"Kumiko Nakamichi,Tomoya Kawasaki,Shinya HANAOKA,Tianzi Lu,萩野保克,剣持健,岡英紀","サプライチェーンの観点からの東京都市圏物流施設の立地選択分析",,"土木学会論文集D3(土木計画学)",,"Vol. 76","No. 5","pp. 1225-1234",2021,Apr. "Kumiko Nakamichi,Kosuke Kiriyama,Tianzi Lu,Shinya HANAOKA","住宅地タイプ類型別の転居時ライフステージ変化分析",,"都市計画論文集",,"Vol. 55","No. 3","pp. 1241-1248",2020,Oct. "中道久美子,桐山弘有助,花岡伸也","ライフステージを考慮した集約型都市構造実現のための居住誘導ターゲット世帯の分析",,"都市計画論文集",,"Vol. 54","No. 3","pp. 680-687",2019,Oct. "Kawasaki, T.,Hanaoka, S.,Saito, Y.,Bandara, Y.M.,Nakamichi, K.","Effect of social capital on the life satisfaction of paratransit drivers in Sri Lanka",,"Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives",,"Vol. 2",," 100050",2019,Sept. "Kumiko Nakamichi,Kosuke Kiriyama,Tianzi Lu,Shinya HANAOKA","住宅地タイプ類型別の転居時ライフステージ変化分析",,"土木計画学研究・講演集",,"Vol. 59",,,2019,June "Kumiko Nakamichi,Tomoya Kawasaki,Shinya HANAOKA,Yutaro Watanabe","東京都市圏におけるサプライチェーンの観点からの物流施設分類とその品目別分析",,"土木学会論文集D3(土木計画学)",,"Vol. 74","No. 5","pp. 1005-1018",2018,Dec. "Kumiko Nakamichi,Shinya HANAOKA,Jianxin Guan,yun gu","ハイブリッド手法を用いた中国自動車製造業CO2排出量の推計",,"土木計画学研究・講演集",,"Vol. 58",,,2018,Nov. "Kumiko Nakamichi,Tianzi Lu,Shinya HANAOKA","全国都市の住宅地特性とその交通行動特性の長期的変化",,"都市計画論文集",,"Vol. 53","No. 3","pp. 1058-1065",2018,Oct. "Kumiko Nakamichi,Tomoya Kawasaki,Shinya HANAOKA,Tianzi Lu","サプライチェーンを考慮した東京都市圏物流施設の立地選択分析",,"土木計画学研究・講演集",,"Vol. 57",,,2018,June "Kumiko Nakamichi,Yiting Jiang,Shinya HANAOKA","都市機能誘導の観点から見た大都市圏衛星都市の交通行動と住区特性 -柏市及び周辺市を事例として-",,"土木計画学研究・講演 集",,"Vol. 56",,,2017,Nov. "Kawasaki, T.,Saito, Y.,Nakamichi, K.,Hanaoka, S.,Bandara, Y. M.","Clarification of operation system and driver's satisfaction of paratransit in Sri Lanka","Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies",,,,,,2017,Sept. "Hanaoka, S.,Kawasaki, T.,Saito, Y.,Nakamichi, K.,Bandara, Y. M.","Three-wheelers in Sri Lanka: Management and Driver Satisfaction","8th International Symposium on Travel Demand Management",,,,,,2017,Sept. "Yuri Saito,Tomoya Kawasaki,Kumiko Nakamichi,Shinya HANAOKA","スリランカにおけるパラトランジッ トの運営・運行実態の都市間比較",,"土木計画学研究・講演集",,"Vol. 55",,,2017,June "Tomoya Kawasaki,Shinya HANAOKA,Shinya HANAOKA,Yutaro Watanabe","東京都市圏における品目別サプライチェーンの分析",,"土木計画学研究・講演集",,,"No. 55",,2017,June "Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Shinya HANAOKA,Dhrubo ALAM","Operation and trip characteristics of paratransit in Khulna City, Bangladesh","第54回土木計画学研究発表会","Proceedings of Infrastructure Planning",,"Vol. 54",,,2016,Nov. "Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Shinya HANAOKA,Jianxin GUAN","Estimation and reduction measures of CO2 emissions by household expenditures in each province of China",,"Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers G",,"Vol. 72","No. 6","pp. II95-II106",2016,Oct. "Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Tianzi LU,Shinya HANAOKA","The transition of residential zone types and travel behavior in metropolitan and local area in Japan","第53回土木計画学研究発表会","Proceedings of Infrastructure Planning",,"Vol. 53",,,2016,May "Kumiko Nakamichi","第5章 アジアでの運輸部門の二酸化炭素排出量増加要因分析",,"現代アジアにおける都市交通政策に関する研究, 日交研シリーズ, A-640, 公益社団法人日本交通政策研究会",,,,"pp. 19-22",2016,Mar. "Hajime SEYA,Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Yoshiki YAMAGATA","The residential parking rent price elasticity of car ownership in Japan",,"Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice",,"Vol. 85",,"pp. 123?134",2016,Mar. "Nakamichi, K.,Hanaoka, S.,Kawahara, Y.","Estimation of cost and CO2 emissions with a sustainable cross-border supply chain in the automobile industry: A case study of Thailand and neighboring countries",,"Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment",,"Vol. 43",,"pp. 158-168",2016,Mar. "Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Yoshiki YAMAGATA,Shinya HANAOKA,Xuyang WANG","Estimation of indirect emissions in each municipality and comparison to direct emissions",,"Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers D3",,"Vol. 71","No. 5","pp. I191-I200",2015,Dec. "Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Shinya HANAOKA,Shinsuke MOGI,Thaned SATIENNAM","Estimation of CO2 Emissions for Low Carbon Urban Freight Transport in Khon Kaen, Thailand",,"Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies",,"Vol. 11",,"pp. 799-818",2015,Dec. "Kazuki NAKAMURA,Kazuki NAKAMURA,Yoshitsugu HAYASHI,Fumihiko NAKAMURA,Atsushi FUKUDA,Kumiko NAKAMICHI","The methodology of diagnosis and treatment for low-carbon transport development using QOL analysis in Asian developing megacities",,"Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers D3",,"Vol. 71","No. 5","pp. I337-I346",2015,Dec. "Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Shinya HANAOKA,Tianyue LI","Estimation of the contained CO2 emissions from the supply chain of Chinese manufacturing industry","第52回土木計画学研究発表会","Proceedings of Infrastructure Planning",,"Vol. 52",,,2015,Nov. "Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Shinya HANAOKA,Shinsuke MOGI,Thaned SATIENNAM","Estimation of CO2 Emissions for Low Carbon Urban Freight Transport in Khon Kaen, Thailand","Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 11th Conference (EASTS 2015)",,,,,,2015,Sept. "Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Yoshiki YAMAGATA,Hajime SEYA","An integrated model for assessing carbon dioxide emissions considering climate change mitigation and flood risk adaptation interaction",,"Monitoring and Modeling of Global Changes: a Geomatics Perspective : A Geomatics Perspective","Jonathan Li and Xiaojun Yang",,,"pp. 241-262",2015,Aug. "Sachiho A. ADACHI,Fujio KIMURA,Hiroyuki KUSAKA,Michael G. DUDA,Yoshiki YAMAGATA,Hajime SEYA,Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Toshinori AOYAGI","Moderation of summertime heat-island phenomena via modification of the urban form in the Tokyo metropolitan area","9th International Conference on Urban Climate (ICUC 9)",,,,,,2015,July "Kumiko Nakamichi","研究開発の俯瞰報告書 環境・エネルギー分野(2015年)",,"研究開発法人科学技術振興機構 研究開発戦略センター 環境・エネルギーユニット",,,,,2015,Apr. "Hajime SEYA,Yoshiki YAMAGATA,Kumiko NAKAMICHI","Creation of municipality level intensity data of electricity in Japan",,"Applied Energy",,,,,2015,Mar. "Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Shinya HANAOKA,Yun GU","Estimation and the Reduction Measures of Automobile Product CO2 Emissions Considering Supply Chain in China","The 10th Meeting of the Institute of Life Cycle Assessment","Proceedings of the 10th Meeting of the Institute of Life Cycle Assessment",,,,,2015,Mar. "Shinya HANAOKA,Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Tomoaki KATO","Measurement of modal split considering environmental impact of interregional freight transport in Greater Mekong Subregion",,"Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers D3",,"Vol. 70","No. 5","pp. 879-888",2014,Dec. "Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Yoshiki YAMAGATA,ShinyaHANAOKA,Xuyang WANG","Estimation and visualization of direct and indirect CO2 emissions of each municipality in Japan",,"Proceedings of Infrastructure Planning",,"Vol. 50",,,2014,Nov. "Kazuki NAKAMURA,Yoshitsugu HAYASHI,Fumihiko NAKAMURA,Atsushi FUKUDA,Kumiko NAKAMICHI","Diagnosis for low-carbon transport and treatment with QOL evaluation in Asian developing megacities",,"Proceedings of Infrastructure Planning",,"Vol. 50",,,2014,Nov. "Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Fumihiko NAKAMURA","Current state of the modern urban transport system in Medellin, Colombia - A suggestion for the future urban transport strategies -",,"Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan",,"Vol. 49-3",,"pp. 867-872",2014,Oct. "Sachiho A. ADACHI,Fujio KIMURA,Hiroyuki KUSAKA,Michael G. DUDA,Yoshiki YAMAGATA,Hajime SEYA,Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Toshinori AOYAGI","Moderation of summertime heat island phenomena via modification of the urban form in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area",,"Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology",,"Vol. 53"," Issue 8","pp. 1886?1900",2014,Aug. "Koji DAIRAKU,Yoshiki YAMAGATA,Junpei HIRANO,Hajime SEYA,Nobumitsu TSUNEMATSU,Kumiko NAKAMICHI","Dynamical downscaling and socio-economic land use scenarios for regional scale adaptation to climate change in Tokyo Metropolitan Area","Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 11th Annual Meeting",,,,,,2014,July "Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Shinya HANAOKA,Yuhki KAWAHARA","Estimation of cost and CO2 emission with green supply chain of automobile manufactures in Thailand and surrounding countries","The 5th International Conference on Transportation and Logistics (T-LOG 2014)",,,,,,2014,July "Koji DAIRAKU,Yoshiki YAMAGATA,Junpei HIRANO,Hajime SEYA,Nobumitsu TSUNEMATSU,Kumiko NAKAMICHI","Dynamical downscaling and socio-economic land use scenarios for regional scale adaptation to climate change in Tokyo Metropolitan Area","Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 11th Annual Meeting",,,,,,2014,July "Hajime SEYA,Yoshiki YAMAGATA,Kumiko NAKAMICHI","Creation of future compact urban form scenarios of Tokyo in combination with adaptation policies","The 6th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2014)",,,,,,2014,May "Hajime SEYA,Yoshiki YAMAGATA,Kumiko NAKAMICHI","Spatially explicit land-use and energy scenario of Tokyo using household level micro data","International Conference and Utility Exhibition on: Green Energy for Sustainable Development (ICUE 2014)",,,,,,2014,Mar. "Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Shinya HANAOKA,GU Yun","Estimation of direct and indirect CO2 emissions related on automotive manufacturing supply chain in China","第49回土木計画学研究発表会","Proceedings of Infrastructure Planning",,"Vol. 49",,,2014, "林良嗣,加藤博和,中村一樹,Keisuke Ito,三室碧人,福田敦,伊東英幸,石坂哲宏,福田トウェンチャイ,Matthew Barth,Sittha Jaensirisak,Varameth Vichiensan,Thaned Satiennam,Paramet Luathep,Nuwong Chollacoop,Viet Hung Khuat,Nguyen Van Truong,Allexis Fillone,Shinya HANAOKA,Kumiko Nakamichi,中村文彦,岡村敏之,奥田隆明","S-6-5 アジアにおける低炭素都市・交通システム実現方策に関する研究",,"アジア低炭素社会の実現に向けて?10の方策によりアジアはどう変化するか??, アジア低炭素社会研究プロジェクト (環境省環境研究総合推進費S-6 アジア低炭素社会に向けた中長期的政策オプションの立案・予測・評価手法の開発とその普及に関する総合的研究)研究報告書",,,,"pp. 4-11",2014, "Hajime SEYA,Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Yoshiki YAMAGATA","Elasticity evaluation of residential parking price in car ownership using micro data of the household expenditure survey","第49回土木計画学研究発表会","Proceedings of Infrastructure Planning",,"Vol. 49",,,2014, "Kumiko Nakamichi,Yoshiki YAMAGATA,Hajime SEYA","Evaluation of CO2 emissions under land use scenarios for interaction between climate change mitigation and adaptation measures in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area",,"Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers D3",,"vol. 69","no. 5","pp. I_381-389",2013,Dec. "Kumiko Nakamichi,Yoshiki YAMAGATA,Hajime SEYA","CO2 emissions evaluation considering introduction of EVs and PVs under land-use scenarios for climate change mitigation and adaptation ? Focusing on the change of emission factor after the Tohoku Earthquake ?",,"Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies",,"vol. 10",,"pp. 1025-1044",2013,Dec. "Shinya HANAOKA,Tomoaki Katou,Kumiko Nakamichi","大メコン圏の地域間貨物輸送における環境を考慮した機関分担率の算出",,"土木計画学研究・講演集",,,"No. 48",,2013,Nov. "Yoshiki YAMAGATA,Hajime SEYA,Kumiko NAKAMICHI","Geographically explicit IAM for climate compatible urban scenarios: Synergy and trade-off between mitigation and adaptation measures","The 6th Annual Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC) Annual Meeting",,,,,,2013,Oct. "Hajime SEYA,Yoshiki YAMAGATA,Kumiko NAKAMICHI","Spatially explicit urban land-use model for managing climate risks","International Geographical Union (IGU) 2013 Kyoto Regional Conference",,,,,,2013,Aug. "Sachiho A ADACHI,Fujio KIMURA,Hiroyuki KUSAKA,Yoshiki YAMAGATA,Hajime SEYA,Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Toshinori AOYAGI","Mitigation effects of urban form change on summertime heat island phenomena in Tokyo metropolitan area","International Geographical Union (IGU) 2013 Kyoto Regional Conference",,,,,,2013,Aug. "Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Yoshiki YAMAGATA,Hajime SEYA","Assessment of CO2 emissions under land-use scenarios considering climate mitigation and flood risk adaptation in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area","International Geographical Union (IGU) 2013 Kyoto Regional Conference",,,,,,2013,Aug. "Yoshiki YAMAGATA,Hajime SEYA,Kanae MATSUI,Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Yoshiki KINEHARA,Tsuyoshi INOUE","Integrating climate and disaster risk managements into the urban resilience","International Geographical Union (IGU) 2013 Kyoto Regional Conference",,,,,,2013,Aug. "Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Hajime SEYA,Yoshiki YAMAGATA","Integrated CO2 emissions evaluation system for climate change mitigation and flood risk adaptation scenarios","the 13th edition of the International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM2013)","Proceeding of the 13th edition of the International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM2013)",,,,,2013,July "Yoshiki YAMAGATA,Hajime SEYA,Kumiko Nakamichi","Creation of future urban environmental scenarios using a geographically explicit land-use model: A case study of Tokyo",,"Annals of GIS",,"vol. 19","no. 3","pp. 153-168",2013,July "Kumiko Nakamichi,Shinya HANAOKA,Yuhki Kawahara","自動車製造業の立地を考慮したグローバルサプライチェーンにおけるCO2排出量の推計",,"土木計画学研究・講演集",,,"No. 47",,2013,May "Yoshiki YAMAGATA,Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Hajime SEYA","Evaluation of land use scenarios for interaction between climate mitigation and adaptation measures in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area","第46回土木計画学研究発表会","Proceedings of Infrastructure Planning",,"Vol. 46",,,2012,Nov. "Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Hajime SEYA,Yoshiki YAMAGATA","Evaluation for indirect CO2 emission based on household’s expenditure due to differences of lane use scenarios in Tokyo Metropolitan Area","2012 Annual Meeting of Society of Environmental Science","Proceedings of 2012 Annual Meeting of Society of Environmental Science",,,,"pp. 98",2012,Sept. "Koji DAIRAKU,Nobumitsu TSUNEMATSU,Junpei HIRANO,Kazurou NAKANE,Yoshiki YAMAGATA,Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Hajime SEYA","Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in water hazard assessed using regional climate scenarios in the Tokyo region",,"Proceedings of 2012 Annual Conference, Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources",,,,,2012,Sept. "Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Hajime SEYA,Yoshiki YAMAGATA","Geographically explicit direct/indirect CO2 emission scenarios for a compact city in 2050","the 10th Symposium of the International Urban Planning and Environment Association (UPE10 Next City)","Proceeding of the 10th Symposium of the International Urban Planning and Environment Association (UPE10 Next City)",,,,"pp. 14-26",2012,July "足立 幸穂,日下 博幸,木村 富士男,山形 与志樹,瀬谷 創,Kumiko Nakamichi,青柳 曉典,津川 元彦,高橋 洋,吉兼 隆生","P238 東京都市圏夏季を対象とした都市形態変化によるヒートアイランド緩和効果(ポスター・セッション)",,"大会講演予講集","社団法人日本気象学会","Vol. 101",,,2012,Mar. "Yoshiki YAMAGATA,Tokuta Yokohata,Kumiko Nakamichi,Hajime SEYA,甲斐沼美紀子,Toshihiko MASUI,石渡佐和子,松本健一,木下嗣基","S-5-4(1) 社会経済シナリオのダウンスケール手法と土地利用変化シナリオの開発",,"環境省環境研究総合推進費S-5地球温暖化に係る政策支援と普及啓発のための気候変動シナリオに関する総合的研究 成果報告書",,,,"p. 57",2012, "Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Toshimichi MURAO,Keiko YOSHIURA,Mamoru TANIGUCHI","Examination of compact layout city measure that considers change of travel behavior before and after relocation and the influence of providing information for car use reduction",,"Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers D3",,"Vol. 67","No. 3","pp. 300-310",2011,July "山形 与志樹,瀬谷 創,Kumiko Nakamichi","土地利用モデルを用いた東京都市圏の土地利用シナリオ分析",,"環境科学会誌 = Environmental science","環境科学会","Vol. 24","No. 3",,2011,Apr. "Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Mamoru TANIGUCHI,Ryoji MATSUNAKA","The possibility for reduction of car dependence from the perspective of relocation for compact city in central city of local city",,"Infrastructure Planning Review",,"Vol. 26","No. 2","pp. 355-364",2009,May "Masahiro HIRANO,Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Mamoru TANIGUCHI,Ryoji MATSUNAKA","Estimation of CO2 emission by automobile usage in city scale and its time series analysis",,"Selected Paper Environmental Systems Research",,"Vol. 36",,"pp. 19-25",2008,Oct. "Kumiko Nakamichi","Quantitative analysis of compact urban layout caused CO2-reduction",,"Selected Paper Environmental Systems Research,",,"Vol. 36",,"pp. 11-17",2008,Oct. "Kumiko Nakamichi,谷口 守,松中 亮治","転居を通じた都市コンパクト化による自動車依存低減の可能性 : 大都市圏における転居前後の交通行動変化分析を通じて",,"都市計画. 別冊, 都市計画論文集 = City planning review. Special issue, Papers on city planning","日本都市計画学会","Vol. 43","No. 3",,2008,Sept. "Mamoru TANIGUCHI,Ryoji MATSUNAKA,Kumiko NAKAMICHI","A time-series analysis of relationship between urban layout and automobile reliance: Have cities shifted to integration of land use and transport?",,"Urban Transport XIV, - Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st Century (Ed, by C.A.Brebbia)","WIT press",,,"pp. 415-424",2008,Aug. "Kumiko Nakamichi","Development of “a Pictorial Archive of Japanese Ordinary Residential Zones” for an examination of compact urban layout to reduce environmental load by transportation",,"Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers D",,"Vol. 64","No. 3","pp. 447-456",2008,Aug. "谷口 守,Kumiko Nakamichi","住宅地タイプに着目した都市拡散の実態と撤退・集中の可能性--人口減少時代の都市構造再編に向けて",,"住宅総合研究財団研究論文集","住宅総合研究財団",,"No. 35","pp. 61-70",2008, "Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Mamoru TANIGUCHI,Ryoji MATSUNAKA","A study on residential zone demand changes in perspective for urban reform of local city in local area in the era of population declining: Analysis focused on main sequence and population composition",,"Proceedings of 23rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Association for Real Estate Science",,"Vol. 23",,"pp. 41-48",2007,Nov. "Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Shinsuke HASHIMOTO,Mamoru TANIGUCHI,Ryoji MATSUNAKA","Time series analysis of environmental load imparted by automobile transportation that pays attention to the type of residential zones",,"Selected Papers Environmental Systems Research",,"Vol. 35",,"pp. 121-127",2007,Oct. "Kumiko Nakamichi,橋本 晋輔,谷口 守","LRT等の整備状況と居住者の自動車利用の関係に関する研究",,"交通工学研究発表会論文報告集","交通工学研究会","Vol. 27",,"pp. 241-244",2007,Oct. "橋本 晋輔,Kumiko Nakamichi,谷口 守,松中 亮治","地方圏の都市における住宅地タイプに着目した都市拡散の実態に関する研究",,"都市計画. 別冊, 都市計画論文集 = City planning review. Special issue, Papers on city planning","日本都市計画学会","Vol. 42","No. 3",,2007,Sept. "谷口守,松中亮治,Kumiko Nakamichi","ありふれたまちかど図鑑 ?住宅地から考えるコンパクトなまちづくり?",,,"技報堂出版株式会社",,,,2007, "Mamoru TANIGUCHI,Ryoji MATSUNAKA,Kumiko NAKAMICHI","Management of urban consolidation plan and flood disaster prevention -Evaluation by SLIM CITY (Smart Layout Indicators to Materialize Compact City)-",,"Infrastructure Planning Review",,"Vol. 22","No. 1","pp. 171-176",2005,Oct. "Kumiko Nakamichi,島岡 明生,谷口 守","サステイナビリティ実現のための自動車依存特性に関する研究",,"都市計画論文集","日本都市計画学会","Vol. 40","No. 3","pp. 37-42",2005,Oct. "Kumiko Nakamichi,谷口 守,松中 亮治","都市コンパクト化政策に対する簡易な評価システムの実用化に関する研究 : 豊田市を対象にした SLIM CITY モデルの応用",,"都市計画. 別冊, 都市計画論文集 = City planning review. Special issue, Papers on city planning","日本都市計画学会",,"No. 39",,2004,Sept.