"赤羽早苗","東京都とニューヨーク市における幼児教育無償化制度の実装アウトカム比較研究.日本教育学会大会で英語発表","Japan Educational Research Association",,,,,,2023,Aug. "Sanae Akaba","ニューヨーク市におけるSEL教育 ―2つの事例と今後の展望―","日本教育心理学会",,,,,,2023,Aug. "Sanae Akaba,Lacey E. Peters,Eva Liang,Sherill B. Graves","Pre-K teachers’ professional identity development at community-based organizations during universal Pre-K expansion in New York City.",,"International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy",,,,,2022,June "Liang, E.,Peters, L. E.,Akaba, S.,Lomidze, A.,Graves, S. B.","“If they have more work, they learn more”: parents’ views of their children’s learning experiences and homework in Pre-K settings",,"Early Years",,,,"pp. 1-16",2021,Feb. "Akaba, S.,Peters, L. E.,Liang, E.,Graves, S. B.","“That’s the whole idea of college readiness”: A critical examination of universal Pre-K teachers’ understandings around kindergarten readiness.",,"Teaching and Teacher Education",,"Vol. 96",,"p. 103172",2020,Nov. "Akaba, S.,Peters, L.,Liang, E.,Graves, B. S.","Pre-K teachers’ perspectives on factors that influence their experiences through universal Pre-K policy changes in New York City",,"Journal of Early Childhood Research",,"Vol. 18","No. 2","pp. 143-158",2020,Jan. "Liang, E.,Peters, L. E.,Lomidze, A.,Akaba, S.","" I like being involved in school stuff": Mothers' perspectives around their participation in family engagement in universal prekindergarten.",,"School Community Journal",,"Vol. 30","No. 1","pp. 59-87",2020,Jan. "Akaba, S.,Peters, L. E.,Liang, E.,Graves, S. B.","Pre-K teachers’ professional identity development at community-based organizations during universal Pre-K expansion in New York City","American Educational Research Association",,,,,,2019,Apr. "Peters, L.,Liang, E.,Graves B. S,Akaba, S.","Teachers’ perspectives on the adoption of Authentic Assessment Systems in Universal Pre-K Programs","American Educational Research Association",,,,,,2019,Apr. "Akaba, S.,Peters, L.,Liang, E.,Graves B. S.","“The whole idea is college readiness”: Pre-K teachers’ conceptualization of kindergarten readiness.","American Educational Research Association",,,,,,2019,Apr. "Akaba, S.,Peters, L,Liang, E.,Graves, B. S.","“I do what I am told to”: Pre-K teachers’ professional identity development at community-based organizations during UPK expansion","American Educational Research Association",,,,,,2019,Apr. "Liang, E.,Tauste, L.,Akaba, S.,Christie, E.,Fayette, T.,Peters, L,Graves, B. S.","“If they have more work, they learn more”: Parents’ views on homework in Pre-K settings.","American Educational Research Association",,,,,,2018,Apr. "Akaba, S.,Liang, E.,Lomizde, A.,Tauste, L.,Christie, E.,Peters, L,Graves, B. S.","Teachers’ Perspectives on Universal Pre-K Expansion: An examination of factors that influence their experiences.","American Educational Research Association",,,,,,2018,Apr. "Rury, J. L.,Akaba, S.","The Geo-Spatial Distribution of Educational Attainment: Cultural Capital and Uneven Development in Metropolitan Kansas City, 1960-1980.",,"In Hodge and Gamson (eds). The Shifting Landscape of the American School District: Race, Class, Geography, and the Perpetual Reform of Local Control, 1935- 2015","Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.",,,,2018,Feb. "R. Michael Barker,Sanae Akaba,Nancy C. Brady,Kathy Thiemann-Bourque","Augmentative and Alternative Communication Support for AAC Use in Preschool, and Growth in Language Skills, for Young Children with Developmental Disabilities","Gatlinburg Conference","Augmentative and Alternative Communication",,,,,2013,Apr. "Barker. R. M.,Akaba, S.,Thiemann-Bourque, K.,Brady, N. C.","Support for AAC use in preschool, and growth in language skills, for young children with developmental disabilities.",,"Augmentative and Alternative Communication,",,"Vol. 29","No. 4","pp. 334- 346",2013,Apr. "John L. Rury,Sanae Akaba","The geo-spatial distribution of educational attainment: cultural capital and uneven development in metropolitan Kansas City, 1960-1980.","History of Education Conference",,,,,,2013,Apr. "Sanae Akaba","The effects of parenting dimension on high school completion.","American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting",,,,,,2010,May "Sanae Akaba","The effects of siblings on educational attainment at age 18","American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting",,,,,,2010,May "Sanae Akaba","Parental Involvement: When well meant involvement result in negative outcomes.","American Sociological Association",,,,,,2009,Aug. "Sanae Akaba,Argun Saatcioglu","Parental involvement and its unintentional outcomes.","American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting",,,,,,2009,Mar.