"Jiakan Yu,Jiajie Zhang,Shintaro Sengoku","Innovation Process and Industrial System of US Food and Drug Administration?Approved Software as a Medical Device: Review and Content Analysis",,"Journal of Medical Internet Research","JMIR Publications"," 25",,,2023,Nov. "Itsuki Kageyama,Nobuki Hashiguchi,Jianfei Cao,Makoto Niwa,Yeongjoo Lim,Masanori Tsutsumi,Jiakan Yu,Shintaro Sengoku,Soichiro Okamoto,Seiji Hashimoto,Kota Kodama","Determination of Waste Management Workersf Physical and Psychological Load: A Cross-Sectional Study Using Biometric Data",,"International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health",,"Vol. 19","No. 23"," 15964",2022,Nov.