"Suguri Uchida,Takuto Soma,Akira Ohtomo","Enhancement of transparency in epitaxially-grown p-type SnO films by surface-passivation treatment in a Na2S aqueous solution",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",," 61",," 050903",2022,May "Suguri Uchida,Takuto Soma,Akira Ohtomo","Epitaxial Growth of p-Type SnO Films and Soft Chemical Sulfurization","MRM 2021",,,,,,2021,Dec. "Suguri Uchida,Takuto Soma,Akira Ohtomo","Fabrication of p-type transparent SnO films and examination of sulfurization process","第82回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会",,,,,,2021,Sept.