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English:Effect of Oxygen Admixture on Excited-State Number Densities of Low-Pressure Argon Plasma Based on Collisional Radiative Model 
Japanese: 土谷裕介, 根津篤, 赤塚洋.  
English: Yusuke Tsuchiya, Atsushi Nezu, Hiroshi Akatsuka.  
Language Japanese 
Journal/Book name
Japanese:第68回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集 
English:Extended Abstracts of the 68th JSAP Spring Meeting 2021 
Volume, Number, Page     no. 8.1    p. 07-052
Published date Feb. 26, 2021 
Japanese:公益社団法人 応用物理学会 
English:The Japan Society of Applied Physics 
Conference name
English:The 68th JSAP Spring Meeting 2021 
Conference site
Official URL https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/jsap2021s/subject/18p-Z17-9/tables?cryptoId=
Abstract Diagnostic techniques for measuring the state of the plasma are important for accurate control of the process plasma.According to previous studies, "a method of non-invasively diagnosing the temperature and density of electrons from the number density of excited states obtained by emission spectroscopy based on the collision emission (CR) model" is possible in principle.However, in actual process plasma, there is a concern that the mixing of process gas will affect the excited state. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the effect on the number density of excited states by incorporating a loss term assuming oxygen molecule contamination into the ArCR model of low-pressure Ar plasma, which is often used for process plasma.

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