"坂本 貴紀,芹野 素子,段 毛毛,畑 泰代,永峯 優斗,上田 裕貴,伊澤 梓 実,鴨志田 一真,榎戸 輝揚,和田 有希,谷津 陽一","1Uキューブサットによる機上突発天体速報システムの実証実験: 2021年度 進捗状況","第65会宇宙科学技術連合講演会",,,,,,2021,Nov. "Y Tsuboi,K Yamazaki,Y Sugawara,A Kawagoe,S Kaneto,R Iizuka,T Matsumura,S Nakahira,M Higa,M Matsuoka,M Sugizaki,Y Ueda,N Kawai,M Morii,Motoko Suzuki,T Mihara,H Tomida,S Ueno,H Negoro,A Daikyuji,K Ebisawa,S Eguchi,K Hiroi,M Ishikawa,N Isobe,K Kawasaki,M Kimura,H Kitayama,M Kohama,tarou kotani,Y.~E. Nakagawa,M Nakajima,H Ozawa,M Shidatsu,T Sootome,kousuke sugimori,F Suwa,H Tsunemi,Ryuichi Usui,T Yamamoto,K Yamaoka,A Yoshida","Large X-ray flares on stars detected with MAXI/GSC: A universal correlation between the duration of a flare and its X-ray luminosity",,"Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan",,"Vol. 68",,"pp. 90",2016,Oct. "Takanori Sakamoto,R Oda,T Mihara,A Yoshida,Makoto Arimoto,S.~D. Barthelmy,N Kawai,H.~A. Krimm,S Nakahira,Motoko Suzuki","Swift/BAT and MAXI/GSC broadband transient monitor",,"Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan",,"Vol. 68",,,2016,June "河合 誠之,谷津陽一,有元誠,冨田 洋,上野 史郎,三原 建弘,鈴木素子,吉田 篤正,坂本貴紀,常深 博,幸村 孝由,根來 均,上田 佳宏,坪井 陽子,海老沢 研,森井 幹雄,穴吹 直久,湯浅 孝行,堂谷 忠靖,中村 卓史,田中 貴浩,吉田 道利,神田 展行,Vagins Mark","iWF-MAXI広天域軟X線監視ミッション","日本物理学会第71回年次大会","日本物理学会講演概要集","一般社団法人日本物理学会","Vol. 71","No. 1",,2016,Feb. "根來 均,上野 史郎,冨田 洋,中平 聡志,木村 公,石川 真木,中川 友進,三原 建弘,杉崎 睦,鈴木素子,志達 めぐみ,松岡 勝,河合 誠之,常深 博,吉田 篤正,坂本貴紀,中島 基樹,上田 佳宏,坪井 陽子,山内 誠,森井 幹雄,山岡 和貴,MAXIチーム","全天X線監視装置MAXI による2014-2015年度の科学的成果","日本物理学会第71回年次大会","日本物理学会講演概要集","一般社団法人日本物理学会","Vol. 71","No. 1",,2016,Feb. "有元誠,河合 誠之,谷津陽一,池田 博一,原山 淳,米徳 大輔,澤野 達哉,冨田 洋,木村 公,上野 史郎,三原 建弘,鈴木素子,森井 幹雄,吉田 篤正,坂本貴紀,常深 博,幸村 孝由,根来 均,上田 佳宏,坪井 陽子,海老沢 研,中村 卓史,田中 貴浩,吉田 道利,神田 展行,Vagins Mark","WF-MAXI搭載硬X線モニターのLSI開発と熱設計","日本物理学会第70回年次大会(2015年)","日本物理学会講演概要集","一般社団法人日本物理学会","Vol. 70","No. 1",,2015,Feb. "Y. Shirasaki,A. Yoshida,N. Kawai,T. Tamagawa,T. Sakamoto,M. Suzuki,Y. Nakagawa,A. Kobayashi,S. Sugita,I. Takahashi,M. Arimoto,T. Shimokawabe,N. V. Pazmino,T. Ishimura,R. Sato,M. Matsuoka,E. E. Fenimore,M. Galassi,D. Q. Lamb,C. Graziani,T. Q. Donaghy,J.-L. Atteia,A. Pelangeon,R. Vanderspek,G. B. Crew,J. P. Doty,J. Villasenor,G. Prigozhin,N. Butler,G. R. Ricker,K. Hurley,S. E. Woosley,G. Pizzichini","Multiple-Component Analysis of the Time-Resolved Spectra of GRB 041006:A Clue to the Nature of the Underlying Soft Component of GRBs.",,"Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan.",,"Vol. 60",,"pp. 919-931",2008,Aug. "Vasquez, N.,Kawai, N.,Arimoto, M.,Shimokawabe, T.,Ishimura, T.,Suzuki, M.,Sato, R.,Yoshida, A.,Nakagawa, Y.,Sugita, S.,Tamagawa, T.,Kuwahara, M.,Sakamoto, T.,Shirasaki, Y.,Ricker, G. R.","Substructure spectral analysis of HETE-2 burst GRB060115","GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 2007","GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 2007: Proceedings of the Santa Fe Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings",,"Vol. 1000",,"pp. 150-153",2008,May "Arimoto Makoto,Kawai Nobuyuki,Suzuki Motoko,Sato Rie,Pazmino N. V.,Shimokawabe Takashi,Ishimura Takuto,Nakagawa Yujin E.,Pelangeon Alexandre,Atteia Jean-Luc,Hurley Kevin,Pizzichini Graziella,Lamb Donald Q.","HETE-2 observation of the evidence of a long acting engine in the extremely soft XRF 040916","GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 2007","GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 2007: Proceedings of the Santa Fe Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings",,"Vol. 1000",,"pp. 331-334",2008,May "Takahashi, I.,Nakagawa, Y. E.,Yoshida, A.,Sugita, S.,Tamagawa, T.,Kuwahara, M.,Kawai, N.,Arimoto, M.,Shimokawabe, T.,Ishimura, T.,Vasquez, N.,Suzuki, M.,Sato, R.,Shirasaki, Y.,Ricker, George R.","Development of A New Background Reduction Method for WXM/HETE-2 and Its Application for Bright GRB Spectra","GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 2007","GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 2007: Proceedings of the Santa Fe Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings",,"Vol. 1000",,"pp. 174-177",2008,May "Shirasaki, Y.,Yoshida, A.,Kawai, N.,Nakagawa, Y.,Tamagawa, T.,Suzuki, M.,Sugita, S.,Takahashi, I.,Arimoto, M.,Shimokawabe, T.,Vasquez, N.,Ishimura, T.,Sato, R.,Sakamoto, T.,Kuwahara, M.,Matsuoka, M.","Spectrum Feature of the Underlying Soft Component of GRB041006.","GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 2007","GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 2007: Proceedings of the Santa Fe Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings",,"Vol. 1000",,"pp. 158-161",2008,May "Motoko Suzuki","The properties of prompt emissions and afterglows of gamma-ray bursts observed by HETE-2 and BeppoSAX",,,,,,,2005,Mar.