"Kaori Seki,Takeshi Ohba,Shinnosuke Aoyama,Yuichiro Ueno,Hirochika Sumino,Wataru Kanda,Muga Yaguchi,Toshiya Tanbo","Variations in thermal state revealed by the geochemistry of fumarolic gases and hot-spring waters of the Tateyama volcanic hydrothermal system, Japan",,"Bulletin of Volcanology",,"Vol. 81",,,2019,Jan. "S. Aoyama,Manabu nishizawa,J Miyazaki,T. Shibuya,Yuichiro Ueno,Ken Takai","Recycled Archean sulfur in the mantle wedge of the Mariana Forearc and microbial sulfate",,"Earth and Planetary Science Letters",," 491",," 109-120",2018,June "Yuichiro Ueno,Shinnosuke Aoyama","Isotopic signatures of global-scale biological activity","PSA workshop, Tokyo, Japan",,,,,,2018,May "Aoyama S,Ueno Y","Multiple sulfur isotope constraints on microbial sulfate reduction below Archean seafloor hydrothermal system",,"Geobiology",," 16",," 107-120",2018, "Seki, K.,Ohba, T.,Aoyama, S.,Ueno, Y.,Sumino, H.,Kanda, W.,Yaguchi, M.,Tanbo, T.","The isotopic values and chemical compositions from the the hydrothermal system beneath the Jigokudani Valley, Tateyama Volcano","IAVCEI 2017 General Assembly",,,,,,2017,Aug. "青山 慎之介,上野 雄一郎,小宮 剛,Tsuyoshi Iizuka,亀井 淳志,M. Satish-Kumar","花崗岩の四種硫黄同位体から読み解く40億年前の全球的な微生物硫酸還元活動","日本地球科学会年会",,,,,,2017,May "Kaori Seki,Takeshi OHBA,S. Aoyama,Y. Ueno,Wataru Kanda,T. Tanbo","The isotopic ratios of the hot springs in the Jigokudani Valley,Tateyama Volcano","日本地球惑星科学連合2017年大会",,,,,,2017,May "関 香織,大場 武,青山 慎之介,上野 雄一郎,神田 径,丹保 俊哉","立山地獄谷の温泉水の同位体比","JpGU-AGU Joint meeting 2017",,,,,,2017,May "Shinnosuke Aoyama","Microbial sulfate reduction through Earth's history",,,,,,,2017,Mar. "Shinnosuke Aoyama","Microbial sulfate reduction through Earth's history",,,,,,,2017,Mar. "Shinnosuke Aoyama","Microbial sulfate reduction through Earth's history",,,,,,,2017,Mar. "Shinnosuke Aoyama","Microbial sulfate reduction through Earth's history",,,,,,,2017,Mar. "関香織,青山慎之介,上野雄一郎,神田 径","立山地獄谷の温泉水の硫黄同位体比",,"日本火山学会講演予稿集","特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会","Vol. 2016","No. 0","pp. 130-130",2016,Sept.