"Abdul Latif,Mitsutoshi Ueda,Kenichi Kawamura,MASAO TAKEYAMA","Effect of Steam on The Oxidation Behavior of Nickel-based Alloy at 1273 K for Oxygen-Hydrogen Combustion Chamber","TMS Fall Meeting MS&T24 Technical Meeting and Exhibition",,,,,,2024,Oct. "Abdul Latif,Mitsutoshi Ueda,Masao Takeyama","Oxidation Behavior of a Novel Nickel-Based Alloy in Air and Steam at 1273 K for the Oxygen?Hydrogen Combustion Chamber",,"High Temperature Corrosion of Materials",,,,,2024,Aug. "Abdul Latif,Mitsutoshi Ueda,Ryota Nagashima,Masao Takeyama","Oxidation Behavior of Nickel based Alloys at 1273 K for Oxygen Hydrogen Combustion Chamber","International Symposium on High-Temperature Oxidation and Corrosion 2022 (ISHOC-2022)","ISHOC-2022 Abstracts",,,,"pp. 193-194",2022,Oct.