"Jaejun Kim,Hiroyoshi Ohtsu,Taizen Den,Krittanun Deekamwong,Iriya Muneta,Masaki Kawano","Control of anisotropy of a redox-active molecule-based film leads to non-volatile resistive switching memory",,"Chemical Science","Royal Society of Chemistry","Vol. 10",,"pp. 10888 - 10893",2019,Oct. "T. Den,P. M. Usov,J. Kim,D. Hashizume,H. Ohtsu,M. Kawano","Solid?Gas Phase Synthesis of Coordination Networks by Using Redox‐Active Ligands and Elucidation of Their Oxidation Reaction",,"Chem Eur J",,"Volume 25","# 49","Page 11512-11520",2019,July "Jaejun Kim","Design of Electronic Devices Using Redox-active Organic Molecules and Its Porous Coordination Networks",,,,,,,2019,Mar. "Jaejun Kim","Design of Electronic Devices Using Redox-active Organic Molecules and Its Porous Coordination Networks",,,,,,,2019,Mar. "Jaejun Kim","Design of Electronic Devices Using Redox-active Organic Molecules and Its Porous Coordination Networks",,,,,,,2019,Mar. "Jaejun Kim","Design of Electronic Devices Using Redox-active Organic Molecules and Its Porous Coordination Networks",,,,,,,2019,Mar. "Jaejun Kim,Masaki Kawano","Channel opening of columnar coordination network for detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons","122nd Korean Chemical Society(KCS) General meeting",,,,,,2018,Oct. "Taizen Den,Jaejun Kim,Hiroyoshi Ohtsu,Masaki Kawano","Zinc Iodide-based redox active coordination networks","43rd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry(ICCC2018)",,,,,,2018,July "Taizen Den,Jaejun Kim,Hiroyoshi Ohtsu,Masaki Kawano","Syntheses of Coordination Networks with a Redox-Active Ligand","錯体化学会 第67回討論会",,,,,,2017,Sept.