"Kaho Hakamada,Takashi Asawa,Haruka Kitagawa,Hiroki Aoshima,Rei Kawamura","Contact cooling for bare feet using floor cooling systems: Experiment on human thermal physiology and sensation in Japanese hot environment",,"Building and Environment",," 253",," 111256",2024,Apr. "Kaho Hakamada,TAKASHI ASAWA,Haruka Kitagawa,Hiroki Aoshima,Rei Kawamura","Contact cooling for bare feet using floor cooling systems: Experiment on human thermal physiology and sensation in Japanese hot environment",,"Building and Environment",," 253",," 111256",2024,Feb. "Rei Kawamura,takashi asawa","Contact cooling effect between the barefoot and low-temperature floor on the thermal physiology and thermal sensation of the human body","日本建築学会大会(北海道)学術講演会",,,,,,2022,Sept. "河村怜,淺輪貴史,村上暁信","藤原邦彦、三輪隆、宮田弘樹、鈴木康平、浅輪貴史","日本建築学会大会(関東)","日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集",,,,,2020,Sept.