"Ryuki Kamano,Osamu Takahashi,Yinli Chen,Daiki Sato","Consideration of wind-load response and control force in a highrise base-isolated building with active control","日本建築学会大会(関東)学術講演会","日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集","Architectural Institute of Japan"," 構造II",,"pp. 729-730",2024,Aug. "Razelle Dennise Agoba Soriano,Daiki Sato,Kou Miyamoto,Yinli Chen,Jinhua She","Wind Force Estimation on a Nonlinear Base Isolated Building by Equivalent-Input-Disturbance (EID) Method","日本建築学会大会(関東)学術講演会","日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集","Architectural Institute of Japan"," 構造II",,"pp. 723-724",2024,Aug. "Yinli Chen,Daiki Sato,Ryuki Kamano,Kou Miyamoto,Jinhua She","Numerical Verification of Peak Factor Approach for High-rise Active Base-isolation Building","日本建築学会大会(関東)学術講演会","日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集","Architectural Institute of Japan"," 構造II",,"pp. 407-408",2024,Aug. "Yunhao Zhang,Daiki Sato,Yinli Chen,Jinhua She,Kou Miyamoto","Control-force spectrum for active base-isolated structures with nonlinear viscous dampers using gain-scheduling control strategy","日本建築学会大会(関東)学術講演会","日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集","Architectural Institute of Japan"," 構造II",,"pp. 397-398",2024,Aug. "Razelle Dennise SORIANO,Daiki SATO,Kou MIYAMOTO,Yinli CHEN,Jinhua She","APPLICATION OF EQUIVALENT-INPUT-DISTURBANCE (EID) METHOD TO ESTIMATE THE WIND-FORCES ON A NONLINEAR MID-STORY ISOLATED BUILDING","The 8th Joint Workshop on Building / Civil Engineering between Tongji & Tokyo Tech","The 8th Joint Workshop on Building / Civil Engineering between Tongji & Tokyo Tech",,,,,2024,June "ZHANG Yunhao,SATO Daiki,CHEN Yinli,SHE Jinhua,MIYAMOTO Kou","Response equivalent model based on gain scheduling for active base-isolated structures with nonlinear viscous dampers","2023年度(第94回)関東支部研究発表会","日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集","Architectural Institute of Japan"," ?",,"pp. 437-440",2024,Mar. "SORIANO Razelle Dennise A.,SATO Daiki,Kou Miyamoto,Yinli Chen,Jinhua She","Wind Force Estimation on a Nonlinear Equivalent SDOF Model by Equivalent-Input-Disturbance (EID) Method","2023年度(第94回)関東支部研究発表会","日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集","Architectural Institute of Japan"," ?",,"pp. 461-464",2024,Mar. "Yinli Chen,Daiki Sato,Kou Miyamoto,Jinhua She,Osamu Takahashi","Gust Factor Approach for Estimating Maximum Response and Control Force in High-Rise Base-Isolated Buildings with Active Structural Control",,"Structural Control and Health Monitoring",,"Vol. 2024",,,2024,Mar. "Kou Miyamoto,Jinhua She,Daiki Sato,Yinli Chen,Razelle Dennise A. Soriano","Wind-load estimation for seismically isolated building by equivalent-input-disturbance approach with robust-control strategy",,"Control Engineering Practice",,"Vol. 145","No. 105853",,2024,Jan. "Yinli Chen,Daiki Sato,Kou Miyamoto,Jinhua She","Gust factor approach for high-rise active base-isolated buildings considering response and control force Part 3: Revision of estimation equation","日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演会","日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集","Architectural Institute of Japan",,,"pp. 97-98",2023,Sept. "Yunhao Zhang,Daiki Sato,Yinli Chen,Jinhua She,Kou Miyamoto","Design Method for Active Base-Isolated Structures with a Gain-Scheduled Controller and Nonlinear Viscous Dampers based on Response-Spectrum","The 7th Joint Workshop on Building / Civil Engineering between Tongji and Tokyo Tech","The 7th Joint Workshop on Building / Civil Engineering between Tongji and Tokyo Tech",,,,,2023,Aug. "Daiki SATO,Ting-Wei CHANG,Yinli Chen","Effects of Different Frequency Sensitivity Models of a Viscoelastic Damper on Wind-Induced Response of High-Rise Buildings",,"Buildings",,"Vol. 12","Number 2182",,2022,Dec. "Daiki Sato,Yinli Chen,Kou Miyamoto,Jinhua She","Gust factor approach for high-rise active base-isolated buildings considering response and control force Part 1: Estimation method and numerical examples","日本建築学会大会(北海道)学術講演会","日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集","Architectural Institute of Japan"," ?",,"pp. 779-780",2022,Sept. "Yinli Chen,Daiki Sato,Kou Miyamoto,Jinhua She","Gust factor approach for high-rise active base-isolated buildings considering response and control force Part 2: Applicable condition of estimation method and suggestion for setting of LQR weighting matrix","日本建築学会大会(北海道)学術講演会","日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集","Architectural Institute of Japan"," ?",,"pp. 781-782",2022,Sept. "Kou Miyamoto,Satoshi Nakano,Jinhua She,Daiki Sato,Yinli Chen,Qing-Long Han","Design method of tuned mass damper by linear-matrix-inequality-based robust control theory for seismic excitation",,"Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics","ASME","Vol. 144","No. 4",,2022,Aug. "Kou Miyamoto,Daiki Sato,Jinhua She,Yinli Chen,Satoshi Nakano","Wind-load estimation with equivalent-input-disturbance approach","2022 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM)","2022 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM)","IEEE",,,"pp. 921-925",2022,July "Kou Miyamoto,Jinhua She,Satoshi Nakano,Daiki Sato,Yinli Chen","Active Structural Control of Base-Isolated Building Using Equivalent-Input-Disturbance Approach with Reduced-Order State Observer",,"Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control","ASME",,,,2022,June "Yinli Chen,Daiki Sato,Kou Miyamoto,Jinhua She","Response-spectrum-based design method for active base-isolated buildings with viscous dampers and hysteretic dampers",,"Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing",,"Vol. 180",,,2022,June "Yinli Chen,Daiki Sato,Kou Miyamoto,Jinhua She","Control-force spectrum considering both natural period and damping ratio for active base-isolated building",,"Actuators",,"Vol. 11","Number 6",,2022,June "Kou Miyamoto,Daiki Sato,Yinli Chen,Jinhu She","Estimation of along-wind force of base isolated building with equivalentinput-disturbance approach","2021年度第92回日本建築学会関東支部研究発表会","日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集","Architectural Institute of Japan"," ?",,"pp. 325-328",2022,Mar. "Yinli Chen","Design method for high-rise base-isolated buildings with active control considering maximum response and maximum control force",,,,,,,2022,Mar. "Yinli Chen","Design method for high-rise base-isolated buildings with active control considering maximum response and maximum control force",,,,,,,2022,Mar. "Yinli Chen","Design method for high-rise base-isolated buildings with active control considering maximum response and maximum control force",,,,,,,2022,Mar. "Kou Miyamoto,Satoshi Nakano,Jinhua She,Daiki Sato,Yinli Chen","Simultaneous robust optimization of tuned mass damper and active control system","IEEE 47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society(IECON2021)","Proceedings of IEEE 47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society(IECON2021)","IEEE",,,"pp. 2651-2655",2021,Oct. "Kou Miyamoto,Daiki Sato,Jinhua She,Yinli Chen,Qing-Long Han","New spectra of responses and control force for design of equivalent-input-disturbance-based active structural control of base-isolated buildings",,"Journal of Sound and Vibration","Elsevier","Vol. 507",,,2021,Sept. "Kou Miyamoto,Yinli Chen,Daiki Sato,Jinhua She","Design method for active base isolation with nonlinear component Part 1: Construction of equivalent linear model","日本建築学会大会(東海)学術講演会","日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集","Architectural Institute of Japan",,,"pp. 545-546",2021,Sept. "Yinli Chen,Daiki Sato,Kou Miyamoto,Jinhua She","Design method for active base isolation with nonlinear component Part 2: Verification of accuracy of equivalence odel and design method using response spectrum","日本建築学会大会(東海)学術講演会","日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集","Architectural Institute of Japan",,,"pp. 547-548",2021,Sept. "Yinli Chen,Daiki Sato,Kou Miyamoto,Jinhua She","Equivalent linear model of active structural control system with hysteretic damper","2020年度第91回日本建築学会関東支部研究発表会","日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集","Architectural Institute of Japan"," ?",,"pp. 357-360",2021,Mar. "Yinli Chen,Daiki Sato,Jinhua She,Kou Miyamoto","CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN FOR HIGH-RISE BASE-ISOLATED BUILDINGS WITH ACTIVE STRUCTURAL CONTROL FOR ALONG-WIND FORCE","第26回風工学シンポジウム","National Symposium on Wind Engineering Proceeding","Japan Association for Wind Engineering",,"No. 26","pp. 114-119",2020,Nov. "Kou Miyamoto,Nobuaki Yasuo,Yinli Chen,Daiki Sato,Jinhua She","Determination of LQR weights by Bayesian optimization method using multiple earthquake waves","IEEE 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society(IECON2020)","Proceedings of IEEE 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society(IECON2020)","IEEE",,,"pp. 2651-2655",2020,Oct. "Yudai Yamaguchi,Yinli Chen,Daiki Sato,Jinhua She,Kou Miyamoto","Design method for control system for high-rise base-isolated buildings combined with active structural control under along-wind force Part 2: Design method and design example","日本建築学会大会","Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting","Architectural Institute of Japan",,,"pp. 657-658",2020,Sept. "Yinli Chen,Daiki Sato,Jinhua She,Kou Miyamoto","Design method for control system for high-rise base-isolated buildings combined with active structural control under along-wind force Part 1: Derivation and accuracy verification of gust factors","日本建築学会大会","Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting","Architectural Institute of Japan",,,"pp. 655-656",2020,Sept. "K. Miyamoto,D. Sato,Y. Chen,J. She","Estimating maximum responses and control force for equivalent input disturbance approach based active structural control","17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering","2020 17WCEE Proceedings","Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering",,,,2020,Sept. "Y. Chen,D. Sato,K. Miyamoto,J. She","CONTROL-FORCE PREDICTION SPECTRUM FOR BASE-ISOLATED BUILDINGS WITH FEEDBACK CONTROL","17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering","2020 17WCEE Proceedings","Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering",,,,2020,Sept. "Yinli Chen,Daiki Sato,Kou Miyamoto,Jinhua She","Estimating the maximum response and maximum control force for high-rise base-isolated buildings with active structural control in along-wind direction",,"Engineering Structures","Elsevier","Vol. 216",,,2020,Aug. "Yinli Chen,Daiki Sato,Kou Miyamoto,Jinhua She","Gust factor approach for Passive base-isolated structure with active structural control","2019年度第90回日本建築学会関東支部研究発表会","日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集","Architectural Institute of Japan"," ?",,"pp. 229-232",2020,Mar. "Yinli Chen,Daiki Sato,Kou Miyamoto,Jinhua She","Gust factor approach to estimating maximum response and maximum control force for high-rise base-isolated buildings with active structural control on along-wind direction","SOFTech Workshop for Young Researchers 2020","Proceedings of SOFTech Workshop for Young Researchers 2020","Consortium for Socio-Functional Continuity Technology SOFTech",,,,2020,Feb. "Daiki Sato,Yinli Chen,Kou Miyamoto,Jinhua She","A spectrum for estimating the maximum control force for passive-base-isolated buildings with LQR control",,"Engineering Structures","Elsevier","Vol. 199",,,2019,Nov. "Yinli Chen,Daiki Sato,Kou Miyamoto,Jinhua She","A Design Method for High-rise Active Base-isolated Building against Along-wind Force","15th International Conference on Wind Engineering","Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Wind Engineering",,,,"pp. 173-174",2019,Sept. "Yinli Chen,Daiki Sato,Kou Miyamoto,Jinhua She","Dependency of control performance to LQR weighting matrix for active structural control under along-wind force","日本建築学会大会","Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting","Architectural Institute of Japan",,,"pp. 905 -906",2019,Sept. "Kou Miyamoto,Daiki Sato,Yinli Chen,Jinhua She","A new spectrum for estimating maximum absolute acceleration and control force of extended EID approach","日本建築学会大会","Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting","Architectural Institute of Japan",,,"pp. 903-904",2019,Sept. "Yinli Chen,Daiki Sato,Kou Miyamoto,Jinhua She","Design Method for Base-isolation structure combined with Active Control Based on the Limitation Conditions of the Responses and Control Force","16th World Conference on Seismic Isolation, Energy Dissipation and Active Vibration Control of Structures","Proceedings of 16th World Conference on Seismic Isolation, Energy Dissipation and Active Vibration Control of Structures",,,,,2019,July "Yinli Chen,Daiki Sato,Kou Miyamoto,Jinhua SHE","Prediction control force spectrum for feedback control","2018年度第89回日本建築学会関東支部研究発表会","日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集","Architectural Institute of Japan"," ?",,"pp. 341-344",2019,Mar. "Kou Miyamoto,Daiki Sato,Yinli Chen,Jinhua SHE","A new spectrum for designing extended-equivalent-input approach system","2018年度第89回日本建築学会関東支部研究発表会","日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集","Architectural Institute of Japan"," ?",,"pp. 329-332",2019,Mar. "Daiki Sato,Yinli Chen,Kou Miyamoto,Jinhua She","Proposal of active control design method for seismically isolated building under earthquake disturbance (Part 2: Design example of seismically isolated reactor building under large earthquake)","日本建築学会大会","Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting","Architectural Institute of Japan",,,"pp. 931-932",2018,Sept. "Yinli Chen,Daiki Sato,Kou Miyamoto,Jinhua She","Proposal of active control design method for seismically isolated building under earthquake disturbance (Part 1: Required control force spectrum and proposal of weight function determination method)","日本建築学会大会","Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting","Architectural Institute of Japan",,,"pp. 929-930",2018,Sept. "Hitoshi Takimoto,Kou Miyamoto,Daiki Sato,Yinli Chen,Jinhua She","Estimation of Equivalent-input-disturbance by response spectrum (Part 2: Designing of feed forward part of EID system)","日本建築学会大会","Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting","Architectural Institute of Japan","vol. B-2",,"pp. 411-412",2018,Sept. "Kou Miyamoto,Daiki Sato,Yinli Chen,Jinhua She","Estimation of Equivalent-input-disturbance by response spectrum (Part 1: Mechanism of disturbance rejection)","日本建築学会大会","Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting","Architectural Institute of Japan",,,"pp. 409-410",2018,Sept. "Yinli Chen,Daiki Sato,Kou Miyamoto,Jinhua She","Performance-Oriented Design Method for Base-Isolation Structure Combined with Active Control","5th Joint Workshop on Building / Civil Engineering between Tongji & Tokyo Tech","Proceedings of 5th Joint Workshop on Building / Civil Engineering between Tongji & Tokyo Tech",,,,,2018,July "Kou Miyamoto,Daiki Sato,Yinli Chen,Jinhua SHE","絶対加速度制御に注目した等価入力外乱手法によるアクティブ制御","2017年度第88回日本建築学会関東支部研究発表会","日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集","Architectural Institute of Japan"," ?",,"pp. 389-392",2018,Mar. "Yinli Chen,Daiki Sato,Kou Miyamoto,Jinhua SHE","1質点系モデルを対象としたアクティブ制御の等価モデルの構築 (その1:LQR重み関数の構造特性・振動特性への影響)","2017年度第88回日本建築学会関東支部研究発表会","日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集","Architectural Institute of Japan"," ?",,"pp. 381-384",2018,Mar. "Yinli Chen,Daiki Sato,Kou Miyamoto,Jinhua She","METHOD OF DESIGNING CONTROL SYSTEM FOR HIGH-RISE SEISMICALLY ISOLATED BUILDINGS WITH ACTIVE CONTROL UNDER ALONG-WIND FORCE",,"Journal of Structural Engineering","Architectural Institute of Japan","Vol. 64B",,"pp. 199-206",2018,Mar. "Yinli Chen,Daiki Sato,Kou Miyamoto,Jinhua SHE","1質点系モデルを対象としたアクティブ制御の等価モデルの構築 (その2:地震と風外乱を用いた等価モデルの精度検証)","2017年度第88回日本建築学会関東支部研究発表会","日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集","Architectural Institute of Japan"," ?",,"pp. 385-388",2018,Mar. "Yinli Chen,Kou Miyamoto,Daiki Sato,Jinhua She","Controller design for vibration control of high-rise building using combination of active control and passive-base isolation (Part 1:Analysis of relationship between base-isolation period and control energy and control power)","日本建築学会大会","日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集","Architectural Institute of Japan","vol. B-2",,"pp. 695-696",2017,Aug.