"Christian David Cruz Pangilinan","Effect of catalyst preparation method of silver and manganese oxides on titanium dioxide on the decomposition of benzene using non-thermal plasma catalysis",,,,,,,2015,Sept. "Christian David Cruz Pangilinan","Effect of catalyst preparation method of silver and manganese oxides on titanium dioxide on the decomposition of benzene using non-thermal plasma catalysis",,,,,,,2015,Sept. "Christian David Cruz Pangilinan","Effect of catalyst preparation method of silver and manganese oxides on titanium dioxide on the decomposition of benzene using non-thermal plasma catalysis",,,,,,,2015,Sept. "Christian David C. Pangilinan,Winarto Kurniawan,Chris Salim,Hirofumi Hinode","Effect of MnOx/TiO2 oxidation state on ozone concentration in a non-thermal plasma driven catalysis reactor",,"Ozone: Science & Engineering",," 38"," 2"," 156-162 (2016)",2015,Sept. "Christian David C. Pangilinan,Winarto Kurniawan,Chris Salim,Hirofumi Hinode","Effect of Ag/TiO2 catalyst preparation on gas-phase benzene decomposition using non-thermal plasma driven catalysis under oxygen plasma",,"Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis","Akad?miai Kiad?, Springer","vol. 117"," 1"," 103-118",2015,Aug. "C. Pangilinan,W. Kurniawan,H. Hinode","Effect of catalyst preparation method on the gas-phase benzene decomposition by nonthermal plasma driven catalysis under air plasma","9-th International Symposium on Non-Thermal/Thermal Plasma Pollution Control Technology & Sustainable Energy (ISNTP-9)",,,,,,2014,June "Christian David Cruz Pangilinan,Winarto Kurniawan,Chris Salim,HIROFUMI HINODE","Effect of catalyst preparation method on the decomposition of benzene using Ag/TiO2 packed nonthermal plasma driven catalyst reactor","6th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering 2013",,,,,,2013,Dec.