"KANEKO, Hiroaki,ARAKAWA, Sota,NAKAMOTO, Taishi","Dependence of the initial internal structure of chondrule rim on dust size distribution",,"Icarus",,"vol. 374",,,2022,Mar. "ARAKAWA, Sota,KANEKO, Hiroaki,NAKAMOTO, Taishi","Fine-Grained Rim Formation via Kinetic Dust Aggregation in Shock Waves Around Evaporating Icy Planetesimals",,"The Astrophysical journal",,"vol. 927","Issue 2",,2022,Mar. "Taishi Nakamoto,Chihiro Ikeda,Kento Sato,Atsuki Minami,Takashi Mori,Koki Sugawara","微惑星形成時の雷の発生とコンドリュール生成の可能性","日本地球惑星科学連合大会2021",,,,,,2021,June "ARAKAWA, Sota,NAKAMOTO, Taishi","Geometrical structure and thermal conductivity of dust aggregates formed via ballistic cluster-cluster aggregation",,"Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics",,"Vol. 2019","Issue 9",,2019,Sept. "ARAKAWA, Sota,NAKAMOTO, Taishi","Compound Chondrule Formation in Optically Thin Shock Waves",,"The Astrophysical journal",,"Vol. 877",,,2019,June "Kazuaki Homma,Satoshi Okuzumi,Taishi Nakamoto,Yuta Ueda","Rocky Planetesimal Formation Aided by Organics",,"The Astrophysical Journal",,"Vol. 877",,,2019,June "Sota Arakawa,Misako Tatsuuma,Naoya Sakatani,Taishi Nakamoto","Thermal Conductivity and Coordination Number of Compressed Dust Aggregates",,"Icarus",,"vol. 324",,"p. 8-14",2019,May "Makiko Nagasawa,Kyoko K. Tanaka,Hidekazu Tanaka,Hideko Nomura,Taishi Nakamoto,Hitoshi Miura","Shock-Generating Planetesimals Perturbed by a Giant Planet in a Gas Disk",,"The Astrophysical Journal",,"vol. 871",,,2019,Jan. "Kenji Homma,Taishi Nakamoto","Collisional Growth of Icy Dust Aggregates in the Disk Formation Stage: Difficulties for Planetesimal Formation via Direct Collisional Growth outside the Snowline",,"The Astrophysical Journal",,"vol. 868",,,2018,Dec. "Kawauchi Kiyoe,Narita Norio,Sato Bun'ei,Hirano Teruyuki,Kawashima Yui,Nakamoto Taishi,Yamashita Takuya,Tamura Motohide","Earth's atmosphere's lowest layers probed during a lunar eclipse",,"Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan",,"Volume 70"," Issue 5"," id. 84",2018,Oct. "Taishi Nakamoto","惑星系形成","天体形成論 〜過去・現在・未来〜",,,,,,2017,Sept. "Taishi Nakamoto","Distribution of 54Cr Isotope Anomalies in Asteroid Belt","JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017",,,,,,2017,May "Hitoshi Miura,Tetsuo Yamamoto,Hideko Nomura,Taishi Nakamoto,Kyoko K. Tanaka,Hidekazu Tanaka,Makiko Nagasawa","Comprehensive Study of Thermal Desorption of Grain-surface Species by Accretion Shocks around Protostars",,"Astrophysical Journal",,"Vol. 839",,,2017,Apr. "Sota Arakawa,Hidekazu Tanaka,Akimasa Kataoka,Taishi Nakamoto","Thermal Conductivity of Porous Aggregates",,"Astronomy & Astrophysics",,"vol. 608",,,2017,Feb. "Sota Arakawa,Taishi Nakamoto","Rocky Planetesimal Formation via Fluffy Aggregates of Nanograins",,"The Astrophysical Journal Letters",,"vol. 832",," L19",2016,Dec. "Sota Arakawa,Taishi Nakamoto","Compound chondrule formation via collision of supercooled droplets",,"Icarus",,"vol. 276",,"p. 102-106",2016,Sept. "青木和光,阿部 豊,生駒大洋,石川遼子,石渡正樹,SHIGERU IDA,伊藤祐一,Yuichiro Ueno,Tomohiro Usui,Norikazu Ohnishi,大宮正士,Satoshi Okuzumi,門屋辰太郎,木村 淳,葛原昌幸,國友正信,黒崎健二,Hidenori Genda,洪鵬,小久保英一郎,小谷隆行,小玉貴則,小林 浩,小宮 剛,佐々木貴教,Bunei Sato,渋谷岳造,須田拓馬,住 貴宏,関根康人,hiroki sensyuu,空華智子,?田将郎,Futoshi Takahasi,?橋康人,Taku Takeuchi,竹田洋一,田近英一,橘 省吾,舘野繁彦,田中秀和,田村元秀,長澤真樹子,Taishi Nakamoto,成田憲保,はしもとじょーじ,橋本 淳,羽馬哲也,濱野景子,原川紘季,原田真理子,樋口有理可,平林 久,深川美里,福井暁彦,藤井友香,藤原英明,堀 安範,前田太郎,増田賢人,町田正博,松尾太郎,眞山 聡,武藤恭之,村上 豪,百瀬宗武,森島龍司,安井千香子 東京大学 矢野太平,薮田ひかる,山岸明彦,山口正輝,吉田 敬","系外惑星の事典",,,"朝倉書店",,,,2016,Sept. "Honda, M.,Kudo, T.,Takatsuki, S.,Inoue, A. K.,Nakamoto, T.,Fukagawa, M.,Tamura, M.,Terada, H.,Takato, N.","Water Ice at the Surface of the HD 100546 Disk",,"The Astrophysical Journal",,"Vol. 821","no. 2","pp. 6",2016,Apr. "Hiroyuki Tetsu,Taishi Nakamoto","Comparison of Implicit Schemes to Solve Equations of Radiation Hydrodynamics with a Flux-limited Diffusion Approximation: Newton--Raphson, Operator Splitting, and Linearization",,"The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series",,"Vol. 223","no. 14","pp. 18",2016,Mar. "SHIGERU IDA,Taishi Nakamoto","惑星形成の物理",,,"共立出版",,,,2015,Mar. "Yuichi Ito,Masahiro Ikoma,Hajime Kawahara,Hiroko Nagahara,Yui Kawashima,Taishi Nakamoto","Theoretical Emission Spectra of Atmospheres of Hot Rocky Super-Earths",,"The Astrophysical Journal",,"Vol. 801","no. 144","pp. 15",2015,Mar. "Makiko Nagasawa,Kyoko K. Tanaka,Hidekazu Tanaka,Taishi Nakamoto,Hitoshi Miura,Tetsuo Yamamoto","Revisiting Jovian-resonance Induced Chondrule Formation",,"The Astrophysical Journal Letters",,"Vol. 794","no. L7","pp. 5",2014,Oct. "Tsumura, K.,Arimatsu, K.,Egami, E.,Hayano, Y.,Honda, C.,Kimura, J.,Kuramoto, K.,Matsuura, S.,Minowa, Y.,Nakajima, K.,Nakamoto, T.,Shirahata, M.,Surace, J.,Takahashi, Y.,Wada, T.","Near-infrared Brightness of the Galilean Satellites Eclipsed in Jovian Shadow: A New Technique to Investigate Jovian Upper Atmosphere",,"The Astrophysical Journal",,"Vol. 789","no. 122","pp. 6",2014,July "Hiroyuki Kurokawa,Taishi Nakamoto","Mass-loss Evolution of Close-in Exoplanets: Evaporation of Hot Jupiters and the Effect on Population",,"The Astrophysical Journal",,"Vol. 783","no. 54","pp. 11",2014,Mar. "Kei E. I. Tanaka,Taishi Nakamoto,Kazuyuki Omukai","Photoevaporation of Circumstellar Disks Revisited: The Dust-free Case",,"The Astrophysical Journal",,"Vol. 773","no. 155","pp. 10",2013,Aug. "Kyoko K. Tanaka,Tetsuo Yamamoto,Hidekazu Tanaka,Hitoshi Miura,Makiko Nagasawa,Taishi Nakamoto","Evaporation of Icy Planetesimals Due to Bow Shocks",,"The Astrophysical Journal",,"Vol. 764","no. 120","pp. 11",2013,Feb. "Akinori Oka,Akio K. Inoue,Taishi Nakamoto,Mitsuhiko Honda","Effect of Photodesorption on the Snow Lines at the Surface of Optically Thick Circumstellar Disks around Herbig Ae/Be Stars",,"The Astrophysical Journal",,"Vol. 747","no. 138","pp. 12",2012,Mar. "Hiroyuki Kurokawa,Taishi Nakamoto","Effects of Atmospheric Absorption of Incoming Radiation on Radiation Limit of the Troposphere",,"Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences",,"Vol. 69",,"p. 403-413",2012, "Kei E. I. Tanaka,Taishi Nakamoto","Direct Stellar Radiation Pressure at the Dust Sublimation Front in Massive Star Formation: Effects of a Dust-free Disk",,"The Astrophysical Journal Letters",,"Vol. 739","no. L50","pp. 4",2011,Oct. "Akinori Oka,Taishi Nakamoto,Shigeru Ida","Evolution of Snow Line in Optically Thick Protoplanetary Disks: Effects of Water Ice Opacity and Dust Grain Size",,"The Astrophysical Journal",,"Vol. 738","no. 141","pp. 11",2011,Sept. "Hitoshi Miura,Kyoko K. Tanaka,Tetsuo Yamamoto,Taishi Nakamoto,J. Yamada,Katsuo Tsukamoto,J. Nozawa","Formation of Cosmic Crystals in Highly Supersaturated Silicate Vapor Produced by Planetesimal Bow Shocks",,"The Astrophysical Journal",,"Vol. 719",,"p. 642-654",2010,Aug. "Kei E. I. Tanaka,Taishi Nakamoto","A New Mechanism for Mass Accretion Under Radiation Pressure in Massive Star Formation",,"The Astrophysical Journal",,"Vol. 714",,"pp. 309-319",2010,May "Seiji Yasuda,Hitoshi Miura,Taishi Nakamoto","Compound chondrule formation in the shock-wave heating model: Three-dimensional hydrodynamics simulation of the disruption of a partially-molten dust particle",,"Icarus",,"Vol. 204",,"p. 303-315",2009,Nov. "SHIGERU IDA,Taishi Nakamoto","ここまでわかった新・太陽系",,,"ソフトバンククリエイティブ",,,,2009,Sept. "Hidenobu Yajima,Masayuki Umemura,Masao Mori,Taishi Nakamoto","The escape of ionizing photons from supernova-dominated primordial galaxies",,"Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society",,"Vol. 398",,"pp. 715-721",2009,Sept. "Akio K. Inoue,Akinori Oka,Taishi Nakamoto","Effects of scattering and dust grain size on the temperature structure of protoplanetary discs: a three-layer approach",,"Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society",,"Vol. 393",,"pp. 1377-1390",2009,Mar. "Honda, M.,Inoue, A. K.,Fukagawa, M.,Oka, A.,Nakamoto, T.,Ishii, M.,Terada, H.,Takato, N.,Kawakita, H.,Okamoto, Y. K.,Shibai, H.,Tamura, M.,Kudo, T.,Itoh, Y.","Detection of Water Ice Grains on the Surface of the Circumstellar Disk Around HD 142527",,"The Astrophysical journal Letters",,"Vol. 690",,"pp. L110-L113",2009,Jan. "Hitoshi Miura,Taishi Nakamoto,Masao Doi","Origin of three-dimensional shapes of chondrules. I. Hydrodynamics simulations of rotating droplet exposed to high-velocity rarefied gas flow",,"Icarus",,"Vol. 197",,"pp. 269-281",2008,Sept. "Akio K. Inoue,Mitsuhiko Honda,Taishi Nakamoto,Akinori Oka","Observational Possibility of the ``Snow Line'' on the Surface of Circumstellar Disks with the Scattered Light",,"Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan",,"Vol. 60","no. 3","pp. 557-563",2008,June "Hitoshi Miura,Seiji Yasuda,Taishi Nakamoto","Fragment-collision model for compound chondrule formation: Estimation of collision probability",,"Icarus",,"Vol. 194",,"pp. 811-821",2008,Apr. "Hitoshi Miura,Taishi Nakamoto","Shock-wave heating model for chondrule formation: Hydrodynamic simulation of molten droplets exposed to gas flows",,"Icarus",,"Vol. 188",,"pp. 246-265",2007,May "Miura, H.,Nakamoto, T.","Shock-Wave Heating Model for Chondrule Formation: Prevention of Isotopic Fractionation",,"Astrophysical Journal",,"Vol. 651",,"pp. 1272",2006, "Iliev, I. T.,Ciardi, B.,Alvarez, M. A.,Maselli, A.,Ferrara A.,Gnedin, N. Y.,Mellema, G.,Nakamoto, T.,Norman, M. L.,Razoumov, A. O.,Rijkhorst,E.-J.,Ritzerveld, J.,Shapiro, P. R.,Susa, H.,Umemura, M.,Whalen, D. J.","Cosmological Radiative Transfer Codes Comparison Project I: The Static Density Field Tests",,"Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society",,"Vol. 371",,"pp. 1057",2006, "Kato, T.,Nakamoto, T.,Miura, H.","Maximal Size of Chondrules in Shock Wave Heating Model: Stripping of Liquid Surface in a Hypersonic Rarefied Gas Flow",,"Meteoritics and Planetary Science",,"Vol. 41",,"pp. 49",2006, "Ohsuga, K.,Mori, M.,Nakamoto, T.,Mineshige, S.","Super-critical Accretion Flows around Black Holes: Two-dimensional, Radiation-Pressure-Dominated Disks with Photon-Trapping",,"Astrophysical Journal",,"Vol. 628",,"pp. 368",2005, "Miura, H.,Nakamoto, T.","A Shock-Wave Heating Model for Chondrule Formation II: Minimum Size of Chondrule Precursors",,"Icarus",,"Vol. 175",,"pp. 289",2005, "Miura, H.,Nakamoto, T.","Thermal History of Chondrules during Shock-Wave Heating",,"Antarctic Meteorite Research",,"Vol. 18",,"pp. 239",2005, "Nakamoto, T.,Kita, N. T.,Tachibana, S.","Chondrule Age Distribution and Rate of Heating Events for Chondrule Formation",,"Antarctic Meteorite Research",,"Vol. 18",,"pp. 253",2005, "Takeshi Nakazato,Taishi Nakamoto,Masayuki Umemura","A Spectrophotometric Method to Determine the Inclination of Class I Objects",,"The Astrophysical Journal",,"Volume 583",,"pp. 322-329",2003,Jan. "Taishi Nakamoto","天文の事典",,,"朝倉書店",,,"pp. 384-399",2003, "Hitoshi Miura,Taishi Nakamoto,Hajime Susa","A Shock-Wave Heating Model for Chondrule Formation: Effects of Evaporation and Gas Flows on Silicate Particles",,"Icarus",,"Volume 160",,"p. 258-270",2002,Dec. "Nobuhiro Kikuchi,Taishi Nakamoto,Koji Ogochi","Disk-Halo Model for Flat-Spectrum T Tauri Stars",,"Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan",,"Vol. 54",,"pp. 589-597",2002,Aug. "Hajime Susa,Taishi Nakamoto","On the Maximal Size of Chondrules in Shock Wave Heating Model",,"The Astrophysical Journal",,"Volume 564",,"pp. L57-L60",2002,Jan. "Akira Iida,Taishi Nakamoto,Hajime Susa,Yoshitsugu Nakagawa","A Shock Heating Model for Chondrule Formation in a Protoplanetary Disk",,"Icarus",,"Volume 153",,"pp. 430-450",2001,Oct. "Taishi Nakamoto,Masayuki Umemura,Hajime Susa","The effects of radiative transfer on the reionization of an inhomogeneous universe",,"Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society",,"Volume 321",,"pp. 593-604",2001,Mar. "Taishi Nakamoto,Yoshitsugu Nakagawa","Growth of Protoplanetary Disks around Young Stellar Objects",,"The Astrophysical Journal",,"vol. 445",,"p. 330-336",1995,May "Taishi Nakamoto","The Formation and Early Evolution of Protoplanetary Disks",,,,,,,,