"Takashi Watanabe,Yohsuke Masaki,Takahiro Fujii,Miyuki Hayashi,Kazuhiro Nagata","STM observation for W?stite (Fe1-xO)","2009 Tsinghua Univ.-Tokyo Tech.-Xiamen Univ. Joint Symposium on Advanced Materials","Proceedings of 2009 Tsinghua Univ.-Tokyo Tech.-Xiamen Univ. Joint Symposium on Advanced Materials",,,,"p. 24",2009,Nov. "Yohsuke Masaki,Takashi Watanabe,Miyuki Hayashi,Kazuhiro Nagata","Polycrystalline W?stite Surface Observed by STM and LEED",,"ISIJ International","The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan","Vol. 49","No. 1","pp. 74-77",2009,July "Yohsuke Masaki,Takashi Watanabe,Miyuki Hayashi,Kazuhiro Nagata","Surface structural analysis of polycrystalline wustite using STM and LEED","The 4th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Steelmaking","Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Steelmaking","The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan",,,"p. 152-154",2008,Oct.