"Konishi Fumito,Matsuda Isamu,Matsunaga Tatsuya,Ishii Yoshitaka","Structural stabilization for further analysis of AƒÀ42 oligomers by solid-state NMR","The 62th Annual Meeting of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Society of Japan",,,,,,2023,Nov. "Konishi Fumito,Matsuda Isamu,Matsunag Tatsuya,Takahashi Masato,Yamazaki Toshio,Yanagisawa Yoshinori,Piao Renzhong,Endo Yuuki,Hachitani Kenichi,Kato Hiroshi,Nemoto Takahiro,Ishii Yoshitaka","Solid-state NMR experiment on over 1 GHz magnet and Magic-angle spinning on over 160 kHz with a new probe","The 62th Annual Meeting of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Society of Japan",,,,,,2023,Nov.