"Minoru Nakayama,Masashi Fujimoto","Features of Oculo-motors and their chronological changes in response to varying sizes of visual stimuli",,"International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications",,"Vol. 74","No. 8","pp. 2841-2859",2015,Mar. "Minoru Nakayama,Masashi Fujimoto","Prediction of Viewed Object Sizes using Features of Visual Evoked Potentials and Oculo-motors","UKCI2013","Proceedings of UKCI2013",,,,"pp. 279-285",2013,Sept. "MINORU NAKAYAMA,Masashi Fujimoto","Estimation of viewing stimulus sizes using VEP signal and features of oculo-motors",,"IEICE technical report",," MBE2012-118",,"pp. 155-160",2013,Mar. "Masashi FUJIMOTO,Daisuke MATSUURA,Yukio TAKEDA","Active Suppression of User’s Tremor Effect and Intentional Motion Recognition for Laser Pointer","The 2nd IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science (Asian-MMS2012)","CD-ROM Proc. of The 2nd IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science (Asian-MMS2012)",,,,"pp. 1-7",2012,Nov. "Minoru Nakayama,Masashi Fujimoto","Chronological Accomodation of Oculo-motors in Response to Varying Sizes of Visual Stimuli","2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications","Proceedings of 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications",,,,"pp. 1513-1519",2012,June "Masashi Fujimoto,Yukio Takeda,Daisuke Matsuura","Laser pointer with active suppression of tremor effect and intentional pointing -Recognition of user's intention to estimate essential desired motion-","2012 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of 2012 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","JSME",,,,2012,May "Masashi Fujimoto,YUKIO TAKEDA","レーザーポインタ使用時の手のふるえの影響の抑圧","シンポジウム:スポーツ・アンド・ヒューマン・ダイナミクス2011","日本機械学会 シンポジウム:スポーツ・アンド・ヒューマン・ダイナミクス2011講演論文集",,,,"pp. 406-411",2011,Oct. "Minoru Nakayama,Masashi Fujimoto","Pupillary Oscillations in Response to Varying Sizes of Visual Stimuli","the 29th International Pupil Colloquium","Abstract book of the 29th International Pupil Colloquium",,,," 54",2011,Sept. "Minoru Nakayama,Masashi Fujimoto","Eye accommodation behaiviour in response to sizes of visula stimuli","European Conference on Eye Movements","Abstract Book of ECEM2011",,,," 216",2011,Aug. "Minoru NAKAYAMA,Masashi Fujimoto","Detection of viewing target size using VEP waveform shapes",,"IEICE Technical Report",," HCS/HIP2011-2",," 7-12",2011,May "Masashi FUJIMOTO,Minoru NAKAYAMA","Visibility for Visual Stimulus Using Visual Evoked Potentials",,"The Transaction of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers",,"Vol. J94-D","No. 5","pp. 929-931",2011,May "Minoru Nakayama,Masashi Fujimoto","Estimations of Viewed Object Sizes using a Single-channel of Visual Evoked Potentials","IEEE CIMSIVP 2011","Proceedings of IEEE CIMSIVP 2011",,,," 92-97",2011,Apr. "Masashi Fujimoto,MINORU NAKAYAMA","Visibility for visual stimulus using visual evoked responses",,"IEICE Technical Report",," HCS/HIP2010-21",," 115-120",2010,May