"穂坂綱一,仲西祐子,向後陵子,Philipp Schmidt,鳥塚祐太郎,谷内一史,小田切丈,Andre Knie,Kari Jankala,Arno Ehresmann,中野元善,熊谷嘉晃,椎野健一,北島昌史,河内宣之","水素分子の光解離により生成するH(2p)原子ペアの量子もつれ","第29回日本放射光学会年会、放射光科学合同シンポジウム",,,,,,2016,Jan. "Kouichi Hosaka,Yuko Nakanishi,ryouko kougo,Philipp Schmidt,Yutaro Torizuka,Keisuke Shigemura,Takeshi Odagiri,Andre Knie,Kari Jankala,Arno Ehresmann,Motoyoshi Nakano,Yoshiaki Kumagai,Kennichi Shiino,Masashi KITAJIMA,NORIYUKI KOUCHI","Angular correlation measurements of a pair of Lyman-α photons emitted in the photodissociation of H2",,"Journal of Physics: Conference Series","IOP Publishing","Vol. 635",," 112016",2015,Sept. "Yuko Nakanishi,Koichi Hosaka,ryouko kougo,Takeshi Odagiri,Motoyoshi Nakano,Yoshiaki Kumagai,Kennichi Shiino,Masashi KITAJIMA,NORIYUKI KOUCHI","Angular correlation of a pair of Lyman-α photons produced in the photodissociation of H2",,"Physical Review A",,"Vol. 90","No. 4","pp. 043405-1-9",2014,Oct. "F. Penent,M. Nakano,M. Tashiro,T. P. Grozdanov,M. Zitnik,S. Carniato,P. Selles,L. Andric,P. Lablanquie,J. Palaudoux,E. Shigemasa,H. Iwayama,Y. Hikosaka,K. Soejima,I. H. Suzuki,N. Kouchi,K. Ito","Molecular single photon double K-shell ionization",,"Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena",,"Vol. 196",,"pp. 38-42",2014, "Yoshiaki Kumagai,Takeshi Odagiri,Motoyoshi Nakano,Takehiko Tanabe,Suzuki, Isao H.,Kouichi Hosaka,Masashi KITAJIMA,NORIYUKI KOUCHI","Cross sections for the formation of H(n=2) atom via superexcited states in photoexcitation of methane and ammonia",,"Journal of Chemical Physics",,"Vol. 139","No. 16","pp. 164307-1-7",2013,Oct. "M. Nakano,F. Penent,M. Tashiro,T. P. Grozdanov,M. Zitnik,S. Carniato,P. Selles,L. Andric,P. Lablanquie,J. Palaudoux,E. Shigemasa,H. Iwayama,Y. Hikosaka,K. Soejima,I. H. Suzuki,N. Kouchi,K. Ito","Single photon K-2 and K-1K^-1 double core ionization in CnH2n(n=1-3), CO, and N2 as a potential new tool for chemical analysis",,"PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS",,"Vol. 110","No. 16"," 163001",2013,Apr. "M. Tashiro,M. Nakano,M. Ehara,F. Penent,L. Andric,J. Palaudoux,K. Ito,Y. Hikosaka,N. Kouchi,P. Lablanquie","Auger decay of molecular double core-hole and its satellite states:Comparison of experiment and calculation",,"Journal of Chemical Physics",,"Vol. 137",," 224306",2012,Dec. "Takeshi Odagiri,Motoyoshi Nakano,Takehiko Tanabe,Yoshiaki Kumagai,Suzuki, Isao H.,Masashi KITAJIMA,NORIYUKI KOUCHI","Three-body neutral dissociations of a multiply excited water molecule around the double ionization potential",,"Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics",,"Vol. 45","No. 21","pp. 215204-1-7",2012,Oct. "M. Nakano,Y. Hikosaka,P. Lablanquie,F. Penent,S.-M. Huttula,I. H. Suzuki,K. Soejima,N. Kouchi,K. Ito","Auger decay of Ar 2p satellite states studied with a multielectron coincidence method",,"Physical Review A",,"Vol. 85",," 043405",2012,Apr. "Takeshi Odagiri,Yoshiaki Kumagai,Motoyoshi Nakano,Takehiko Tanabe,Suzuki, Isao H.,Masashi KITAJIMA,NORIYUKI KOUCHI","Formation of metastable atomic hydrogen in the 2s state from symmetry-resolved doubly excited states of molecular hydrogen",,"Physical Review a",,"Vol. 84","No. 5",,2011,Nov. "I. H. Suzuki,Y. Hikosaka,E. Shigemasa,P. Lablanquie,F. Penent,K. Soejima,M. Nakano,N. Kouchi,K. Ito","Decay pathways after Xe 3d inner shell ionization using a multi-electron coincidence technique",,"Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics",,"Vol. 44","No. 7"," 075003",2011,Mar. "Motoyoshi Nakano,Takeshi Odagiri,Takehiko Tanabe,Keishou Funatsu,Isao H Suzuki,Masashi Kitajima,Noriyuki Kouchi","Doubly excited states resulting in H(2p) formation in photoexcitation of water",,"Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics",,"Vol. 43","No. 21","pp. 215206",2010,Oct. "Takehiko Tanabe,Takeshi Odagiri,Motoyoshi Nakano,Yoshiaki Kumagai,Isao H. Suzuki,Masashi Kitajima,Noriyuki Kouchi","Effect of entanglement on the decay dynamics of a pair of H(2p) atoms due to spontaneous emission",,"Physical Review A",,"Vol. 82","No. 4","pp. 040101(R)-1-4",2010,Oct. "Takeshi Odagiri,Yoshiaki Kumagai,Takehiko Tanabe,Motoyoshi Nakano,Isao H. Suzuki,Masashi Kitajima,Noriyuki Kouchi","A new spectroscopic method for resolving the electronic symmetry properties of the highly excited molecules produced in photoexcitation",,"Review of Scientific Instruments",,"Vol. 81","No. 6","pp. 063108-1- 6",2010,June "Takehiko Tanabe,Takeshi Odagiri,Motoyoshi Nakano,Isao H Suzuki,Noriyuki Kouchi","Large pressure effect on the angular distribution of two Lyman-α photons emitted by an entangled pair of H(2p) atoms in the photodissociation of H2",,"Physical Review Letters","The American Physical Society"," 103",," 173002",2009,Oct.