"Kuo Hsuan Tseng,Yasuo Ogawa,Nurhasan,Sabri B?lent Tank,Naoto Ujihara,Yoshimori Honkura,Akihiko Terada,Yoshiya Usui,Wataru Kanda","Correction to: Anatomy of active volcanic edifice at the Kusatsu?Shirane volcano, Japan, by magnetotellurics: hydrothermal implications for volcanic unrests",,"Earth, Planets and Space","Springer Nature"," 74",,,2022,May "Yasuo Ogawa,Kuo Hsuan Tseng,Nurhasan,S. Bulent Tank,Naoto Ujihara,Yoshimori Honkura,Akihiko Terada,Yoshiya Usui,Wataru Kanda","Active Volcanic Edifice at the Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano, Japan, imaged by Magnetotellurics: Hydrothermal Implications for Volcanic Unrests","2020 AGU Fall meeting",,,,,,2020,Dec. "Kuo Hsuan Tseng,Yasuo Ogawa,Nurhasan,Sabri B?lent Tank,Naoto Ujihara,Yoshimori Honkura,Akihiko Terada,Yoshiya Usui,Wataru Kanda","Anatomy of active volcanic edifice at the Kusatsu?Shirane volcano, Japan, by magnetotellurics: hydrothermal implications for volcanic unrests",,"Earth, Planets and Space","Springer Nature","Volume 72",,,2020,Oct. "Kuo Hsuan Tseng,Yasuo Ogawa,Nurhasan Nurhasan,Sabri B?lent Tank,Yoshimori Honkura,Naoto Ujihara,Akihiko Terada,Yoshiya Usui,Wataru Kanda","Anatomy of Active Volcanic Edifice at the Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano, Japan, by Magnetotellurics: Hydrothermal Implications for Volcanic Unrests","JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020",,,,,,2020,July "Satoru Yamaguchi,Yasuo Ogawa,Kiyoshi Fuji-ta,Naoto Ujihara,Hiroo Inokuchi,Naoto Oshiman","Audio-frequency magnetotelluric imaging of the Hijima fault, Yamasaki fault system, southwest Japan",,"Earth Planets Space",,"Vol. 62","no. 4","pp. 401-411",2010,June "Honkura, Y.,Y. Ogawa,M. Matsushima,S. Nagaoka,N. Ujihara,T. Yamawaki","A model for observed circular polarized electric fields coincident with the passage of large seismic waves",,"J. Geophys. Res.",,"Vol. 114",,,2009,Oct.