"Yang-ming Fan,Takushi Saito,Tatsuya Kawaguchi,Isao Satoh","Study of Surface Wetting Control of the Solid Body by Chemical States and Surface Geometry of Coated Nano-particles Layer","The 12th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing","PSFVIP-12 Full Paper",,,,,2019,Nov. "Fan Yang,Kotaro Tadano,Gangyan Li,Toshiharu Kagawa","Analysis of the Energy Efficiency of a Pneumatic Booster Regulator with Energy Recovery",,"applied sciences",,"Vol. 7",,,2017,Aug. "Yang Ming Fan,Takushi Saito,Tatsuya Kawaguchi,Isao Satoh","Study of Surface Wetting Control by Metal Nano-particles and Thermal Treatment","The 4th International Forum on Heat Transfer","Proceedings of The 4th International Forum on Heat Transfer",,,," IFHT2016-1924",2016,Nov.