"satoshi habuchi,suguru onda,martin vacha","Molecular weight dependence of emission intensity and emitting sites distribution within single conjugated polymer molecules",,"PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS",,"Vol. 13","No. 5","pp. 1743-1753",2011,Feb. "Satoshi Habuchi,Suguru Onda,Martin Vacha","Emitting site distribution within single conjugated polymer molecules revealed by super-resolution fluorescence imaging","15th International Conference on Photochemistry",,,,,,2011, "Martin Vacha,Hiroyuki Kobayashi,Satoshi Habuchi,Suguru Onda","Conformation and photophysics of single chains of conjugated polymers: Why are they blinking?","Annual Meeting on Photochemistry 2011",,,,,,2011, "c ,H j,VACHA MARTIN","Dependence of spatial jump size of emitting sites within a single conjugated polymer chain on the polymer molecular weight","Annual Meeting on Photochemistry",,,,,,2010,Sept. "Martin Vacha,Yohei Ebihara,Toshikazu Sugimoto,Suguru Onda,Satoshi Habuchi","Relationship between conformation and optical/electrical properties of single conjugated polymer chains: MEH-PPV and polythiophene","10th International Conference on Hole Burning and Single Molecule Spectroscopies",,,,,,2009,June