"Walita Narkbuakaew","Study of a Level-Set Based Active Contour Method for Liver-Image Segmentation",,,,,,,2015,Mar. "Walita Narkbuakaew","Study of a Level-Set Based Active Contour Method for Liver-Image Segmentation",,,,,,,2015,Mar. "Walita Narkbuakaew","Study of a Level-Set Based Active Contour Method for Liver-Image Segmentation",,,,,,,2015,Mar. "Walita Narkbuakaew,Hiroshi Nagahashi,Kota Aoki,Yoshiki Kubota","Bone Segmentation in CT-Liver Images Using K-Means Clustering for 3D Rib Cage Surface-Modeling",,"WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine",,"Volume 11",,"pp. 183-193",2014,Nov. "Walita Narkbuakaew,Hiroshi Nagahashi,Kota Aoki,Yoshiki Kubota","An Efficient Liver-Segmentation System Based on a Level-Set Method and Consequent Processes",,"Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering",,"Vol. 7","No. 12","pp. 994-1004",2014,Oct. "Walita Narkbuakaew,Hiroshi Nagahashi,Kota Aoki,Kubota Yoshiki","Level-Set Image Segmentation Based on Integration of Artificial Balloon and Signed Pressure Forces","The 4th IIEEJ International Workshop on Image Electronics and Visual Computing 2014","Proceedings of IEVC2014",,,,,2014,Oct. "Walita NARKBUAKAEW,Hiroshi NAGAHASHI,Kota AOKI,Yoshiki KUBOTA","Integration of Modi?ed K-Means Clustering and Morphological Operations for Multi-Organ Segmentation in CT Liver-Images","International Conference on Biology and Biomedical Engineering","Recent Advances in Biomedical & Chemical Engineering and Material Science",,,,"pp. 34-39",2014,Mar. "Walita Narkbuakaew,Hiroshi Nagahashi,Kota Aoki,Yoshiki Kubota","Liver Segmentation Based on Reaction-Diffusion Evolution and Chan-Vese Model in 4DCT","The First International Aizu Conference on Biomedical Informatics and Technology","Biomedical Informatics and Technology","Springer Berlin Heidelberg","Vol. 404",,"pp. 138-149",2013,Sept.