"Y. Aoki,M. Sakurai,S. Coh,J. R. Chelikowsky,S. G. Louie,M. L. Cohen,S. Saito","Insulating titanium oxynitride for visible light photocatalysis",,"Review B",,"Vol. 99",," 075203",2019,Feb. "Sinisa Coh,Peter Y. Yu,Yuta Aoki,S. Saito,Steven G. Louie,Marvin L. Cohen","Alternative structure of TiO2 with higher energy valence band edge",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 95",," 085422",2017,Feb. "Kazuya Nakano,Yuta Aoki,Ryota Satoh,Hiroyuki Suzuki,Izumi Nishidate","Visualization of Venous Compliance of Superficial Veins Using Non-Contact Plethysmography Based on Digital Red-Green-Blue Images",,"Sensors",,"Vol. 16","No. 12",,2016,Nov. "Yuta Aoki,Susumu Saito,Sinisa Coh,Marvin L. Cohen","Theoretical Study of Titanium Oxynitride","第63回応用物理学会・春季学術講演会",,,,,,2016,Mar. "Yuta Aoki,Susumu Saito","Thermodynamic and other related properties of titanium-dioxide systems","The 2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies",,,,,,2015,Dec. "齋藤晋,青木祐太","二酸化チタン多形に関する相図の第一原理計算に基づく理論予測",,,,,,,2015,Sept. "Yuta Aoki","Electronic, Quasiparticle, and Thermodynamic Properties of Titanium Dioxide and Its Related Materials: A Systematic First-principles study",,,,,,,2015,June "Yuta Aoki","Electronic, Quasiparticle, and Thermodynamic Properties of Titanium Dioxide and Its Related Materials: A Systematic First-principles study",,,,,,,2015,June "Yuta Aoki","Electronic, Quasiparticle, and Thermodynamic Properties of Titanium Dioxide and Its Related Materials: A Systematic First-principles study",,,,,,,2015,June "Yuta Aoki","Electronic, Quasiparticle, and Thermodynamic Properties of Titanium Dioxide and Its Related Materials: A Systematic First-principles study",,,,,,,2015,June "齋藤晋,青木祐太","Quasiparticle and optical properties of TiO2 and its related systems","日本物理学会 第70回年次大会",,,,,,2015,Mar. "Y. Aoki,S. Saito","Thermodynamic Effects on Energetic, Structural, and Elastic Properties of Titanium Dioxide Polymorphs","International Symposium Nanoscience and Quantum Physics 2012","JPS Conference Proceedings",,"Vol. 4",," 012005",2015,Jan. "Y. Aoki,S. Saito","Theoretical prediction of phase diagram and other related properties of TiO2 polymorphs from first principlesd",""The Eighth International Conference on the Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics",,,,,,2014,June "齋藤晋,青木祐太","二酸化チタン多形の諸物性におけるフォノン効果","日本物理学会 第69回年次大会",,,,,,2014,Mar. "Yuta Aoki,Naoto Umezawa,Susumu Saito","Synthesis conditions and electronic structures of heavily N-doped TiO2","American Physical Society 2014 March Meeting",,,,,,2014,Mar. "Y. Aoki,S. Saito","Energetics and electronic properties of heavily nitrogen-doped titanium dioxide",,"Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan",,"Vol. 121",,"Page 373",2013,Apr. "Y. Aoki,S. Saito","Impurities Effects on the Electronic Structure of Titanium Dioxide","International Symposium "Nanoscience and Quantum Physics 2011"","J. Phys: Conf. Ser.",,"Vol. 302",," 012034",2011,July