"Xuanliang Chen,Minho O,Equo Kobayashi","Enhanced mechanical properties in an Al-Mg-Cu alloy processed by the combination of cyclic deformation and aging heat treatment",,"Journal of Alloys and Compounds",,"Vol. 911",," 165070",2022,Aug. "Xuanliang Chen","Mechanical properties and microstructure of Al-Mg-Cu alloys processed by plastic deformation and aging heat treatment",,,,,,,2022,Mar. "Xuanliang Chen","Mechanical properties and microstructure of Al-Mg-Cu alloys processed by plastic deformation and aging heat treatment",,,,,,,2022,Mar. "Xuanliang Chen","Mechanical properties and microstructure of Al-Mg-Cu alloys processed by plastic deformation and aging heat treatment",,,,,,,2022,Mar. "Xuanliang Chen,Eva Anne Mortsell,Jonas Kristoffer Sunde,Minho O,Calin Daniel Marioara,Randi Holmestad,Equo Kobayashi","Enhanced mechanical properties in 6082 aluminum alloy processed by cyclic deformation",,"Metals",," 11",," 1735",2021,Oct. "Xuanliang Chen,Daehan Kim,Minho O,Calin D. Marioara,Sigmund J. Andersen,Adrian Lervik,Randi Holmestad,Equo Kobayashi","Effect of pre-deformation on age-hardening behaviors in an Al-Mg-Cu alloy",,"Materials Science & Engineering A",," 820",," 141557",2021,June "陳宣良,中畑育歩,オミンホ,小林郁夫","繰り返し変形により形成したクラスターおよび転位ループがAl-Mg-Cu合金押出材の力学的性質に及ぼす影響","軽金属学会 第140回春期大会",,,,,,2021,May "Xuanliang Chen,CD Marioara,SJ Andersen,J Friis,A Lervik,R Holmestad,E Kobayashi","Precipitation processes and structural evolutions of various GPB zones and two types of S phases in a high purity cold-worked Al-Cu-Mg alloy with low Cu/Mg ratio",,"Materials & Design",,"Vol. 199",,"p. 109425,",2020,Dec.