"Lorinda Kiyama","How to get my full-time housewife to go to work willingly",,"President",,"Vol. 59","No. 21","p. 39",2021,Oct. "Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA","What kind of person shines as a single adult?",,"President",,"Vol. 59","No. 21","p. 43",2021,Oct. "Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA","Mental Health Issues and Care among Foreign Teens in Japan","Teen Workshops Day",,,,,,2021,June "Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA","Infertility and Adoption Services and Counseling in Japan","International Fertility Counseling Research & Study Group",,,,,,2021,Apr. "Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA","Case Study: Cutting and Suicidality in an Immigrant Family","Process Work Online International Peer Supervision Group",,,,,,2021,Mar. "Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA","Case Study: Gambling & Pornography Addiction in a Devoutly Religious Family","Process Work Institute Case Supervision by Dr. Arnold Mindell",,,,,,2020,Sept. "NORIYUKI UEDA,Akira Ikegami,Koichiro Kokubun,Asa Ito,Kenichiro Isozaki,Takeshi Nakajima,Ryosuke Nishida,Tamio Nakano,Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA,tarou yamazaki,Naoyuki Hayashi,MASAO MUROTA,Yoshimi Takuwa,Tatsuya Yumiyama","新・大学でなにを学ぶか",,"岩波ジュニア新書","岩波書店",,,,2020,Feb. "Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA","A Process-Oriented Approach to Neurodiversity",,"Polyphonia",,,,"pp. 1-6",2020,Jan. "Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA","Adoption Stigma in Japan","American Psychological Association Annual Convention",,,,,,2018,Aug. "Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA","Understanding Autism among Japanese and English-Speaking Support Groups for Partners of Those on the Autism Spectrum","American Psychological Association Annual Convention",,,,,,2018,Aug. "Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA","Fostering Multicultural Identity among Dual National Children in Japanese Schools","International School Psychology Association Conference",,,,,,2018,July "Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA","Infant Adoption Mediation in Japan: A Phenomenological Study",,,,,,,2018,July "Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA","Roundtable Presentation: Fostering Post-National Identity among Multicultural Children in Japanese Schools",,,,,,,2018,July "Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA","Pre- and Postnatal Attachment: Neuroscience for Adoption Workers","Japan Adoption Agencies Association",,,,,,2018,June "Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA","Process-Oriented Approaches to Understanding and Working with Neurodiversity",,,,,,,2018,June "Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA","Multicultural Identity and Language Acquisition among Multicultural Families in Japan","Bilingualism Special Interest Group, PanSIG Conference, Japan Association for Language Teaching",,,,,,2018,May "Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA","When Your Partner is on the Autism Spectrum: Cognitive Behavioral Strategies for Non-Spectrum Partners","6th Asian Cognitive Behavior Therapy Conference",,,,,,2018,Feb. "Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA","A Phenomenological Study of the Experiences of Infant Adoption Mediators in Japan",,"Polyphonia",,,,"pp. 33-68",2018,Jan. "Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA","神に奉納する能ーアメリカ人が感じた魅力と魔力","おおた区民大学",,,,,,2017,Nov. "Lorinda Robertson Kiyama","A Phenomenological Study of the Experiences of Infant Adoption Mediators in Japan",,,,,,,2016,Dec. "Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA","Reconstructing the Social Order through Shrine Noh in Earthquake-Traumatized Kumamoto","Anthropology of Japan in Japan Conference",,,,,,2016,Nov. "Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA","English Literacy Education among Multicultural Families in Japan","Japan Association for Language Teaching 42nd Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning",,,,,,2016,Nov. "Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA","Adoption Stigma in Japan as Perceived by Japanese Adoption Mediators","23rd Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology",,,,,,2016,Aug. "Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA","Infant Adoption Mediation in Japan: Visions for the Future","International Council of Psychologists 74th Annual Conference",,,,,,2016,July "Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA","Bilingualism and Boys: Parent Perspectives","Japan Association for Language Teaching 41st Annual International Congress",,,,,,2015,Nov. "Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA","How Japanese Adoption Mediators Envision the Future of Social Welfare in Japan","Asian Studies Conference Japan",,,,,,2015,June "Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA","Japanese Adoption Mediators’ Visions for the Future of Social Welfare in Japan","Anthropology of Japan in Japan Annual Conference",,,,,,2014,Nov. "YASUKI SAEKI,Tetsuo Uenishi,Takayoshi Ogawa,Yuki ISHIHARA,DAISUKE HARADA,MASATOSHI TAMURA,TATSURO SATSUMA,Yoriko Kitagawa,リース・モートン,時田アリソン,Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA,kunio Takayanagi,ISAO SATOH,SADAOKI FURUI,HIDEYA YUASA,Hiraku Sakamoto","東工大英単",,,"研究社",,,,2011,Feb. "Lorinda R. Kiyama","Reflections on the Third Annual English Speech Contest",,"Tokyo Institute of Technology Foreign Language Research and Teaching Center Newsletter",,"Vol. 13",,"pp. 14-15",2007,Mar. "木山ロリンダ","プロセス指向な妊娠生活",,"Japan Process Work Association",,"Vol. 9",,"pp. 8-9",2007,Jan. "木山ロリンダ","プレイバックシアターと夢幻能?”場”が生み出す”意味”?","日本比較文学会東京例会",,,"Vol. *",,,2007,Jan. "Lorinda R. Kiyama","Country Mouse, City Mouse: Survival Tactics of Noh and Kyogen Troupes in Central Kyushu","Anthropology of Japan in Japan 9th Annual Conference","*",,"Vol. *",,,2006,Oct. "木山ロリンダ","読書のすすめ:「紛争の心理学」",,"東工大クロニクル",,"Vol. 409",,"pp. 11",2006,Apr. "桃井文央,木山ロリンダ","弟11回日本心理劇学会・弟31回西日本心理劇学会",,"Japanese Journal of Psychotherapy",,"Vol. 32","No. 2","pp. 126",2006,Apr. "木山ロリンダ","オープン・レクチャー「ささやかな祈りーー2億7千万の地雷」について",,"東京工業大学外国語研究教育センターNewsletter",,"Vol. 12",,"pp. 21-22",2006,Mar. "Lorinda R. Kiyama","Companion Animals and Human Health: An Overview",,"Word and Act",,"Vol. 10",,"pp. 91-124",2006,Mar. "木山ロリンダ","初心に戻って",,"東京工業大学外国語研究教育センターNewsletter",,"Vol. 12",,"pp. 23-24",2006,Mar. "Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA",,,,,,,,2005,Dec. "桃井文央,木山ロリンダ,山口成良,松原三郎","(合唱+ダンス療法+サイコドラマ+プレイバックシアター)÷4","弟11回日本心理劇学会 弟31回西日本心理劇学会","松原病院",,,,"pp. 1?49",2005,Dec. "桃井文央,木山ロリンダ,山口成良,松原三郎","(合唱+ダンス療法+サイコドラマ+プレイバックシアター)÷4","第11回日本心理劇学会 弟31回西日本心理劇学会 合同熊本大会 「ノンバーバルの力」","日本心理劇学会 西日本心理劇学会",,"Vol. *","No. *","pp. *",2005,Dec. "木山ロリンダ","Shrine Noh and Resistance to the Iemoto System in Central Kyushu","Anthropology of Japan in Japan 8th Annual Meeting "Culture, Identity and Politics: Ethnography in/of Japan"","Anthropology of Japan in Japan",,"Vol. *","No. *","pp. *",2005,Nov. "木山ロリンダ","Therapeutic Theatre: The Intersection of Noh and Playback Theatre at a Japanese Mental Clinic","11th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies","European Association for Japanese Studies",,"Vol. *","No. *","pp. *",2005,Sept. "木山ロリンダ","2次プロセス=英語が好き!会の由来",,"日本プロセスワーク協会ニュースレター",,"Vol. 6",,"pp. 5?6",2005,July "木山ロリンダ","Therapeutic Theatres: Noh and Playback Theatre at a Japanese Clinic","Ninth Annual Asian Studies Conference Japan","Asian Studies Conference Japan",,"Vol. *","No. *","pp. *",2005,June "木山ロリンダ","When You Dance You Are a Buddha: Female Piety in the Modern Shingon Buddhist Church","Women's Worlds 2005 9th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women Embracing the Earth East-West, North-South","International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women",,"Vol. *","No. *","pp. *",2005,June "木山ロリンダ","謡と囃子と舞をもって神と心を遊ばせよーー九州中心部の奉納能をめぐって","尚絅学園平成17年度公開講座","尚絅大学",,"Vol. *","No. *","pp. *",2004,July "木山ロリンダ","謡と囃子と舞をもって神と心を遊ばせよーー九州中心部の奉納能をめぐって",,"尚絅講座",,,,"pp. 86?92",2004,July "木山ロリンダ","Pilgrimage Song-Dance in Contemporary Japan","Eighth Annual Asian Studies Conference Japan","Asian Studies Conference Japan",,"Vol. *","No. *","pp. *",2004,June "木山ロリンダ","能伝承過程の不思議","金春松融会主催公開能セミナー","金春松融会",,"Vol. *","No. *","pp. *",2003,July "木山ロリンダ(翻訳)","Is there a tomorrow for a Japanese society without hope? A dialogue between Kaneko Masaru and Kaneko Masaomi",,"世界 岩波書店",,"Vol. 710",,"pp. 75-84",2003,Feb. "木山ロリンダ","Goeika Song and Dance in Celebration of Kobo Daishi's Birth",,"Shokei Daigaku Kenkyu Kiyo",,"Vol. 26",,"pp. 51-89",2003, "木山ロリンダ","Questioning Japan's 'closed country' policy on refugees",,"世界 岩波書店",,"Vol. 703",,"pp. 143?150",2002,July "木山ロリンダ","能の魔力と魅力","くらしの中の科学と文化 尚絅学園平成15年度公開講座","尚絅大学",,"Vol. *","No. *","pp. *",2002,July "木山ロリンダ","能の魔力と魅力",,"くらしの中の科学と文化 尚絅学園",,,,"pp. 10?11",2002,July "木山ロリンダ","The Poetics of Performative Preaching","Sixth Annual Asian Studies Conference Japan","Asian Studies Conference Japan",,"Vol. *","No. *","pp. *",2002,June "木山ロリンダ","On the Translation of Waka Poetry: Love and Pain in Separation, from the Collection of Treasures (Hobutsushu)",,"Shokei Daigaku Kenkyu Kiyo",,"Vol. 25",,"pp. 95?130",2002,Feb. "木山ロリンダ","Mutsura",,"Two Lines",,,,"pp. 114-125",2002, "木山ロリンダ","紫式部堕地獄伝説におけるジェンダーの一考察","熊本・大学国語国文学会 年講演会","熊本・大学国語国文学会",,"Vol. *","No. *","pp. *",2001,Nov. "木山ロリンダ","Medieval Japanese Buddhist Perspectives on Gender and Literature: Wild Words, Fancy Phrases, and the Damnation of Murasaki Shikibu","Across Time and Genre: Reading and Writing Japanese Women's Texts","University of Alberta, Canada",,"Vol. *","No. *","pp. *",2001,Aug. "木山ロリンダ","Primers on Preaching: Inventing the Way of Shodo in Tenporin Hiden","Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference","Association for Asian Studies",,"Vol. *",,"pp. *",2001,Mar. "木山ロリンダ","東京国立博物館蔵「飛鳥時代鵲尾形柄香炉」解説の英訳",,"日本国立博物館国宝プロジェクト",,,,"pp. 博物館内及びインターネット上",2001,Feb. "木山ロリンダ","東京国立博物館蔵「飛鳥時代灌頂幡」解説の英訳",,"日本国立博物館国宝プロジェクト",,,,"pp. 博物館内及びインターネット上",2001,Feb. "木山ロリンダ","東京国立博物館蔵「奈良時代竹厨子」解説の英訳",,"日本国立博物館国宝プロジェクト",,,,"pp. 博物館内",2001,Feb. "木山ロリンダ","Translation of Takahashi Tetsuya's Why must Japan apologize for war while the United States has not apologized for the atomic bombings?",,"世界 岩波書店",,"Vol. 687",,,2001, "木山ロリンダ","唱導とは何かーー唱導文学研究史","名古屋大学比較人文学科セミナー","名古屋大学",,"Vol. *","No. *","pp. *",2000,Nov. "木山ロリンダ","The Art and Politics of Persuasion in Medieval Japan","19th Annual Western Humanities Alliance Conference, The Pious and the Profane: Religion and Public Culture","Western Humanities Alliance",,"Vol. *","No. *","pp. *",2000,Oct. "木山ロリンダ","Performing Hell in Medieval Japan","Asian Studies Conference Japan","Asian Studies Conference Japan",,"Vol. *","No. *","pp. *",2000,June "木山ロリンダ","日本文化を教えて:詐欺師、漏斗、プリズム?",,"京都国際文化協会ニュースレター",,,"No. 26","pp. 21?26",2000,Mar. "木山ロリンダ","Dancing Hell in Japanese Noh","Dance Under Construction Conference","University of California, Riverside",,"Vol. *","No. *","pp. *",2000,Mar. "木山ロリンダ","日本文化を教えて:詐欺師、漏斗、プリズム?","京都国際文化協会","京都国際文化協会",,"Vol. *","No. *","pp. *",1999,Oct. "木山ロリンダ","Public Poetry Reading of My Translation of Saigyo's Jigokue o mite","Two Lines Publication Poetry Reading","Two Lines",,"Vol. *","No. *","pp. *",1999,May "木山ロリンダ","Tours of Hell and the Six Paths in Medieval Japan","Stanford Humanities Center Lecture Series","Stanford Humanities Center",,"Vol. *","No. *","pp. *",1999,May "L.R. Kiyama","On Seeing a Painting of Hell--Saigyo's Jigokue o mite",,"Two Lines",,,,"pp. 119-133",1999, "木山ロリンダ(翻訳)","英訳:高橋亨の「物語の老人」","Les Vieux Sages, Merlin Eurasiatique","名古屋大学",,,,"pp. 190?195",1999, "木山ロリンダ","The Power of Pain: Exile and Tours of Hell in Medieval Japan","Taboos Past & Present Conference","University of Colorado, Boulder",,"Vol. *","No. *","pp. *",1998,Apr. "Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA","伝平康頼著「宝物集」巻1?4の英訳と論考",,,,,,,1998,Jan. "木山ロリンダ","The Six Paths in Japanese Painting, Literature, and Ritual","Japanese Landscapes of Pilgrimage and Travel Conference","Stanford University",,"Vol. *","No. *","pp. *",1997,June