"Khatanbold Bat-Erdene,HISATO HOTTA,Yoshiko Fukui","An experimental study on influence of transverse beam on ultimate strength of reinforced concrete knee joint (part1)","日本建築学会大会","日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集",,,"# 構造?","pp. 501-502",2017,Aug. "Yoshiko Fukui,HISATO HOTTA,Khatanbold Bat-Erdene","An experimental study on influence of transverse beam on ultimate strength of reinforced concrete knee joint (part2)","日本建築学会大会","日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集",,,"# 構造?","pp. 503-504",2017,Aug. "Yoshiko Fukui,HISATO HOTTA","Bi-directional Seismic Response of Base-isolated Layer with Layered Rubber Support containing Lead Plug","日本建築学会大会","日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集",,"Vol. B-2","# 構造?","pp. 565-566",2016,Aug.