"Yan Fei","Quantum Computation based Image Data Searching, Image Watermarking, and Representation of Emotion Space",,,,,,,2014,Mar. "Yan Fei","Quantum Computation based Image Data Searching, Image Watermarking, and Representation of Emotion Space",,,,,,,2014,Mar. "Yan Fei","Quantum Computation based Image Data Searching, Image Watermarking, and Representation of Emotion Space",,,,,,,2014,Mar. "Bo Sun,Abdullahi Mohammad Iliyasu,FEI YAN,Jesus Adrian Garcia Sanchez,fangyan dong,Awad Kh. Al-Asmari,KAORU HIROTA","Multi-Channel Information Operations on Quantum Images",,"Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics",,"Vol. 18","No. 2","pp. 140-149",2014, "Martin Leonard Tangel,Fatichah Chastine,FEI YAN,JANET POMARES BETANCOURT,Muhammad Rahmat Widyanto,fangyan dong,KAORU HIROTA","Dental Numbering for Periapical Radiograph Based on Multiple Fuzzy Attribute Approach",,"Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics",,"Vol. 18","No. 3","pp. 253-261",2014, "FEI YAN,Abdullahi Mohammad Iliyasu,Zhentao Liu,Zhengang Jiang,fangyan dong,KAORU HIROTA","Representation of Quantum Emotion Space using Bloch Sphere","The Joint International Conference of Information Technology and Control Applications 2014 and International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Applications 2014 (ITCA&ISCIIA2014)",,,,,"pp. 195-200",2014, "JANET POMARES BETANCOURT,Martin Leonard Tangel,FEI YAN,Marianella Otano Diaz,Alejandro E. Portela,fangyan dong,KAORU HIROTA","Segmented Wavelet Decomposition for Capnogram Feature Extraction in Asthma Classification",,"Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics",,"Vol. 18","No. 4","pp. 480-488",2014, "JANET POMARES BETANCOURT,Martin Leonard Tangel,FEI YAN,Marianela Otano,Alejandro E. Portela,fangyan dong,KAORU HIROTA","Capnogram Feature Extraction Based on Wavelet Decomposition by Segments for Classification of Asthma Severity","The 3rd International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics (IWACIII2013)",,,,," GS2-2",2013,Oct. "Bo Sun,Abdullahi Mohammad Iliyasu,FEI YAN,Jesus Adrian Garcia Sanchez,fangyan dong,Awad Kh. Al-Asmari,KAORU HIROTA","Quantum Computation based Color Information Transformation on Multi-Channel Image","9th Chaina-Japan International Workshop on Internet Technology and Control Applications (CJITCA2013)",,,,,"pp. 19/26",2013,July "Martin Leonard Tangel,Fatichah Chastine,FEI YAN,JANET POMARES BETANCOURT,Muhammad Rahmat Widyanto,fangyan dong,KAORU HIROTA","Dental Classification for Periapical Radiograph based on Multiple Fuzzy Attribute","2013 Joint IFSA World Congress NAFIPS Annual Meeting",,,,,"pp. 304-309",2013,June "JANET POMARES BETANCOURT,Fatichah Chastine,Martin Leonard Tangel,FEI YAN,Jesus Adrian Garcia Sanchez,fangyan dong,KAORU HIROTA","Similarity-Based Fuzzy Classification of ECG and Capnogram Signals",,"J. of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics",,"Vol. 17","No. 1","pp. 302/310",2013,Jan. "Bo Sun,Abdullahi Mohammad Iliyasu,FEI YAN,fangyan dong,KAORU HIROTA","An RGB Multi-Channel Representation for Images on Quantum Computers",,"Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics",,"Vol. 17","No. 3","pp. 404-417",2013, "Abdullahi Mohammad Iliyasu,Quang Phuc Le,FEI YAN,Bo Sun,Jesus Adrian Garcia Sanchez,fangyan dong,KAORU HIROTA","A Two-tier Scheme for Greyscale Quantum Image Watermarking and Recovery",,"Int. J. Innovative Computing and Applications",,"Vol. 5","No. 2","pp. 85-101",2013, "Abdullahi Mohammad Iliyasu,Quang Phuc Le,FEI YAN,Bo Sun,fangyan dong,Awad Kh. Al-Asmari,KAORU HIROTA","Insights into the Viability of Using Available Photonic Quantum Technologies for Efficient Image and Video Processing Applications",,"Int. J. of Unconventional Computing (IJUC)",,"Vol. 9","No. 1-2","pp. 125-151",2013, "JANET POMARES BETANCOURT,Fatichah Chastine,Martin Leonard Tangel,FEI YAN,Jesus Adrian Garcia Sanchez,fangyan dong,KAORU HIROTA","Similarity-based Fuzzy Inference System for ECG and Capnogram Signals Classification","International Symposium on Soft Computing sponsored by ASPIRE League",,,,," GS3-2",2012,Nov. "Zhentao Liu,Zhen Mu,Luefeng Chen,Quang Phuc Le,Fatichah Chastine,Tang Yong kang,Martin Leonard Tangel,FEI YAN,Kazuhiro Ohnishi,Masashi Yamaguchi,Yojiro Adachi,Jiajun Lu,Tianyu Li,Yoichi Yamazaki,fangyan dong,KAORU HIROTA","Emotion Recognition of Violin Music based on Strings Music Theory for Mascot Robot System","9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO2012)",,,,,"pp. 5/14",2012,July "FEI YAN,Quang Phuc Le,Abdullahi Mohammad Iliyasu,Bo Sun,Jesus Adrian Garcia Sanchez,fangyan dong,KAORU HIROTA","Assessing the Similarity of Quantum Images based on Probability Measurements","IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence 2012 (WCCI2012)",,,,,"pp. 617/622",2012,June "FEI YAN,Abdullahi Mohammad Iliyasu,Fatichah Chastine,Martin Leonard Tangel,JANET POMARES BETANCOURT,fangyan dong,KAORU HIROTA","Quantum Image Searching Based on Probability Distributions",,"Journal of Quantum Information Science",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 55/60",2012, "KAORU HIROTA,Yoichi Yamazaki,Quang Phuc Le,Fatichah Chastine,Zhentao Liu,Tang,Martin Leonard Tangel,Zhen Mu,Bo Sun,FEI YAN,Masashi Yamaguchi,Kazuhiro Ohnishi,fangyan dong","Choquet Integral based Multimodal Gesture Recognition Using Camera and 3D Acceleromaters Fusion","日本知能情報ファジィ学会第27回ファジィシステムシンポジウム(FSS2011)",,,,,"pp. 613/618",2011,Sept. "Bo Sun,Phuc Q. Le,Abdullah M.Iliyasu,FEI YAN,J. Adrian Garcia,fangyan dong,KAORU HIROTA","A Multi-Channel Representation for Images on Quantum Computers using the RGBα Color Space","IEEE Int. Symp. on Intelligent Signal Processing(WISP2011)",,,,,"pp. 160/165",2011,Sept. "KAORU HIROTA,Hai An Vu,Phuc Q.Le,Fatichah Chastine,Zhentao Liu,Tang Yong kang,Martin Tangel,Zhen Mu,Bo Sun,FEI YAN,Daisuke Masano,thet,Masashi Yamaguchi,fangyan dong,Yoichi Yamazaki","Multimodal Gesture Recognition Based on Choquet Integral","2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE2011)",,,,,"pp. 772/776",2011,June