"Taketeru Nagatani","燃料デブリ中のプルトニウム定量のためのパッシブ中性子非破壊測定技術の研究",,,,,,,2023,Sept. "Taketeru Nagatani","燃料デブリ中のプルトニウム定量のためのパッシブ中性子非破壊測定技術の研究",,,,,,,2023,Sept. "Taketeru Nagatani","燃料デブリ中のプルトニウム定量のためのパッシブ中性子非破壊測定技術の研究",,,,,,,2023,Sept. "Taketeru Nagatani","燃料デブリ中のプルトニウム定量のためのパッシブ中性子非破壊測定技術の研究",,,,,,,2023,Sept. "T. Nagatani,H. Sagara,Y. Kosuge,T. Nohmi,K. Okumur","Applicability of Differential Die-Away Self-Interrogation Technique for Quantification of Spontaneous Fission Nuclides for Fuel Debris at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 60","Issue 4","p. 460-472",2023,Apr. "Taketeru Nagatani,Hiroshi Sagara,Yoshihiro Kosuge,Takayoshi Nohmi,Keisuke Okumura","Development of a Method for the Determination of Spontaneous Fission Nuclides in Irradiated Fuel and Applicability to Pu quantification in Fuel Debris by Dual Time Neutron Measurements","International Symposium on Zero-Carbon Energy Systems",,,,,,2023,Jan. "Taketeru Nagatani,Sagara Hiroshi,Yoshihiro Kosuge,Keisuke Okumura","Development of a method for the determination of plutonium in fuel debris by dual times neutron measurements",,"Proc. the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Japan Chapter",,,,,2022,Nov. "Sho NAKAGUKI,,Hiroshi SAGARA,Chi Young HAN,Taketeru NAGATANI","Applicability of DDSI Assay Technique for Pu-240 Effective Mass Quantification in Pu Wastes Including Light-Element Impurities","The AESJ 2021 Annual Meeting","Proceedings of the AESJ 2021 Annual Meeting","Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ)",,,,2021,Mar.