"KEISUKE TANAKA,Ta Minh Thanh,Luu Hong Dung,Nguyen Tuan Tai,Hai Nguyen Nam","Performance analysis of robust watermarking using linear and nonlinear feature matching",,"Multimedia Tools and Applications",,"Volume 77","No. 2","pp. 2901?2920",2017,Feb. "KEISUKE TANAKA,Thanh Minh Ta","The novel and robust watermarking method based on q-logarithm frequency domain",,"Multimedia Tools and Applications",,"Volume 75","No. 18","pp. 11097?11125",2016,Sept. "KEISUKE TANAKA,Thanh Minh Ta","An image zero-watermarking algorithm based on the encryption of visual map feature with watermark information",,"Multimedia Tools and Applications",,"Vol. 76","Number 11","pp. 13455?13471",2016,June "KEISUKE TANAKA,Thanh Minh Ta","Comparison of Watermarking Schemes Using Linear and Nonlinear Feature Matching","2015 Seventh International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering",,,,,"pp. 262-267",2015,Oct. "KEISUKE TANAKA,Thanh Minh Ta","Blind Watermarking using QIM and the Quantized SVD Domain based on the q-Logarithm Function","10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications","Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 14-25",2015,Mar. "TA MINH THANH","Watermarking for Video and Image Based on Invariant Features",,,,,,,2015,Mar. "TA MINH THANH","Watermarking for Video and Image Based on Invariant Features",,,,,,,2015,Mar. "TA MINH THANH","Watermarking for Video and Image Based on Invariant Features",,,,,,,2015,Mar. "KEISUKE TANAKA,Ta Minh Thanh","Image watermarking based on the nonlinear scale spaces feature","The 32nd Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security",,,,,,2015,Jan. "KEISUKE TANAKA,Ta Minh Thanh","Blind watermarking using the quantized q-logarithm SVD domain","The 32nd Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security",,,,,,2015,Jan. "KEISUKE TANAKA,Pham Thanh Hiep,Ta Minh Tam","Robust semi-blind video watermarking based on frame-patch matching",,"International Journal of Electronics and Communications",,"Vol. 68","No. 10","pp. 1007-1015",2014,Oct. "KEISUKE TANAKA,Thanh Minh Ta","A proposal of novel q-DWT for blind and robust image watermarking","2014 IEEE 25th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communication",,,,,"pp. 2061-2065",2014,Sept. "Ta Minh THANH,Koichi SHINODA","A video watermarking method to objects robust against various attacks","Enriched Multimedia","IEICE Technical Report","電子情報通信学会","Vol. 112","No. 190","pp. 43-48",2012,Aug.