"KIYOSI HORIUTI,Kazuma Matsumoto,Kosuke Fujiwara","Remarkable Drag Reduction in Non-affine Viscoelastic Turbulent Flows.",,"Physics of Fluids","American Institute of Physics","Vol. 25","No. 1"," 015106",2013,Jan. "K Horiuti,K Matsumoto,Masaki Adachi","Marked drag reduction in non-affine viscoelastic turbulence in homogeneous isotropic and pipe flows","13th European Turbulence Conference (ETC13)","J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.","IOP Publishing","Vol. 318","No. 9"," 092016",2011,Dec. "KIYOSI HORIUTI,Kazuma Matsumoto,Masaki Adachi","Marked drag reduction in non-affine viscoelastic turbulence in homogeneous isotropic and pipe flows","13th EUROMECH, European Turbulence Conference","Proceedings of European Turbulence Conference 13, Ed. by K. Bajer, J. Kopec, P. Podziemski","Springer","Vol. 1",,"pp. 129",2011,Sept. "KIYOSI HORIUTI,Kazuma Matsumoto","Normal stress difference and drag reduction mechanism in Johnson-Segalman viscoelastic turbulence","63rd Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Mechanics","Bulletin of the American Physical Society","American Physics Society","Vol. 55","No. 16","p. 396",2010,Nov.