"Hiroshi Takagi,Siyang Li,Mario de Leon,Miguel Esteban,Takahito Mikami,Ryo Matsumaru,Tomoya Shibayama,Ryota Nakamura","Storm surge and evacuation in urban areas during the peak of a storm",,"Coastal Engineering","Elsevier","Vol. 108",,"pp. 1-9",2016,Feb. "Takahito Mikami,Tomoya Shibayama,Hiroshi Takagi,Ryo Matsumaru,Miguel Esteban,Nguyen Danh Thao,Mario De Leon,Ven Paolo Valenzuela,Takahiro Oyama,Ryota Nakamura,Kenzou Kumagai,Siyang Li","Storm Surge Heights and Damage Caused by the 2013 Typhoon Haiyan Along the Leyte Gulf Coast",,"Coastal Engineering Journal",,,,"page 27",2016,Jan.