"NAOKO SAIO,Hiroko Shimokawa,FUMIHITO MIYAMOTO","Courses and Facility Planning for the Japanese Credit-based Upper Secondary Schools",,,"Journal of Architecture and Planning","Vol. 84","No. 764"," 2055-2064",2019,Oct. "Hiroko Shimokawa","Building Planning and Community Use of Public High Schools in an era of falling birthrates and an aging society",,,,,,,2019,Sept. "Hiroko Shimokawa","Building Planning and Community Use of Public High Schools in an era of falling birthrates and an aging society",,,,,,,2019,Sept. "Hiroko Shimokawa","Building Planning and Community Use of Public High Schools in an era of falling birthrates and an aging society",,,,,,,2019,Sept. "Hiroko Shimokawa,NAOKO SAIO","States and Issues of Using Closed Public High Schools",,"Journal of Architecture and Planning","Architectural Institute of Japan","Vol. 84","No. 760"," 1361-1370",2019,June "Hiroko Shimokawa,NAOKO SAIO","Management Program and Planning Requirements of School Building Space for Promoting the Involvement with the Region at Public High School",,"Environment Design Research Association Conference",,,,,2018,June "Ryo Ueda,FUMIHITO MIYAMOTO,NAOKO SAIO,Hiroko Shimokawa","総合学科高等学校の系列と校舎平面計画","2016年度日本建築学会大会(九州)","2016年度日本建築学会大会(九州)学術講演梗概集",,,,"pp. 159-160",2016,July "Yoshito Fujii,Hiroko Shimokawa,FUMIHITO MIYAMOTO,NAOKO SAIO","単位制普通科高等学校における教育課程と校舎平面計画 その1 教育課程と普通・特別教室群の配置関係","2016年度日本建築学会大会(九州)","2016年度日本建築学会大会(九州)学術講演梗概集",,,,"pp. 161-162",2016,July "Hiroko Shimokawa,FUMIHITO MIYAMOTO,NAOKO SAIO","単位制普通科高等学校における教育課程と校舎平面計画 その2 教育課程と学校運営及び教室配置","2016年度日本建築学会大会(九州)","2016年度日本建築学会大会(九州)学術講演梗概集",,,,"pp. 163-164",2016,July