"Yuki ISHIHARA",""On the Mirative Use of Quotative Complementizers and Exclamatives in Japanese"","56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea",,,,,,2023,Aug. "Yuki ISHIHARA","On Predicate Doubling and Verum in Japanese","55th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea",,,,,,2022,Aug. "Yuki ISHIHARA","「音と形態のインターフェイス」",,"『言語研究の世界?生成文法からのアプローチ』(大津由紀雄ほか監修、杉崎鉱司ほか編集)","研究社",,,"p. 68-70",2022,Feb. "Yuki ISHIHARA","Root Complementizer tte in Japanese",,"Japanese/Korean Linguistics","CSLI Publications","Vol. 28",,,2021,Sept. "Yuki ISHIHARA","Root Complementizer tte in Japanese","The 28th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference",,,,,,2020,Sept. "Yuki ISHIHARA","Syntactic Doubling of Predicates in Japanese",,,,,,,2019,Apr. "Yuki ISHIHARA","Review: The Syntax of Yes and No",,"English Linguistics","Kaitakusha","Volume 35","Number 1","pp. 184-192",2018,Sept. "Yuki ISHIHARA","Tense Intervention Effect in Negative Emphasis: A Case Study in Japanese","The 92nd Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America","Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 1-8",2018,Mar. "Yuki ISHIHARA","Tense Intervention Effect in Negative Emphasis: A Case Study in Japanese","LSA 2018 Annual Meeting",,,,,,2018,Jan. "Yuki Ishihara","VP-Focus Pseudocleft Sentences in Japanese: An Argument for Question-Answer Pair Analysis",,"Proceedings of the Florida Linguistics Yearly Meeting (FLYM) 3","Florida Linguistics Papers",,,,2017,Mar. "Yuki ISHIHARA","VP-Focus Pseudocleft Sentences in Japanese: An Argument for Question-Answer Pair Analysis","Florida Linguistics Yearly Meeting 3",,,,,,2016,Mar. "Yuki ISHIHARA","Voice Matching Effect in Specificational Pseudocleft Sentences in Japanese","Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics 8",,,,,,2016,Feb. "Yuki Ishihara","Negation in the Predicate Reduplication Construction in Japanese",,"Linguistic Research: Working Papers in English Linguistics",,"Vol. 30",,"pp. 1-21",2015,Mar. "Yuki ISHIHARA","日本語の述語繰り返し構文による極性の強調について","日本言語学会第149回大会","日本言語学会第149回大会予稿集",,,,"pp. 314-319",2014,Nov. "Yuki ISHIHARA","A Syntactic Analysis of Two Types of Predicate Reduplication in Japanese","LSA 2014 Annual Meeting","LSA Annual Meeting Extended Abstracts 2014","Linguistic Society of America",,,,2014,Oct. "Yuki ISHIHARA","Verbal Reduplication for Polarity Emphasis in Japanese",,"Linguistic Research: Working Papers in English Linguistics",,"Vol. 29",,"pp. 31-58",2013,Dec. "Yuki ISHIHARA","Nominalization in the Japanese Predicate Doubling Construction",,"English Linguistics",,"Vol. 30","No. 1","pp. 269-291",2013,June "Yuki ISHIHARA","On the Syntactic and Semantic Properties of VP Foci in Pseudocleft Sentences in Japanese",,"Linguistic Research: Working Papers in English Linguistics",,"Vol. 28",,"pp. 35-53",2012,Dec. "Yuki ISHIHARA","The Structure and Derivation of the VP Focus Pseudocleft Sentences in Japanese",,"Linguistic Research: Working Papers in English Linguistics",,"Vol. 28",,"pp. 55-73",2012,Dec. "Yuki Ishihara","On the Predicateless Copula Construction in Japanese",,"Linguistic Research: Working Papers in English Linguistics",,"Vol. 27",,"pp. 73-87",2011,Dec. "Yuki Ishihara","Ellipsis of Word Parts in Japanese",,"FLC言語文化論叢Polyphonia","東京工業大学FLC言語文化研究会","vol. 3",,"pp. 91-116",2011,Mar. "YASUKI SAEKI,Tetsuo Uenishi,Takayoshi Ogawa,Yuki ISHIHARA,DAISUKE HARADA,MASATOSHI TAMURA,TATSURO SATSUMA,Yoriko Kitagawa,リース・モートン,時田アリソン,Lorinda Robertson KIYAMA,kunio Takayanagi,ISAO SATOH,SADAOKI FURUI,HIDEYA YUASA,Hiraku Sakamoto","東工大英単",,,"研究社",,,,2011,Feb. "Yuki ISHIHARA","述語重複構文と名詞化について(スチューデントワークショップ「名詞的要素の範疇縦断的・横断的な分布と解釈」)","日本英語学会第29回全国大会",,,,,,2011, "Yuki ISHIHARA","Non-identical Verb Forms in the Japanese Predicate Doubling Construction",,"Linguistic Research","The University of Tokyo English Linguistics Associatioin","vol. 26",,"pp. 39-65",2010,Sept. "Yuki ISHIHARA","Null and Lexical Subjects of Gerunds",,"English Linguistics","English Linguistic Society of Japan at Kaitakusha","Volume 26","Number 2","pp. 497-527",2009,Dec. "Yuki ISHIHARA","A Note on the Infinitival Complements of Perception Verbs",,"Linguistic Research","The University of Tokyo English Linguistics Association",,"No. 25","pp. 103-112",2009,July "Yuki Ishihara","Regularities and Idiosyncrasies in the Lexicon: A Case Study of Semi-fixed Expressions in English","The 25th International Conference on Lexis and Grammar","XXV International Conference: Lexis & Grammar, Programme & Abstracts",,,,"pp. 87-88",2006,Sept. "Yuki Ishihara","Syntax and Lexicon: A Study of Two Types of VV Idioms in English",,"言語文化論叢",,"Vol. 10",,"pp. 71-90",2006,Mar. "Yuki Ishihara","Syntactic Derivation of VV Idioms in English",,"The World of Linguistic Research: A Festschrift for Kinsuke Hasegawa on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday","開拓社",,,"pp. 70-81",2005,Sept. "Yuki Ishihara","On VV Idioms in English","The First International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English","The First International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English, Book of Abstracts",,,,"pp. unpaged",2005,June "Yuki ISHIHARA","英語の複合述語について,『英語青年』",,"研究社",,"Vol. 150","No. 12","pp. 721-723",2005,Mar. "Yuki Ishihara","Some Notes on Sensory Copulas in English",,"Word and Act",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 85-101",2002, "Yuki ISHIHARA","レクシス英和辞典(花本金吾、野村恵造、林龍次郎編)",,,"旺文社",,,,2002, "Yuki ISHIHARA,今西典子編","文法II:英語学文献解題 第5巻",,,"研究社",,,"pp. 56-58, 109-110, 119-120, 161-163, 280-282",2001, "Yuki Ishihara,Tohru Noguchi","On the Inflection Condition of Come/Go + V Construction","The 36th Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society","The Proceedings from The Panels of the Chicago Linguistic Society's 36th Meeting",,"Vol. 36-2",,"pp. 133-146",2000, "Yuki ISHIHARA","「学校文法」が教えてくれなかったこと",,"理工系大学生のための英語ハンドブック","三省堂",,,"pp. 84-95",2000, "Yuki Ishihara","Some Notes on Infinitival Complements of Help",,"Word and Act",,"Vol. 5",,"pp. 19-38",1999, "Yuki ISHIHARA","On the Occurrence of Bare Infinitives in English","第15回日本英語学会全国大会","Papers from the Fifteenth National Conference of the English Linguistics Society of Japan",,,"No. 15","pp. 61-70",1998, "Yuki Ishihara,Tohru Noguchi","On the Morphosyntax of Come/Go + V Construction","The 4th Morphology and the Lexicon Forum",,,,,,1998, "Yuki ISHIHARA,Tohru NOGUCHI","A Note on Come/Go + V Construction",,"Word and Act",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 41-59",1998, "Yuki Ishihara","A Note on Minimal Projection",,"Word and Act",,"Vol. 1","No. 1","pp. 69-86",1997, "Yuki Ishihara","Review of Lust et al. eds. Syntactic Theory and First Language Acquisition: Cross-linguistic Perspectives, vol. 1 Heads, Projections and Learnability",,"Studies in English Literature",,,"No. EN","pp. 93-99",1997, "Yuki Ishihara","Clausal Complementation to┣DBWant(/)-┫DB-Type Verbs",,"Humanities Review",,,"No. 21","pp. 67-76",1995, "Yuki Ishihara","Some Notes on Resultatives",,"A Festschrift for Professor Kinsuke Hasegawa on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday","研究社",,,"pp. 79-92",1995, "Yuki Ishihara","A Note on the Extended Projection Principle",,"Linguistic Research : Working Papers in English Linguistics",,"Vol. 12",,"pp. 69-78",1994, "Yuki ISHIHARA","On the Theory of Markedness: A Study of Some Marked Constructions in English",,,,,,,1992,Feb. "Yuki ISHIHARA","wantのとる補文構造について","第17回神戸女学院大学英文学会",,,,,,1992, "Yuki ISHIHARA","Raising to Object Revisited","日本英語学会第10回全国大会",,,,,,1992, "Yuki Ishihara","Some Arguments for Raising to Object",,"Linguistic Research:Working Papers in English Linguistics",,,"No. 10","pp. 1-28",1992, "Yuki Ishihara","An Note on XP-Internal Subject Hypothesis",,"Linguistic Research : Working papers in English Linguistics",,"Vol. 9",,"pp. 69-99",1991, "Yuki Ishihara","On the Structural Position of Secondary Predicates",,"Linguistic Research : Working Papers in English Linguistics",,"Vol. 8",,"pp. 1-32",1990,