"Koji Tokimatsu,Longlong Tang,Rieko Yasuoka,Ryota Ii,Norihiro Itsubo,Masahiro Nishio","Toward more comprehensive environmental impact assessments: interlinked global models of LCIA and IAM applicable to this century",,"The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment","Springer Nature","Volume 25","Issue 9","pp. 1710?1736",2020,July "Koji Tokimatsu,Rieko Yasuoka,Masahiro Nishio","Tackling the Stiglitz Report: Measuring Social Progress and Economic Performance under Various Climate Policy Scenarios",,"Modern Economy","Scientific Research Publishing","Vol. 10","No. 11","pp. 2209-2231",2019,Nov. "K. Tokimatsu,Norihiro Itsubo,Rieko Yasuoka,Masahiro Nishio","Alternative valuation approach to shadow price of carbon: an integrated assessment model interlinked with a lifecycle impact assessment model","The 23rd European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (EAERE), June 28 - 1 July, 2017",,,,,,2017,July "K. Tokimatsu,Norihiro Itsubo,Rieko Yasuoka,Masahiro Nishio","Alternative valuation approach to shadow price of carbon: an integrated assessment model interlinked with a lifecycle impact assessment model","The International Energy Workshop (IEW) 2017",,,,,,2017,July "K. Tokimatsu,K. Yoshida,K. Murakami,Norihiro Itsubo,K. Kuriyama,Rieko Yasuoka,Masahiro Nishio","Benefit transfer in an integrated assessment model: how is it important?","1st International conference on Economics of Climate Change & Sustainability, April 28-29, 2017",,,,,,2017,Apr. "K. Tokimatsu,Rieko Yasuoka,Masahiro Nishio,K. Yoshida,K. Ueta","Assessing future sustainability by forecasting paths by use of Genuine Savings, Inclusive Wealth, and changes in social welfare","The 22th European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (EAERE), June 29-2 July, 2016",,,,,,2016,July "K. Tokimatsu,Rieko Yasuoka,Masahiro Nishio","Assessing Future Sustainability by Forecasting Paths: Comparison of Genuine Savings and Inclusive Wealth","4th Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE), June 3-5, 2015",,,,,,2015,June