"Miyuki Hayashi,Kyohei Suzuki,Yasuhiro Maeda,Takashi Watanabe","Effects of 2CaO?SiO2 and 2CaO?Al2O3?SiO2 on primary slag melting of sinters in the cohesive zone of a blast furnace",,"ISIJ International",," 56"," 2"," 220?225",2016,Feb. "Miyuki Hayashi,Kyohei Suzuki,Takashi Watanabe","High temperature microscope observation of melt formation at the interface between crystalline olivine and w?stite",,"ISIJ International",," 55"," 6"," 1210-1212",2015,June "Miyuki Hayashi,Kyohei Suzuki,Yasuhiro Maeda,Takashi Watanabe","Microstructure change and primary slag melting of sinter in the cohesive zone of a blast furnace",,"ISIJ International",," 55"," 6"," 1223?1231",2015,June "鈴木恭平,渡邊玄,林幸,永田和宏","高炉の軟化融着帯における鉱石脈石相の融解挙動 -ウスタイトとオリビンの接触界面における融解挙動の高温顕微鏡観察-","第164回秋季講演大会","材料とプロセス : 日本鉄鋼協会講演論文集","一般社団法人日本鉄鋼協会","Vol. 25","No. 2","p. 587",2012,Sept.