"LEI Lei,TAKAHASHI Kunio,A. Sriwijaya R. Rachmat,PASOMPHONE Hemthavy","Effect of the surface roughness of a rigid body in contact with an elastic body upon the contact width",,"QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN WELDING SOCIETY","JAPAN WELDING SOCIETY","Vol. 27","No. 2","p. 196s-199s",2009,June "高橋 邦夫,ヘムタビー パソムポーン,SRIWIJAYARACHMAT,雷 磊,ジャトミコ クスモ,齋藤 滋規","弾性率変化による可逆接合の可能性?固体間凝着理論の応用?",,"溶接学会論文集","溶接学会","vol. 26","no. 4","pp. 292-297",2008,Dec. "Lei Lei,Kunio Takahashi,A.Sriwijaya R.Rachmat,Hemthavy Pasomphone","Effect of the surface roughness of a rigid body upon the contact width in contact with an elastic body",,"Proceedings of 8th International Welding Symposium",,,,"pp. 325-325",2008,Nov.