"S. Kaneko,R. Takahashi,S. Fujii,T. Nishino,M. Kiguchi","Controlling the Formation Process and Atomic Structures of Single Pyrazine Molecular Junction by Tuning the Strength of the Metal-Molecule Interaction",,"Phys Chem Chem Phys",,"Vol. 19","No. 15","pp. 9843-9848",2017,May "R. Takahashi,S. Kaneko,S. Marques-Gonzalez,S. Fujii,T. Nishino,K. Tsukagoshi,M. Kiguchi","Determination of the number of atoms present in nano contact baed on shot noise measuremsnts with highly stable nano fabricated electrodes",,"Nanotechnology","IOP Publishing","Vol. 27","No. 29","pp. 295203",2016,June "高橋諒士,金子哲,木口学","Au, Ag, Cu電極を利用したピラジン単分子接合の形成およびその電子輸送","日本化学会第95春季年会",,,,,,2015, "Ryoji Takahashi,Satoshi Kaneko,Shintaro Fujii,Manabu Kiguchi","Photochromic reaction of the diarylethene derivative on Au nanoparticles",,"Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology",,"Vol. 6","No. 1","pp. 015006",2014,Dec. "Satoshi Kaneko,Ryoji Takahashi,S. Fujii,Manabu Kiguchi","Extension of Photopolymerization Region from the Nanoscale to the Macroscopic Scale Using a Chemically Amplified Photoresist",,"Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan","The Chemical Society of Japan","Vol. 88","No. 2","pp. 277-282",2014,Nov. "高橋諒士,金子哲,木口学","金ナノ粒子表面における光重合反応の機構解明","第8回分子科学討論会2014",,,,,,2014,