"Shunta Chikami,Shoichi Maeda,Glenn Latag,Riko Kaizu,Noriyuki Tanji,Mikako Ezure,Shinobu Nagase,Tomohiro Hayashi","Analysis of the hydration water on the surface of human hair using a combination of infrared absorption vibrational spectroscopy and multivariate curve resolution",,"Surface and Interface Analysis",,,,,2024,Apr. "Latag Glenn,Tomohiro HAYASHI","Examination of the adhesion tendency of biofilm-forming bacteria on model organic surfaces using quartz crystal microbalance with energy dissipation monitoring","第84回応用物理学会 秋季学術講演会",,,,,,2023,Sept. "G. V. Latag,T. Nakamura,D. Palai,E. A. Q. Mondarte,T. Hayashi","Investigation of Three-Dimensional Bacterial Adhesion Manner on Model Organic Surfaces Using Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Energy Dissipation Monitoring",,"ACS Appl Bio Mater",,,,,2023,Feb. "Zugui? PNEG,Glenn ?Villena ?LATAG,Hiroyuki? TAHARA,Tomohiro Hayashi,Toru Yagi","Insertion process of DNA nanopores into supported lipid bilayers","第32回MRS年次大会",,,,,,2022,Dec. "Riko KAIZU,Hiroyuki TAHARA,Glenn Villena LATAG,Tomohiro HAYASHI","Influence of UV/ozone treatment of polymer surfaces on the enhancement of cell adhesion","第32回日本MRS年次大会",,,,,,2022,Dec. "Glenn Villena LATAG,Taichi NAKAMURA,Debabrata PALAI,Evan Angelo Quimada MONDARTE,Tomohiro HAYASHI","Investigation of bacterial adhesion on self-assembled monolayers using quartz crystal microbalance with energy dissipation monitoring","第32回日本MRS年次大会",,,,,,2022,Dec. "Subin ?SONG,Glenn? Vilena ?LATAG,Evan ?Angelo? Quimada ?MONDARTE,Ryongsok? CHANG,Tomohiro Hayashi","Viscoelasticity of water layers on model organic surfaces: analyses by quartz crystal microbalance with energy dissipation monitoring","第32回MRS年次大会",,,,,,2022,Dec. "Subin Song,Glenn Latag,Mondarte Evan Angelo Quimada,Ryongsok Chang,Tomohiro Hayashi","Experimental characterization of water condensation processes on self-assembled monolayers using a quartz crystal microbalance with energy dissipation monitoring",,"Micro2022",," 2"," 3"," 513-523",2022,Aug. "Debabrata Palai,Hiroyuki Tahara,Shunta Chikami,Latag Glenn,Shoichi Maeda,Chisato Komura,Hideharu Kurioka,Tomohiro Hayashi","Prediction of Serum Adsorption onto Polymer Brush Films by Machine Learning",,"ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng.2022","American Chemical Society",,,,2022,July "LatagGlenn,Taichi Nakamura,Evan Angelo Quimada Mondarte,Tomohiro Hayashi","Investigation of Bacterial Adhesion on Various Surfaces using Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Energy Dissipation (QCM-D) Monitoring","第69回応用物理学会春季学術講演会",,,,,,2022,Mar. "前田 翔一,千頭 俊太,Song Subin,LATAG GLENN,林 智広","ソフトコンタクトレンズの界面水の水素結合状態の解析","第69回応用物理学会春季学術講演会",,,,,,2022,Mar. "Shoichi Maeda,Shunta Chikami,Latag Glenn Villena,Song Subin,Norio Iwakiri,Tomohiro Hayashi","Analysis of Vicinal Water in Soft Contact Lenses Using a Combination of Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy and Multivariate Curve Resolution",,"Molecules",," 27"," 7"," 2130",2022,Mar.