"三星夏海","高い固有安全・核不拡散性を有する ケイ化物燃料装荷中小型軽水炉の研究",,,,,,,2023,Mar. "三星夏海","高い固有安全・核不拡散性を有する ケイ化物燃料装荷中小型軽水炉の研究",,,,,,,2023,Mar. "三星夏海","高い固有安全・核不拡散性を有する ケイ化物燃料装荷中小型軽水炉の研究",,,,,,,2023,Mar. "三星夏海","高い固有安全・核不拡散性を有する ケイ化物燃料装荷中小型軽水炉の研究",,,,,,,2023,Mar. "Natsumi Mitsuboshi,Hiroshi Sagara","Evaluation for Proliferation Resistance of small and medium modular LWR with U3Si2 fuel","International Symposium on Zero-Carbon Energy Systems",,,,,,2023,Jan. "三星夏海,相樂洋","高い固有安全・核セキュリティ・核不拡散性を有する革新的中小型軽水炉の研究(3)核拡散抵抗性評価および枢要区域の特定","第43回日本核物質管理学会年次大会論文集",,"日本核物質管理学会",,,,2022,Nov. "東 知希,三星 夏海,相樂 洋","U3Si2 燃料を用いた中小型沸騰水型軽水炉の研究(1)回収ウランの効果",,"第43回日本核物質管理学会年次大会論文集",,,,,2022,Nov. "江口 綾,三星 夏海,相樂 洋","燃料交換不要な原子炉モニタリングへのミュオントモグラフィーの適用可能性 (1)研究計画",,"第43回日本核物質管理学会年次大会論文集",,,,,2022,Nov. "Natsumi Mitsuboshi,Hiroshi Sagara","Feasibility study on small and medium PWR by utilizing Uranium Silicide Fuel in the aspect of fundamental neturonics, inherent safety, and nonproliferation features","TAMU-INMM Japanese Chapter Workshop, On-line meetin",,,,,,2022,Jan. "三星 夏海,相樂 洋","高い固有安全・核セキュリティ・核不拡散性を有する 革新的中小型軽水炉の研究(2)Np を標的とした(U,Np)3Si2 燃料の不正利用価値評価","日本核物質管理学会第42回年次大会会議論文",,,,,,2021,Nov. "Hong Fatt Chong,Hiroshi Sagara,Natsumi Mitsuboshi","Design Study of U-TRU Fuel Loaded Gas Cooled Reactor Core for TRU Transmutation with Enhanced Safety and Security (I) U-Np Fuel","Proc. The 42nd Annual Meeting of INMM Japan Chapter",,,,,,2021,Nov. "岡崎 陽香,三星 夏海,川島 正俊,相樂 洋","中小型高速炉への受動的炉停止デバイス導入による安全性・セキュリティ性の効果(1)研究計画","日本核物質管理学会第42回年次大会会議論文",,,,,,2021,Nov. "Natsumi Mitsuboshi,Hiroshi Sagara","Feasibility study on small and medium modular light water reactors with inherent nuclear safety and security features using U 3 Si 2 fuel and MA","INMM/ESARDA Joint Annual Meeting 2021","Proceedings of INMM/ESARDA Joint Annual Meeting 2021",,,,,2021,Aug. "Natsumi Mitsuboshi,Hiroshi Sagara","Effects of U3Si2 fuel and minor actinide doping on fundamental neutronics, nuclear safety, and security of small and medium PWRs in comparison to conventional UO2 fuel",,"Annals of Nuclear Energy",,"Vol. 153",,"p. 108078",2021,Apr. "三星 夏海,相楽 洋","U3Si2 燃料およびRepU を用いた高い固有安全・核不拡散性を有する中小型軽水炉の研究","第41 回日本核物質管理学会年次大会",,,,,,2020,Nov. "三星 夏海,相樂 洋","高い固有安全性・核不拡散性を有する革新的中小型軽水炉の研究(2)シリサイド燃料の効果","日本原子力学会2020年秋の大会",,,,,,2020,Sept. "Natsumi Mitsuboshi,Hiroshi Sagara","Feasibility Study on Small and Medium Pwr by Utilizing Uranium Silicide Fuel in the Aspects of Fundamental Neutronics, Inherent Safety, and Non-Proliferation Features","ICONE28-POWER2020",,,,,,2020,Aug. "三星 夏海,相樂 洋","高い固有安全性・核不拡散性を有する革新的中小型軽水炉の研究(1)MAおよび回収ウランを用いたシリサイド燃料","日本原子力学会2020年春の年会",,,,,,2020,Mar. "三星 夏海,相楽洋","三星 夏海, 相楽洋, “高い固有安全・核セキュリティ・核不拡散性を有する革新的中小型軽水炉の研究(1) MA および回収ウランを用いたシリサイド燃料","日本核物質管理学会第40回年次大会","日本核物質管理学会第40回年次大会論文集",,,,,2019,Nov. "K. Tokimatsu,R. Yasuoka,N. Itsubo,M. Nishio","How to measure climate change mitigation efforts at endpoint impacts? - results from an integrated assessment model interlinked with a lifecycle impact assessment model considering environmental external cost","2nd International conference on Economics of Climate Change & Sustainability",,,,,,2018, "K. Murakami,N. Itsubo,K. Kuriyama,K. Yoshida,K. Tokimatsu","Development of weighting factors for G20 countries. Part 2: estimation of willingness to pay and annual global damage cost",,"The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment",,,,"Page 1-16",2017,July "K. Tokimatsu,K. Yoshida,K. Murakami,N. Itsubo,K. Kuriyama,R. Yasuoka,M. Nishio","Benefit transfer in an integrated assessment model: how is it important?","6th Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE), May 31 ? June 2, 2017",,,,,,2017, "K. Tokimatsu,N. Itsubo,R. Yasuoka,M. Nishio","Alternative valuation approach to shadow price of carbon: an integrated assessment model interlinked with a lifecycle impact assessment model","6th Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE), May 31 - June 2, 2017",,,,,,2017, "K. Tokimatsu,M. Aicha,K. Yoshida,M. Nishio,E. Endo,M. Sakagami,K. Murakami,N. Itsubo","Measuring marginal willingness to pay using conjoint analysis and developing benefit transfer functions in various Asian cities",,"International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology",,"Vol. 23","No. 6","Page 541-552",2016,Apr.