"Kherlen Jigjid,Yuki Minamoto,Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan,Mamoru Tanahashi","SGS Reaction rate modelling for MILD combustion based on machine-learning combustion mode classification: Development and a priori study",,"Proceedings of the Combustion Institute",,"Vol. 39","No. 4","pp. 4489-4499",2023,Jan. "源 勇気,Jigjid Kherlen,店橋 護","反応性同定における局所燃焼モードの影響に関する基礎検討","日本流体力学会年会2022",,,,,,2022,Sept. "Kherlen Jigjid,Yuki Minamoto,Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan,Mamoru Tanahashi","SGS Reaction rate modelling for MILD combustion based on machine-learning combustion mode classification","International Symposium on Combustion",,,,,,2022,July "Yuki Minamoto,Kherlen Jigjid,Rentaro Igari,Mamoru Tanahashi","Effect of flame?flame interaction on scalar PDF in turbulent premixed flames",,,,,,,2022,May "K. Jigjid,C. Tamaoki,Y. Minamoto,R. Nakazawa,N. Inoue,M. Tanahashi","Data driven analysis and prediction of MILD combustion mode",,"Combustion and Flame",,"Vol. 223",,"pp. 475-485",2021,Jan. "K. Jigjid,C. Tamaoki,Y. Minamoto,R. Nakazawa,N. Inoue,M. Tanahashi","Corrigendum to "Data driven analysis and prediction of MILD combustion mode",,"Combustion and Flame",,"Vol. 227",,"pp. 481-482",2021,Jan. "源 勇気,ジグジッド ヘルレン,玉置 千智,店橋 護","データ指向型手法によるMILD燃焼モードの解明とモデル開発","第58回燃焼シンポジウム",,,,,,2020,Dec. "Jigjid Kherlen,Yuki Minamoto,Nakazawa Ryota,Inoue Nakamasa,Tanahashi Mamoru","A DNN based identifier for MILD combustion mode in an LES context","日本伝熱学会第57回日本伝熱シンポジウム",,,,,,2020,June