the researcher profile page in "Web of Science" web site.
- Researcher's ORCID ID. ORCID ID is linked to the researcher profile page in ORCID web site.
- Area of Supervision
- Researcher's Areas of Supervision such as Departments and Majors. Red circle on upper right of the organization name indicates primary area.
- Research Bases
- Researcher's Research Bases.
- Specialized Field
- Researcher's Specialized Field.
- Research Field of Searching for Researchers
- Researcher's Research Field. This is for researcher search.
- Research Theme
- Researcher's Research Theme.
- Researcher Profile
- Link to the researcher profile in STAR Search.
- Lecture Note
- Researcher's Lecture Note. This is linked to Science Tokyo OCW.
- Degree
- Researcher's Degree and Thesis.
- Research Highlight
- Researcher's recent research topic, interests, research output, excellent activities, etc.
- Related Page
- Links to web pages related with the researcher.
- Achievement List tab
- This is a link to a screen containing a list of researcher's research achievements such as papers, books, patents, etc.
The 'Achievements List' tab displays further division into tabs for each year.

The tabs for each year display the last five years. You can slide year tabs by units of 1 or 5 years.
By clicking the [All] tab, you can display everything without tabs divisions.
If you click on the title of a publication, patent, or personal achievement, the individual detailed information will be displayed.
At the bottom of the list, the links [Save as BibTex], [Papers, Presentations, Books, Others: Save as CSV] and [Patents: Save as CSV] allow you to save the research achievements in the respective formats.