"Zeyu Gu,Jhen-Yang Wu,Yiming Jiang,Tomoyuki Kurioka,Chun-Yi Chen,Hwai-En Lin,Xun Luo,Daisuke Yamane,Masato Sone,Tso-Fu Mark Chang","Influence of Pulsed Reverse Electrodeposition on Mechanical Properties of Ni-W Alloys",,"Electrochem","MDPI","Vol. 5",,"pp. 287-297",2024,July "Zeyu Gu,Yiming Jiang,Tomoyuki Kurioka,Chun-Yi Chen,Hwai En Lin,Xun Luo,Masato Sone,Tso-Fu Mark Chang","Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Ni-W Alloy by Pulsed Reverse Electrodeposition","The 8th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering International Workshop on Nanodevice Technologies 2023",,,,,,2023,Nov. "Yiming Jiang","Electrodeposition of Ni-Co and Ni-B Alloys and Their Micro-Mechanical Property Characterization",,,,,,,2023,Sept. "Yiming Jiang","Electrodeposition of Ni-Co and Ni-B Alloys and Their Micro-Mechanical Property Characterization",,,,,,,2023,Sept. "Yiming Jiang,Tomoyuki Kurioka,Chun-Yi Chen,Xun Luo,Daisuke Yamane,Masato Sone,Tso-Fu Mark Chang","Electrodeposition of Nickel-Cobalt Alloys with additives and their Mechanical Properties","74th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry",,,,,,2023,Sept. "Yiming Jiang","Electrodeposition of Ni-Co and Ni-B Alloys and Their Micro-Mechanical Property Characterization",,,,,,,2023,Sept. "Yiming Jiang,Chun-Yi Chen,Tomoyuki Kurioka,Xun Luo,Daisuke Yamane,Masato Sone,Tso-Fu Mark Chang","Effects of Bromide Ions in Anomalous Codeposition of Ni-Co Alloys with a Sulfamate Based Electrolyte",,"Journal of The Electrochemical Society",,"Vol. 170",,"p. 072507",2023,July "Yiming Jiang,Chun-Yi Chen,Tomoyuki Kurioka,Xun Luo,Daisuke Yamane,Masanori Mizoguchi,Osamu Kudo,Ryu Maeda,Masato Sone,Tso-Fu Mark Chang","Specimen Size Effect on the Strength of Nickel-Boron Alloys",,"Materials Letters",,"Vol. 349",,"p. 134742",2023,June "Kosuke Suzuki,Yiming Jiang,Ryohei Hori,Ken Hashigata,Tomoyuki Kurioka,Chun-Yi Chen,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Parthojit Chakraborty,Katsuyuki Machida,Hiroyuki Ito,Yoshihiro Miyake,Masato Sone","Correlation of Sample Geometry and Grain Size in Micro-Bending of Electrodeposited Polycrystalline Gold",,"Materials Today Communications",,"Vol. 35",,"p. 106072",2023,Apr. "Gu Zeyu,Jiang Yiming,栗岡 智行,Chun-Yi Chen,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,曽根 正人","パルス反転めっき法によるNi-W膜の作製と特性評価","第70回応用物理学会春季学術講演会","第70回応用物理学会春季学術講演会",,,,"p. 16a-B410-1",2023,Mar. "萩庭 大樹,島 蒼一郎,Yiming jiang,渡邉 学,Mark Chang,曽根 正人,木村 好里","E21型金属間化合物の結晶成長制御と微小試験片による機械的性質の評価","日本金属学会 2023年 春期 第172回 講演大会",,,,,,2023,Mar. "Yiming Jiang,Chun-Yi Chen,Tomoyuki Kurioka,Xun Luo,Daisuke Yamane,Masanori Mizoguchi,Osamu Kudo,Ryu Maeda,Masato Sone,Tso-Fu Mark Chang","Electrodeposition of Ni-B Alloy Film: Effect of Current Density and Heat Treatment on Micro-Mechanical Property",,"Journal of The Electrochemical Society","The Electrochemical Society","Vol. 169","No. 11","pp. 112504",2022,Nov. "Yiming Jiang,Chun-Yi Chen,Xun Luo,Daisuke Yamane,Masanori Mizoguchi,Osamu Kudo,Ryu Maeda,Masato Sone,Tso-Fu Mark Chang","Micro-compression and micro-hardness of electrodeposited Nickel-Cobalt alloys","3-day International Conference on Materials Science",,,,,,2022,Oct. "Yiming Jiang,Chun-Yi Chen,Tomoyuki Kurioka,Daisuke Yamane,Masanori Mizoguchi,Osamu Kudo,Ryu Maeda,Masato Sone,Tso-Fu Mark Chang","Micro-scale Mechanical Characterustic of Electrodeposited Ni-B Alloys Components Toward Design of MEMS Devices","NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSES OF STRUCTURAL PARTS",,,,,,2022,Sept. "Yiming Jiang,Chun-Yi Chen,Tomoyuki Kurioka,Daisuke Yamane,Masanori Mizoguchi,Osamu Kudo,Ryu Maeda,Masato Sone,Tso-Fu Mark Chang","Ultra-High Mechanical Strength and Thermal Stability of Electrodeposited Ni-B Alloys toward MEMS Micro-Components","48th international conference on Micro and Nano Engineering - Eurosensors (MNE-ES)",,,,,,2022,Sept. "Po-Wei Cheng,Tomoyuki Kurioka,Chun-Yi Chen,Yiming Jiang,Wan-Ting Chiu,Masaki Tahara,Hideki Hosoda,Taku Ichibayashi,Suzushi Nishimura,Masato Sone,Tso-Fu Mark Chang","Tensile Strength of Pt Metallized Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) by Supercritical CO2-assisted Metallization for Design of Flexible Electronic Components","48th international conference on Micro and Nano Engineering - Eurosensors (MNE-ES)",,,,,,2022,Sept. "Yiming Jiang,Chun-Yi Chen,Xun Luo,Daisuke Yamane,Masanori Mizoguchi,Osamu Kudo,Ryu Maeda,Masato Sone,Tso-Fu Mark Chang","Thermal Stability and Mechanical Property of Electrodeposited Ni-B Alloy","31st Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry",,,,,,2022,May "Yiming Jiang,Chun-Yi Chen,Xun Luo,Daisuke Yamane,Masanori Mizoguchi,Osamu Kudo,Ryu Maeda,Masato Sone,Tso-Fu Mark Chang","Electrodeposition and Micro-Mechanical Property Characterization of Nickel-Cobalt Alloys toward Design of MEMS Components",,"Electrochem","MDPI","Vol. 3",,"pp. 198-210",2022,Apr. "Yiming Jiang,Chun-Yi Chen,Xun Luo,Daisuke Yamane,Masato Sone,Tso-Fu Mark Chang","High Strength Electrodeposited Ni-B alloys and Their Thermal Stability","2022年応?物理学会春季講演会",,,,,,2022,Mar. "Yiming Jiang,Chun-Yi Chen,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Xun Luo,Daisuke Yamane,Masanori Mizoguchi,Osamu Kudo,Ryu Maeda,Masato Sone","Electrodeposition of Ni-Co Alloys from Sulfamate Bath and the Micro-Mechanical Property","The 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2021)",,,,,,2021,Dec. "Yiming Jiang,Chun-Yi Chen,Xun Luo,Daisuke Yamane,Masanori Mizoguchi,Osamu Kudo,Ryu Maeda,Masato Sone,Tso-Fu Mark Chang","Electrodeposition of Nickel-Cobalt Alloy Films and their Micro-Mechanical Property","TACT2021 International Thin Films Conference","TACT2021 International Thin Films Conference",,,,,2021,Nov. "Yiming Jiang,Chun-Yi Chen,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Xun Luo,Daisuke Yamane,Masanori Mizoguchi,Osamu Kudo,Ryu Maeda,Masato Sone","Micro-Mechanical Characterization of Electrodeposited Ni-Co Alloys toward Design of MEMS Components","Micro and Nano Engineering Conference 2021 (MNE2021)",,,,,,2021,Sept. "Yiming Jiang,Chun-Yi Chen,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Xun Luo,Daisuke Yamane,Masato Sone","Electrodeposition of Ni-Co Alloys and the Mechanical Properties by Micro-Vickers Hardness Test",,"Electrochem","MDPI","Vol. 2","No. 1","pp. 1-9",2021,Jan. "Jiang Yiming,Yu-An Chien,Chun-Yi Chen,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Masato Sone","Relationship between Current Density, Crystal Grain Size, Composition and Mechanical Properties in Electrodeposited Ni-Co Alloys","PRiME 2020","PRiME 2020",,,,,2020,Oct. "Yiming Jiang,Yu-An Chien,Chun-Yi Chen,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Masato Sone","Relationship between Current Density, Crystal Grain Size, Composition and Hardness in Electrodeposited Ni-Co Alloys","第67回応用物理学会春季学術講演会","第67回応用物理学会春季学術講演会",,,,,2020,Mar.