"Saiko Aoki,Yuwen Cheng,Takuya Ota,Takako Yoshida","Multisensory Synergistic Effects of Visual and Frictional Stimuli on Finger Sliding Behavior and Tactile Perception","9th International Tribology Conference, Fukuoka 2023",,,,,,2023,Sept. "Junhui Kim,Takako Yoshida","The critical temporal delay between gaze shift and visual feedback for maintaining a sense of agency ? Gaze-contingent multiresolutional display study.","European Conference on Visual Perception on-line",,,,,,2021,Aug. "Yusuke Hachisuga,Takako Yoshida","ドライバーの運転行動に対する中心・周辺視野欠損の影響―Eye-tracker内蔵HMD を用いたドライビングシミュレータによる検討―","日本視覚学会冬季大会","Vision",,"Vol. 33","No. 1",,2021,Jan. "Hachisuga,Takako Yoshida","Effect of central and peripheral visual-field defects simulated by a head mounted display with eye tracker on driving speed and lane position control",,,"Virtual OPAM 28.",,,,2020,Nov. "Junhui Kim,Takako Yoshida","視線位置に応じた多重解像度ディスプレイで制御感覚が失われる臨界遅延時間","日本視覚学会冬季大会","Vision",,,,,2020,Jan. "Yusuke Hachisuga,Takako Yoshida","VRを用いた視野欠損者の運転体験シミュレータの開発と評価","日本視覚学会冬季大会","Vision",,,,,2020,Jan. "Alfonso Balandra,Hironori Mitake,Takako Yoshida,Shoichi Hasegawa","Selective listening attention enhancement, using a simultaneous visual and haptic stimuli",,"Journal of New Music Research",,"Volume 48","Issue 3","pp. 294-308",2019,Mar. "Shota Tanaka,Koichi Suzumori,Hiroyuki Nabae,Takako Yoshida","An fMRI study to investigate the brain signatures for user’s feelings and experiences when using wearable robots","The 17th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference(SI2016)","Proceedings of the 17th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference","The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers",,,"pp. 2296-2301",2016,Dec. "Shota Tanaka,Hiroyuki Nabae,Koichi Suzumori,Takako Yoshida","Development of MRI compatible pneumatic wearable actuator","2016 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2016 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,," 2P1-12b6",2016,June "Saiko Aoki,Shogo Komuro,Takako Yoshida,Masabumi Masuko","The Correlation between Perceptual Stimuli and Friction Characteristics of Finger Slid on the Molecular-Film-Coated Solid Surface","42nd Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology",,,,,,2015,Sept. "Shogo Komuro,saiko aoki,Akira Ohta,Takako Yoshida,Masabumi Masuko","タッチパネル操作を想定した分子膜被覆された固体表面における指のトライボロジー特性(第3報)","トライボロジー会議 2014秋 盛岡",,,,,,2014,Nov. "saiko aoki,Shogo Komuro,AKIHITO SUZUKI,Akira Ota,Takako Yoshida,Masabumi Masuko","Evaluation of sliding friction characteristic of a fingertip in flick and swipe gestures with one finger on an organic molecular film-coated surface","41st LEEDS-LYON SYMPOSIUM ON TRIBOLOGY",,,,,,2014,Sept. "Shogo Komuro,AKIHITO SUZUKI,saiko aoki,Masabumi Masuko,Akira Ohta,Takako Yoshida","Triboogical characteristic of a fingertip on the molecular-layer-coated solid surface simulating touch-panel display operations (part 2)","トライボロジ一会議2014春東京",,,,,,2014,May "Shogo Komuro,AKIHITO SUZUKI,saiko aoki,Masabumi Masuko,Akira Ohta,Takako Yoshida","Tribological Characteristic of a Fingertip on the Molecular-layer-coated Surface Simulating Touch-panel Display Operations","JAST Tribology Conference 2013 Autumn, Fukuoka","トライボロジー会議 2013秋 福岡 予稿集","一般社団法人 日本トライボロジー学会",,," F5",2013,Oct. "Tsutsumi, Y.,Nakamura, A.,Tanaka, M.,Yoshida, T.","Sequential learning of the relationship between action and visual feedback using a rolling ball game with conflicting rotational transformations on a tablet device","European Conference on Visual Perception",,,,,,2013,Aug. "Yoshida, T.,Tsutsumi, Y.,Tanaka, M.,Nakamura, A","Sequential learning of a tablet-based visuomotor task with conflicting rotational transformations","Asiagraph",,,,,,2013,Apr. "Tadasu Oyama,Tenji Wake,Tadashi Kikuchi,Shogo Imai,Takako Yoshida","新編 感覚・知覚心理学ハンドブック〈Part2〉",,"新編 感覚・知覚心理学ハンドブック〈Part2〉","誠信書房",,,,2007,Sept.